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Your search for "kurser svenska på avancerad nivå" yielded 14360 hits

Performance Studies - Historical Performance Practice for String Instruments

Performance Studies - Historical Performance Practice for String Instruments is a one-year advanced level university course for those who want to refine their technical and artistic skills, and want to immerse themselves in stylistic aspects of the music of the Baroque and Classical periods. Under the guidance of experienced teachers, you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge  in

Basklarinett - teknik, interpretation, solistisk repertoar och orkesterstudier

Students will learn advanced development and practice of tone formation, articulation, timbre, finger technique, special grips, and solo repertoire for the bass clarinet. The teaching consists of a mix between group lessons and individual work such as exercises and preparation.

 Teacher: Carl-Johan Stjernström ( Read more about independent courses at Malmö Acade

Biologi: Bevarandebiologi

Conservation Biology is an advanced course in Biology and in Environmental Science and focuses on the scientific foundations of conservation. An important part of the course is to provide deep knowledge about theory that is important for conservation biology, such as population dynamics in small populations and heterogeneous landscapes and conservation genetics. The course also touches upon ethica

Tillämpad beräkningsvetenskap, Miljövetenskap - Masterprogram

Avancerade beräkningar blir ett allt viktigare inslag i både forskning och näringsliv. På detta masterprogram lär du dig studera olika komplexa naturvetenskapliga processer och hur beräkningsvetenskapen kan bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen i samhället. Några exempel på aktuella infallsvinklar är inom miljö- och klimatförändringar, klimatanpassning, biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster, naturvårAdvanced computations are increasingly important in research and business. On this Master’s programme you will learn how to study complex processes within the natural sciences, and how computational science can contribute to knowledge evolution in society. Some examples of angles to focus on could be environmental and climate change, climate adaptation, biodiversity and ecosystem services, environ

Socialt arbete: Civilsamhälle, socialt arbete och välfärd

Kursens innehåll Denna kurs fokuserar på idéburna, ej vinstdrivande organisationers, roller och funktioner i samhället. Det civila samhället organiserar idag olika välfärdstjänster, utvecklar gemenskaper och har ofta en samhällskritisk röst som vill skapa förändring och innovation i våra samhällen. På kursen får du utifrån samhällsvetenskapliga teorier, empiri och begrepp analysera och problematisThis course focuses on the roles and functions idea-driven and non-profit organisations have in society. Today various welfare services and several communities are being organised and developed by civil society. They often have a socially critical voice that strives for change and innovation in our societies.   The aim of the course is to provide you with social science theories, scientific d

Biologi: Mikroskopi - Bio-Imaging

Det pågår en dramatisk utveckling av forskningsmetoder att synliggöra biologiska strukturer och fysiologiska förlopp. Utvecklingen löper parallellt med den explosionsartade utvecklingen i molekylär- och proteinbiologi (genomik och proteomik) – det är viktigt att kunna studera var i celler och organismer de identifierade generna uttrycks, var proteinerna är lokaliserade, och under vilka förhållandeThere is a dramatic development of research methods to visualize biological structures and physiological events. This development runs in parallel with the explosive development in molecular biology and protein biology (genomics and proteomics) – it is important to be able to study where, and under which conditions, the identified genes are expressed and where proteins are localized in cells and o

Biologi: Ornitologi

This is an advanced course in ecology that focuses on species identification, methodology and basic ecology about birds. The course is based on learning the basic skills about techniques for studying birds in the field (including visual identification and identification on vocalizations), as well as theoretical moments about bird morphology, physiology and ecological adaptations. More specifically

Fysik: Nanoelektronik

Nanoteknologi erbjuder bland annat möjligheter för heterogen materialintegration av transistorer vilket används för att minimera energiförbrukningen i kretsar och för att skapa programerbara minnen. Kursen bygger på kunskap från såväl Modern Elektronik som Höghastighetselektronik. Användningen av nanotrådar och nanotuber inom elektronik diskuteras ingående samt olika komponentteknologier som harNanotechnology allows for an heterogeneous materials integration of transistors which may be used to reduce the power consumption in circuit applications and for  programmable  memories. The course will use knowledge in the areas of nanotechnology and circuit design (Modern electronics and High-speed Electonics). The use of nanowires and nanotubes will be discussed and differ

