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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91095 hits

Komp007 introduktionskurs2 mupedforskningsomrade

Göteborgs universitet Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteten Konstnärliga fakulteten Lunds universitet Kursplan: Introduktionskurs II: Musikpedagogik som forskningsområde Kurskod: KOMP007 Nivå: Forskarnivå Kursens namn på engelska: Introductory Course II: Music education as a field of research Högskolepoäng (Credit points): 7,5 Undervisningsspråk: Svenska Förslag till denna kursplan är beslutad av Fo - 2025-03-14

Kajsa Emilsson

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: kajsa [dot] emilsson [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation School of Social Work Room number: 430 Service point: 28 WebpageKajsa Emilssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Senior lecturer Social Policy and Sustainability Profile area member LU Profile Area: Nature-based future solutionsI obtained my PhD degree in Social Work (foc - 2025-03-14

De osynliga barnen - En kvantitativ undersökning av de skånska socialtjänsternas stöd till barn som anhöriga

This study aimed to examine the interventions provided to children serving as next of kin in households affected by addiction, mental illness, and violence, along with the evidence the offered interventions have and whether children as next of kin are denied these interventions by their guardians. A quantitative method with structured interviews based on a questionnaire was utilized. The sample wa

Conditions for a European Public Sphere

A concern about the democratic legitimacy of the European Union is a frequent topic when discussing European integration. How can democratic principles be withheld when political power is delegated from the nation-state to a supranational level? Can democracy be secured beyond the nation-state? This thesis derives from a deliberative perspective, which emphasises the need for debate in democratic

Så klart att jag är feminist, men könskvotering är verkligen att gå för långt!

This bachelor’s thesis aims to problematize the debate regarding the use of quotas as a tool or strategy to create equality between women and men, and it focuses particularly on the current debate regarding the boards of companies. The thesis also addresses the debate regarding quotas in the university context. This thesis analyses the discourses against quotas for gender equity within these debat

2007cv tamar guimaraes

Tamar Guimarães Solo Exhibitions 2016 Programa Fisuras, Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain 
 2015 The Florists from Beyond the Grave, SKMU Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand, Norway 
 2014 Canoas, Pink Summer, Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy 
 2012 The Last Days of Watteau, Galeria Fortes Vilaça, São Paulo, Brasil L’au-Delà (Des Noms et Des Choses), Jeu de Paume Satellite at Maison d‘art Bernard Ant - 2025-03-14

Cv sep 2014ej

September 22, 2014 CV Erik Jönsson 830305-6710 CURRENT POSITION Post Doc Department of Human Geography, Lund University, Since January 2014 Visiting Scholar Department of Geography, University of California at Berkeley, Since September 2014 PREVIOUS ACADEMIC POSITIONS Lecturer Department of Human Geography, Lund University, Oct – Dec 2013 Visiting Student Researcher Department of Geography, Univer - 2025-03-14

Banker och Internet - särskilt om kundaktiverade betalningsinstruktioner

This thesis deals with legal issues arisen from consumer-activated payment orders, regarding credit transfers, which are initiated via the Internet under an agreement (about using Internet-services) previously entered into between the bank and the payer (or the originator). This Internet-service is in the thesis called Internet banking. More and more customers, both consumers and others, activate

Konstruktion av genus i rätten och samhället : en tvärvetenskaplig studie av svenska kvinnors rätt till jämställdhet i ett formellt jämlikt rättssystem

On the first of January 1992 the present Equal Opportunity Act came into force. A central aim of this law is to improve the conditions of women's working life. One aspect of the law is the possibility to serve as a mean of shifting the balance of power between the sexes. This is meant to be achieved through the inclusion of requirements for active measures to promote equality. As a part of their s

Personliga politiker eller professionella privatpersoner?

This paper aims to examine how party leaders in Sweden employ their Instagram platform for the purpose of self-representation. We shed light upon how party leaders combine personal and professional communication tactics to manage their image as competent leaders. In order to explore the phenomenon of self-representation in the political sphere the Instagram accounts of three party leaders whom rep