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Your search for "kurser svenska på avancerad nivå" yielded 14477 hits

Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectiv

Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" Published 19 April 2023 A lecture by Prof. Massimiliano Bampi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" will be held at at the Universit - 2025-03-09

Seminars:”Generalens son: Hedda Gabler ur ett queerperspektiv”

Seminars:”Generalens son: Hedda Gabler ur ett queerperspektiv” Seminars:”Generalens son: Hedda Gabler ur ett queerperspektiv” Published 23 March 2023 Henrik Johnsson presenterar ett kapitel ur en kommande Ibsenbok: ”Generalens son: Hedda Gabler ur ett queerperspektiv”, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lund, sal H205C: Litteraturvetenskapliga forskarseminariet och CSS, tisdag 28-03-2023 Kl 15:00-17:00 - 2025-03-09

New publication: Video recordings from the "Nordic Humour in the World" conference (2022)

New publication: Video recordings from the "Nordic Humour in the World" conference (2022) New publication: Video recordings from the "Nordic Humour in the World" conference (2022) Published 27 April 2023 First video recordings from the "Nordic Humour in the World" conference (2022) is now available here on CSS and on our Youtube channel Simon Critchley: On Humour  Eva Lindström & Lena Frölander-Ul - 2025-03-09

CSS Conference 2019: "Scandinavian Languages and Literatures World Wide – Prospects and Challenges"

CSS Conference 2019: "Scandinavian Languages and Literatures World Wide – Prospects and Challenges" CSS Conference 2019: "Scandinavian Languages and Literatures World Wide – Prospects and Challenges" Published 17 September 2018 Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen – Lund is proud to once again invite scholars from around the world to Lund university and to the next installment of our biannua - 2025-03-10

CSS Conference 2022: Call for proposals!

CSS Conference 2022: Call for proposals! CSS Conference 2022: Call for proposals! Published 16 November 2021 We are now finally able to present our call for proposals/abstracts to the third installation of CSS biennial international conference in Scandinavian Studies! The conference will take place in both Lund and Copenhagen, between August 24-27, 2022. The theme is "Nordic humour in the world" a - 2025-03-10

Engelska: Grundkurs (1-15) (Engelska språket)

Att studera engelska på universitetet är alltså en bra idé, oavsett om man vill ta en examen med engelska som huvudämne eller om man bara vill komplettera en annan utbildning med ett antal kurser i ämnet engelska. En grundkurs på universitetet är den första kurs du kan läsa på universitetsnivå, men eftersom den förutsätter att du har läst engelska på gymnasiet, förstår du att den är betydligt mer English level 1 is the first and most basic English course at university level. However, since English B/English 6 from Gymnasieskolan is a requirement, you can understand that the level is considerably higher than that at Gymnasieskolan, so we expect all students to be well prepared, highly motivated, and ready to work hard. The main focus of the course is on increasing proficiency and communica

Call for Papers: “Cultural Representations of the Region in Transnational Contexts, c. 1840-1940,” R

Call for Papers: “Cultural Representations of the Region in Transnational Contexts, c. 1840-1940,” Radboud University, 11-13 January 2023 Call for Papers: “Cultural Representations of the Region in Transnational Contexts, c. 1840-1940,” Radboud University, 11-13 January 2023 Published 15 June 2022 The interdisciplinary conference “Cultural Representations of the Region in Transnational Contexts, c - 2025-03-09

Call for Papers: “Cultural Representations of the Region in Transnational Contexts, c. 1840-1940,” R

Call for Papers: “Cultural Representations of the Region in Transnational Contexts, c. 1840-1940,” Radboud University, 11-13 January 2023 Call for Papers: “Cultural Representations of the Region in Transnational Contexts, c. 1840-1940,” Radboud University, 11-13 January 2023 Published 15 June 2022 The interdisciplinary conference “Cultural Representations of the Region in Transnational Contexts, c - 2025-03-10

Vacancy: Associate Professor within Ibsen Studies

Vacancy: Associate Professor within Ibsen Studies Vacancy: Associate Professor within Ibsen Studies Published 14 June 2023 A permanent Associate Professor position is available at the Centre for Ibsen Studies, University of Oslo. Apply before 01-09-2023. The position is part of the Centre for Ibsen Studies, which is world-leading in research, documentation, and dissemination of knowledge about Hen - 2025-02-26

New Publication: Nordlit Vol. 51 No. 2 (2023): Perspectives on Scandinavian Humour

New Publication: Nordlit Vol. 51 No. 2 (2023): Perspectives on Scandinavian Humour New Publication: Nordlit Vol. 51 No. 2 (2023): Perspectives on Scandinavian Humour Published 3 December 2023 The second issue of Nordlit 2023, which compiles nine articles on the theme Perspectives on Scandinavian Humour, is now available online. The articles are all developed from papers held at the conference  Nor - 2025-03-09

Vacancy: PhD Student Position in Swedish Linguistics at Ghent University (BE)

