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The hierarchy of Chinese grammar: A cross-sectional study of L2 Chinese within Processability Theory
Processability Theory (PT) is a well-established theoretical framework within the field of Second Language Acquisition, which describes the development of acquiring language as a process of acquiring procedural skills. The procedural skills are necessary for the learner being able to process different grammatical structures of the target language, and these are obtained by the learner through avai
Nominal phrases
ERP Implementation Case Study - Comparative Study Between Governmental and Private ERP Implementation
Implementations of ERP-systems are very expensive endeavours and are associated with a high risk of failure. However, the rewards of a successful ERP-implementation are bountiful. Successfully implemented ERP-systems increase the efficiency of internal and external processes, interdepartmental communication, integrity of organisational information and competitiveness. To analyse ERP-implementation
Breaking Linguistic boundaries : A Case Study on Teachers’ Code-switching in the SFI Classroom for Adults
Taqiyya i Sverige, en studie av begreppet taqiyya in en nutida svenska kontext.
Har du några planer? Lärares planeringsarbete för undervisning i svenska och musik
Denna studie utgår från hypotesen att det finns mer läromedel av kvalitet som utgår från Lgr11, samt vilar på vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet i svenskämnet än i musikämnet. Detta bekräftas under studiens gång. Bristen av läromedel gör att lärare ägnar mycket tid åt att skapa sitt eget material i musikämnet. Denna studie undersöker lärares tankar kring hur tillgången till läromedel i sve
Using distant supervision to build a proposition bank
Semantic role labeling has become a key module of many language processing applications. To build an unrestricted semantic role labeler, the first step is to develop a comprehensive proposition bank. However, building such a bank is a costly enterprise, which has only been achieved for a handful of languages. In this paper, we describe a technique to build proposition banks for new languages using
Female genital mutilation
Perceptions of Gender Equality in a Military Organization
Vad är problemet med etnisk boendesegregation? En poststrukturalistisk policyanalys av Stefan Löfvens (2021) och Ulf Kristerssons (2022) budgetpropositioner
Har folk blivit ett pronomen? Utvecklingen av ordet folk under perioden 1300-2013
Nursing in Times of Neoliberal Change: An Ethnographic Study of Nurses' Experiences of Work Intensification
The aim of this article is to analyze how nurses respond to and act upon neoliberal transformations of work. The article identifies and explores those transformations considered by my informants, nurses working in public sector hospital wards, as central to changing conditions of work and experiences of work intensifications. It further analyzes nurses’ responses toward these transformations and l
A life long song of resilience: in pursuit of Abraham Hagholm
The Prevalence of mRNA Related Discussions during the Post-COVID-19 Era
Undersökning av den otillfredställda psykosociala arbetsmiljön i en del av en församling inom Svenska kyrkan
I denna uppsats undersöktes den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i en del av en församling inom Svenska kyrkan. Studien genomfördes kvalitativt och datainsamlingen gjordes genom sex enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer som berörde följande sex teman; ledarskapet, arbetsorganisation/struktur, mål och uppgifter, människor och relationer, hjälpmedel i arbetet/information, belöningssystem. Studien påvisade