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Patrik Andersson Patrik Andersson is the Director of Music at Lund University and Head of Department for its music centre, Odeum, as well as the Conductor and Artistic Director of the Lund University Academic Orchestra. Patrik has written several textbooks on conducting orchestras: "Orkesterdirigering. Partituranalys, gestik och ledarskap", Studentlitteratur 2013, ("Orchestral conducting. Score an - 2025-03-17
11. During your stay abroad
Outgoing exchange students Register as an exchange studentOnce you have arrived at your host university, it is your responsibility to register as an exchange student in Ladok/Student Portal.Manual on how to register yourself as an exchange student (pdf, 334 kB, new window)In case of emergencyThe host university should be equipped to help you with most things – follow their instructions. In case of - 2025-03-17
Urban nature
Nature-based solutions for urban challenges Nature-based solutions (NBS) are defined to be inspired and supported by nature and have recently been proposed by practitioners and policy makers, as solutions to urban challenges such as urbanization and climate change. NBS can be parks with trees that reduce heat stress and provide recreation areas, green roofs, wetlands and ponds that hold storm wate - 2025-03-18
Links and support
Adding an event to the calendar on
The calendar on shows activities from the whole University which are intended for external visitors, such as the general public and schools. Is your department planning a popular science event – a lecture, debate or some other event which is intended for the general public? Do enter the event in Lund University’s general calendar, which is displayed on you will find informat
*Fully booked* Four climate solutions: techniques to remove carbon dioxide - CCS, CCU and CDR explained
10 April 2024 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk High greenhouse gas emissions have been a recognised problem for over a hundred years. At the same time, the phase-out of fossil fuels is slow. Today's debate highlights different ways to reach net-zero emissions targets, and discussions on ultimate solutions are loud. During Sustainability Week, we highlight four options and discuss the opportunities an
Immunity or Community? : Security in the European Union
This chapter sets out the argument that the securitization of the EU, in particular through the development of the area of freedom, security and justice, has transformed the EU project, and moved it away from a logic of community to a logical of immunity. These concepts of ‘community’ (communitas) and ‘immunity’ (immunitas) are derived from the writing of the Italian philosopher, Roberto Esposito.
Stjärnorna över Mayafolket
Mayafolket har levt i över 3000 år på Yucatánhalvön, i Mellanamerika. I det område som idag tillhör Mexico, Guatemala och Belize, lever Mayakulturen kvar. Precis som människor har gjort i alla tider, så har även Mayafolket tittat upp mot natthimlen och ställt sig frågan: vad gör vi här?I alla Mayafolkets byggnader vördades tid som någonting heligt. Redan för hundratals år sedan föreställde sig MayThe Mayans have lived in central America for over 3000 years. In a region that today belongs to Mexico, Guatemala and Belize the Mayaculture lives on. Throughout history the Mayans have observed the skies above, made up stories and legends and looked to the skies for answers.In a feast of colours and sounds, Mayan Archaeoastronomy: Observers of the Universe makes a tour of 6 Mayan temples: San Ger
Gränslös nyfikenhet
Människans nyfikenhet när det gäller vårt Universum är närmast oändlig. I tusentals år har vi tittat uppåt och undrat om himlen helt enkelt är gudarnas domän eller om det kan finns varelser där ute i oändligheten som liknar oss.I denna visning reser vi från Jorden ut genom vårt Solsystem, besöker Solen och de åtta planeter som kretsar runt den, innan vi åker vidare mot stjärnor och galaxer. GalaxeIn this show we travel from the Earth to the edge of the Universe, discovering planets, stars and galaxies along the way.
Lead free Brass: Topography Characterization
A Footnote to Scandinavian Herpetology: Gunnar Olof Hyltén-Cavallius and his Quest for the Dragon or Lindworm
Ut ur pandemin – rakt in i den digitala transformationen. Ska stadskärnans överlevnad bli en valfråga 2022?
Coronapandemin i kombination med ökad e-handel har varit ännu ett svårt slag mot svenska stadskärnor. Under 2020 och 2021 har flera stora butikskedjor valt att lämna stadskärnorna till förmån för externa handelsplatser och onlinehandel. Larmrapporterna och lösningar på problemet har varit många under 2021. Denna rapport är en analys och utvärdering av vad som sagts i media, tidigare forskning och