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Staff forms Links to forms related to your work, including health promotion, work environment and leave of absence. "Squeeze days" Technical and administrative staff who are covered by the flexitime agreement get a day off on ‘squeeze days’ – days between a public holiday and a weekend. See an overview of the year’s work-free days and days with reduced working hours. Glasses If you work with a co - 2025-03-14
Lovbrand eva
Web cec rapport nr 5
Newkamus blfl eng 1
Kursguide - Course Syllabus Programme Syllabus 1. IDENTIFICATION • Name of programme: Master’s Programme in Music, Recorder • Scope of programme in higher education credits: 120 • Cycle: Second • Programme code: KAMUS. Specialisation: BLFL. 2. DETAILS OF APPROVAL Syllabus approved by the Board of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts 18 October 2017. This syllabus is valid from the autumn semest - 2025-03-14
Presentation union density in a global perspective
Geor02 english
2008cv kristina kvalvik
Mall anm fusk eng210218 0
Brevmall 3 Report on a case of suspected cheating in connection with [an exam, a submitted assignment or the academic task in question] [Name], [personal identity number], [address, email], is hereby reported for suspected cheating by [e.g. plagiarism/unauthorised collaboration/use of unauthorised aids] in connection with [an exam, a submitted assignment or the academic task in question] comprisin - 2025-03-14