Molekylärbiologi, Allmän inriktning - Masterprogram

The General Master’s Programme in Molecular Biology is aimed at students who are interested in creating their own unique education in molecular biology. You will design your personal study route together with our study advisor. You can choose among some 30 courses and compose a degree based on your interests and previous knowledge. Teaching takes place on modern premises and in laboratories with

Biologi: Biologisk miljöövervakning

The main objective of this course is that you learn to optimise time in the field in order to obtain maximum information about the conditions and status of the natural environment. Monitoring of nature is based on that the investigator knows what change is expected and can construct a programme, including collection of data and material, which can detect a particular change. You may also do a gene

GIS: Algoritmteori i GIS

The course gives thorough theoretical and practical knowledge about the most common spatial algorithms in GIS. The theory concentrates mainly about spatial concepts and algorithms (both vector and raster). In the practical part of the course, the student implements some well-known algorithms using a standard programming language. The lectures deal with the basic theory of spatial data structure

Piccolaflöjt - teknik, interpretation, solistisk repertoar och orkesterstudier

The course includes advanced development and practice of tone formation, articulation, timbre, finger technique, special grips, and Sons filés. The students will be introduced to the solo piccolo repertoire ranging from Vivaldi to Ferneyhough, as well as orchestral studies for the piccolo. The teaching consists of a mix between group lessons and individual work such as exercises and preparation.

Nationalekonomi: Avancerad offentlig ekonomi

The course provides an advanced, organised, and comprehensive discussion of theoretical and empirical research in public economics. It focuses on the relationship between the government and the market and arguments for and against government involvement. The course covers a wide range of the many critical decisions policy makers face regarding both the expenditure side and the financing of the pub


Confirmation The course syllabus was confirmed General Information Teaching languages: English Outcomes On completion of the course, the student shall show an advanced knowledge about the development and business logic of the retail trade that takes expression in horizontal integration and international establishments and product supply via different channels, demonstrate an understanding of how s - 2025-01-10

Statistik: Maskininlärning ur ett regressionsperspektiv

Maskininlärning handlar om statistiska prediktioner som förbättras genom erfarenhet; modellen lär och anpassar sig allt eftersom nya data blir tillgängliga. Exempelvis priset som en matvarubutik kan ta ut av en leverantör för en annons beror på hur bra den är på att hitta de kunder som är benägna att köpa leverantörens produkter. På samma sätt är det pris som Google kan ta ut för en annonslänk dirMachine learning refers to statistical model predictions that that improve through experience; as new data arrive, the model learns and adapts. For instance, the price that the supermarket can charge for advertisements depends critically on its ability to learn from the data which customers that are likely prospects for a particular supplier’s product. Similarly, the price that Google can charge f

Tillämpad beräkningsvetenskap, Geologi - Masterprogram

Avancerade beräkningar blir ett allt viktigare inslag i både forskning och näringsliv. På detta masterprogram lär du dig studera olika komplexa geologiska processer och hur beräkningsvetenskapen kan bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen i samhället. Några exempel på aktuella infallsvinklar är inom miljö- och klimatförändringar på olika tidsskalor, samt relaterade förändringar i djur- och växtvärlden ochAdvanced computations are increasingly important in research and business. On this Master’s programme you will learn how to study complex processes within geology, and how computational science can contribute to knowledge evolution in society. Some examples of angles to focus on could be environmental and climate change on different timescales, related changes in the animal and plant world and in

Statistik: Affärsanalys

Affärsanalys (”business analytics”) syftar på vår förmåga att samla in och använda data för att generera insikter om faktabaserat beslutsfattande. Kursen är avsedd för dig med grundläggande kunskaper i statistik, och innehållet i kursen kommer att vara av praktisk natur. Det omfattar metoder för data mining och affärsanalys och deras användning för att göra strategiska affärsbeslut. Kursen behandlAnalytics refers to our ability to collect and use data to generate insights for fact-based decision-making. The course is designed for students with a basic knowledge of statistics, and the content of the course will be of practical nature. It covers methods for data mining and business analytics and their usage in making strategic business decisions. It will concentrate on the modeling aspects o

Composition Studies - Western Art Music

Composition Studies – Western Art Music is a freestanding one year university course in composition on advanced level. You will also be studying instrumentation, electroacoustic music and other relevant subjects linked to composition and you will take part in the composition seminars. Opportunities may also arise to take part in composition projects. Read more about the programme and how to a