Vacancy: PhD Student Position in Swedish Linguistics at Ghent University (BE) Vacancy: PhD Student Position in Swedish Linguistics at Ghent University (BE) Published 12 November 2024 The Department of Linguistics at Ghent University is seeking a PhD student to conduct research in Swedish linguistics as part of the project "Space, Polyvalence, and Domain-Neutrality in the Organisation of Linguistic - 2025-03-09

Digitalisation and Services

I dag klarar vi oss inte utan kunskap om digitaliseringen och dess inverkan på vårt samhälle. I kursen får du en inblick i hur digitala tjänster kan utvecklas men framför allt de mer teoretiska perspektiven på digitalisering och tjänster. De mer teoretiska och kritiska perspektiven på digitalisering och tjänster kommer att kombineras med mer praktiska perspektiv. I kursens avslutande moment får duIn today's digital society, we need an understanding of digitalisation and its impact on our society. In this course you will get an insight to how digitalization affects services, how services are digitalized as well as how new services can be created through digitalisation. In this course the more theoretical and critical perspectives on digitalisation and service, will be combined with more pra

Engelska: Lexikal semantik

Description This course is obligatory for students in the master's programme in languages and linguistics specialising in English. It can also be an elective course for other students within the same programme. Students who have finished the BA course in English (ENGK01) can also take this course as a fee-standing course. The course can be an elective course within ENGX64 (English: Linguistic s

GIS: Geografiska informationssystem - avancerad kurs

This is a course for you who already have basic knowledge in GIS (Geographical Information Systems) but wish to gain deeper knowledge and understanding. You will develop your skills and ability to structure and solve complex problems in preparation for more advanced studies as well as the GIS job market. The course consists of a number of modules with advanced concepts in constructing databases

Numerisk analys: Avancerad kurs i numeriska algoritmer med Python/SciPy

Kursen behandlar: Objektorienterad programmeringsstil i beräkningsteknik. Scipy/Numpy datastrukturer. Exempel på komplexa numeriska algoritmer från olika områden inom numerisk analys. Koppling till beräkningsbibliotek i C och Fortran (Netlib). Automatiserade test i beräkningsprogrammering. Python för att styra systemprocesser. The course treats: Object-oriented programming style for scientific computing. SciPy/NumPy data structures. Examples of complex numerical algorithms from different fields within numerical analysis. Coupling to numerical libraries in C and Fortran (Netlib). Automatic tests in scientific computing. The use of Python to control system processes.

Nationalekonomi: Avancerad kurs i ekonomisk integration

Kursen behandlar både regional och multilateral integration, och den ekonomiska och institutionella kontext i vilken de äger rum. Exempel på frågor som behandlas inkluderar Världshandelsorganisationens nuvarande utmaningar, integration av ett flertal icke-tariffära handelshinder, användandet av internationella sanktioner, och effekterna av handelsintegration inom länder, exempelvis på arbetsmarknaThe course deals with both regional and multilateral economic integration, and the institutional and economic context within which they take place. Examples of issues covered include the current challenges faced by the World Trade Organization, the integration of various non-tariff barriers, the use of international sanctions, and the effects of trade integration within countries, such as on labor

Introduktion till hållbarhet

Den här kursen ger en djupgående förståelse för hållbarhet ur ett samhällsvetenskapligt perspektiv och förbereder dig på att analysera och tillämpa hållbarhetsprinciper inom tjänsteverksamheter och samhällsutveckling. Kursen består av två delar: den första introducerar kritiska samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv på hållbarhet och begreppets historiska utveckling. Den andra delen fokuserar på governaThis course provides an in-depth understanding of sustainability from a social science perspective and prepares you to analyse and apply sustainability principles in service operations and community development. The course consists of two parts: the first introduces critical social science perspectives on sustainability and the historical development of the concept. The second part focuses on gove

Naturvetenskapligt kandidatprogram, Fysik (undervisning på engelska)

Fysik handlar om de grundläggande byggstenarna i vår värld och de krafter och lagar som styr dem. Fysiker utforskar materiens egenskaper genom avancerade experiment och utvecklar modeller för att beskriva verkligheten, ofta med hjälp av detaljerade datorsimuleringar. Beroende på din inriktning kan du till exempel arbeta med att undersöka elementarpartiklar eller utveckla nya komponenter för energiPhysics is about the fundamental building blocks of our world and the forces and laws that govern them. Physicists explore the properties of matter through advanced experiments and develop models to describe reality, often with the help of detailed computer simulations. Depending on your specialization, you may for example work on investigating elementary particles or developing new components for

Engelska: Grundkurs

Studying English at university level is therefore a good idea, whether you want to take a BA in English or just want to add a semester of English to your other studies. English level 1 is the first and most basic English course at university level. However, since English B/English 6 from Gymnasieskolan is a requirement, you can understand that the level is considerably higher than that at Gym

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Position in Literary Studies at Uppsala University (SE)

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Position in Literary Studies at Uppsala University (SE) Vacancy: Postdoctoral Position in Literary Studies at Uppsala University (SE) Published 20 March 2024 The Department of Literature and Rhetoric at Uppsala University invites applicants for a full-time postdoctoral position in Literary Studies, commencing September 2024. Apply before April 2, 2024 The current position as - 2025-03-09