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Your search for "swedish" yielded 23751 hits

NanoLund and Physics Department in Kulturnatten

Published 4 October 2024 Photo: Emelie Hilner Kulturnatten (”Culture Night”) is a very popular annual event in Lund that attracts thousands of people to enjoy concerts, science-shows, arts and good food. This time NanoLund again took part in joint efforts with the Physics Department and MAX IV Laboratory to show and explain what our science is all about. One of the key events this year was a popul - 2025-03-19

IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC has been approved by governments

Published 8 October 2018 Luis Mundaca, Lead author of the IPCC Special Report and Summary for Policymakers, and Professor of Policy Analysis at the IIIEE at Lund University, comments on the report. The Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC was approved by the IPCC (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) on Saturday in Incheon, Republic of Korea. It will be a key scientific input into t - 2025-03-20

Winners of the Universitas 21 Global Ingenuity Challenge 2016

Published 14 June 2016 Team Global Lund Photo: Marianne Sandberg The winners of the Universitas 21 Global Ingenuity Challenge 2016 have been elected. Lund university was represented by Team Global Lund and won the category "Peer's Choice Award" together with Korea University, and received a special award for their contribution "Host-a-Home". The theme of this year's challenge was "Sustainable Hous - 2025-03-20

Good access to the eHealth-supported health care - parents' experiences

Published 22 August 2022 New article: Access to health care perceived by parents caring for their child at home supported by eHealth – a directed approach introducing aperture Abstract Background In recent years a variety of eHealth solutions has been introduced to enhance efficiency and to empower patients, leading to a more accessible and equitable health care system. Within pediatric care eHeal - 2024-06-25

SOPHIA aims to improve obesity treatment and change the narrative around obesity

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 3 June 2020 Lund University Diabetes Centre (LUDC) will join a new IMI project - SOPHIA - which will contribute to a more patient-centric and equitable narrative around obesity and its multiple impacts on individuals from both a social and medical perspective. The project will provide evidence-based classification of pre - 2025-03-19

Lindsey Blumell; Visiting research fellow in the field of Social Media and Human Rights

Published 24 November 2015 During the past couple of months, the Department has had the pleasure of welcoming Lindsey Blumell as a visiting research fellow. Ms. Blumell is doing her doctorate (PhD) at Texas Tech University, USA; her research focuses on the investigation of primarily NGO (Non Governmental Organisation) journalism in a digital age, international communication within the public spher - 2025-03-19

"Agora and Stampus make sure your student experience is constantly at its peak."

Published 10 November 2023 Meet Ioana-Gabriela Deneș from Romania, currently studying the Master's program i Service Managament, Tourism. Why did you choose Lund University and your programme? I was interested in Tourism programmes, so I did some research online and found this one which seemed quite interesting. I also got accepted to an Austrian university, but I decided to come to Lund, mainly b - 2025-03-19

Popular science article in Nya Synvärlden

By bodil [dot] gesslein [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Bodil Gesslein) - published 26 May 2021 Johanna Berggren and Kajsa Tenland has published a popular science article in the membership magazine "Nya Synvärlden" of the Association for Vision Rehabilitation (Föreningen för synrehabilitering),  describing how new surgical technique for eyelid tumors simplifies the process in patients with visual impa - 2025-03-19

Summary of recent visioning workshops for a joint department

Published 7 May 2024 Participants from visioning workshops in April. Image by C. Schubert At the end of April, nearly 90 members of staff from the Centre for Climate and Environmental Sciences (CEC), the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (INES), and the Department of Geology gathered to participate in joint visioning workshops. The workshops were held on two occasions with an - 2025-03-19

Solved nano mystery aiming to help achieving sustainability goals

Published 3 May 2021 “It is difficult to predict where plexcitons will contribute to the societal needs in the future. Perhaps through photocatalysis applications they will help to reach sustainable development goals as defined by the United Nations”, says Donatas Zigmantas. A research team has succeeded in uncovering the fundamental properties of plexcitons, which were previously shrouded in myst - 2025-03-19

The mobile that will save children’s lives in Malawi

Published 10 June 2013 Infant mortality in Malawi is among the highest in the world. In a new EU-funded project, researchers from Lund, Cork and Oxford will develop new mobile technology to help health care staff in the country diagnose and treat serious diseases earlier and more effectively. In rural Malawi, aid organisations’ health care staff use a disease manual called IMCI, developed by the W - 2025-03-19

New study shows that Lake Mien was formed by a meteoric impact

Published 23 March 2021 Illustration: Pixabay. Volcano or meteorite? Over the past 100 years, two different theories have been put forward to explain the formation of Lake Mien. However, researchers from Lund University can now definitively state in a new study that the lake in Småland was formed by a gigantic celestial object. It was long thought that the circular Lake Mien in southern Småland wa - 2025-03-19