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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90067 hits
Earwitnesses: The effect of type of voice lineup in identification accuracy and the realism in confidence judgments
This contribution is a partial report from a study of the identification accuracy and realism in the confidence judgments of the correctness in the identification reports in two kinds of target-present voice lineup. 24 men and 54 women were asked to identify a voice that they had heard previously in a dialogue context that simulated the planning of a burglary by two males 22 and 27 years old. The
Organic acids in root exudates and soil solutions. Importance to calcicole and calcifuge behaviour of plants.
Many vascular plant species are unable to colonise calcareous sites, the floristic composition of adjacent limestone and acid silicate soils differing markedly. The inability of these 'calcifuge' species to establish themselves and grow on limestone soil appears to mainly be related to their low capacity for solubilising and absorbing phosphate and/or iron from such soils. Differences between calc
Geometric Methods for some Nonlinear Wave Equations
A number of results related to the geometric interpretation of some dispersive nonlinear wave equations are presented. It is first described how some well-known shallow water equations arise geometrically as Euler equations for the geodesic flow on the Virasoro group endowed with certain right-invariant metrics. For one of these equations?the Camassa-Holm equation?we demonstrate how geometric meth
The Victorian Governess Novel
This thesis investigates the Victorian governess novel as a specific genre. A comprehensive set of nineteenth-century governess novels has been examined in relation to contemporary non-fictional sources dealing with governess work and female education. It is argued that by sharing many characteristics regarding presentations of social situations, rhetoric, and argument with the contemporary debate
Biocatalysed redox reactions - Possibilities and limitations
The use of enzymes for synthetic applications is an area of increasing interest. Enzymes have been pointed out to be an environmentally friendly alternative to existing chemical methods, as well as making completely new synthetic routes possible. Over the last decades, much focus has been put on the enzyme group oxidoreductases, which can selectively introduce oxygen and hydrogen into molecules. T
Kortisol och loggboksstudie av personer med subjektiva miljörelaterade besvär
The System of Sources of a Globalised Labour Law
Lost in Transitions: Sustainability Strategies and Social Contexts
Corporations are increasingly asked to provide innovative solutions to address environmental and social concerns, such as persistent poverty, pollution and climate change. The paradox in this call is that within the current economic logic, most companies will continue to find working at these interfaces problematic. Some sort of tension is inevitable because of the conflicting and competing demand
Higher Education for Girls in North American College Fiction 1886-1912
Twenty years after Vassar College welcomed the first American female undergraduates in 1865, the experiences of women college students began to be fictionalized in so-called college stories. This thesis shows how higher education is presented in the novels, collections of short stories, and serialized stories for female readers published before the United States was involved in the First World Wa
Fast Optimal Three View Triangulation
We consider the problem of L2-optimal triangulation from three separate views. Triangulation is an important part of numerous computer vision systems. Under gaussian noise, minimizing the L2 norm of the reprojection error gives a statistically optimal estimate. This has been solved for two views. However, for three or more views, it is not clear how this should be done. A previously proposed, but
Från statstidning till akademitidning (1734-1809)
Operation and control of water and wastewater treatment plants
Power System Damping - Structural Aspects of Controlling Active Power
Environmental and economical aspects make it difficult to build new power lines and to reinforce existing ones. The continued growth in demand for electric power must therefore to a great extent be met by increased loading of available lines. A consequence is that power system damping is reduced, leading to a risk of poorly damped power oscillations between the generators. This thesis proposes the
Reasoning by Analogy - A Study on Analogy-Based Arguments in Law
This doctoral dissertation is a study on analogy-based arguments in law. Its overarching aim is to clarify reasoning by analogy in law. A model is proposed for analyzing and assessing arguments from analogy in law. The dissertation shows how analogy-based arguments in law proceed, what form they can be given and separates different steps involved in assessing whether such arguments establish the a
Religion in Dialogue with Late Modern Society: A Constructive Contribution to a Christian Spirituality Informed by Buddhist-Christian Encounters
In this dissertation I make a constructive contribution to a Christian spirituality for late modern religiously plural society. The words ‘a constructive contribution’ designate the methodological approach of the study. The words ‘late modern religiously plural society’ include the combination of social, political, cultural and economic factors in relation to which the question of spirituality wil
EU Competences and the Damages Directive: The Continuum Between Minimum and Full Harmonisation
This chapter examines the Damages Directive and the issue of competence allocation between the Union and the Member States, by analysing the degree of comprehensiveness and detail of the Directive as well as future perspectives of full harmonisation on EU level. It is argued that the distinction between minimumand full harmonisation is not particularly helpful. Instead, we suggest an alternative u
Kripke on Necessity : A Metaphysical Investigation
I undertake a metaphysical investigation of Saul Kripke's modern classic, Naming and Necessity (1980). The general problem of my study may be expressed as follows: What is the metaphysical justification of the validity and existence of the pertinent classes of truths, the necessary a posteriori and the contingent a priori, according to the Kripke Paradigm? My approach is meant to disclose the log