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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90069 hits

Characterizing the mechanical properties of skin-core structure in polymer molding process by nanoindentation

Quality of the polymer product produced by injection molding process are strongly affected by the mechanical properties of the skin-core structure formed during injection molding operation. It is desirable to know the mechanisms of the skin-core structure and the influence from process parameters and material properties to the skin-core formation in the injection molding. This paper focuses on cha

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The historical evolution of languages has been more than once influenced by the sheer influence of scholars who re-channeled some linguistic phenomena or simply consecrated aspects of colloquial usage. This happened in the history of Romanian language when the Latinist scholars cleansed the lexicon and parts of morphology of various non-Latin borrowings and derivations whereas they revived or inse

The Rise of Procedural Rule of Law in the European Union - Historical and Normative Foundations

The rule of law in the EU is not only substantive and formal, it is also procedural. From the early years of European integration until now – and this through the interpretative lens of either the terse Article 31 ECSC or the robust Article 19 TEU - the procedural rule of law has always been thriving and jolting in the case law of both the European Coal and Steal Community (ECSC) Court and the Cou

Einsteins bekräftelse

År 1919 reste astronomer söderut för att fånga en solförmörkelse och bekräfta Einsteins allmänna relativitetsteori.In 1919 astronomers journeyed south to catch a solar eclipse and to check up on Einsteins theory of general relativity.

The effects of quantifier size on the construction of discourse models

Sentences with quantified expressions involve mental representations of sets of individuals for which some property holds (the reference set), as well as of sets for which the property does not hold (the complement set). Both sets can receive discourse focus with negative quantifiers, while the reference set is strongly preferred with positive quantifiers, complement set focus however being possib

A View from Language : Growth of language in individuals and populations

The main question that this book tries to find answers to is what it is that makes language learnable. Language is one of the most complex human activities, but nearly 100% of humanity have learned a language in childhood. One answer could be that it is something in our brain that makes us learn language better than most other activities. Another answer could be that it is something in language as

Ritual Practice as Power Play or Redemptive Hegemony : The Mi’kmaq Appropriation of Catholicism

This article aims to examine the dialectic interface between the Canadian Mi’kmaq traditions and Catholicism, the latter brought into their territory by French missionaries as early as the beginning of the 17th century. Although today there have been critical voices raised by some Mi’kmaq against the Catholic church, which they see as a symbol for colonial repression, most Mi’kmaq today belong to