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Your search for "kurser svenska på avancerad nivå" yielded 14540 hits

Naturvetenskapligt kandidatprogram, Fysik (undervisning på engelska)

Fysik handlar om de grundläggande byggstenarna i vår värld och de krafter och lagar som styr dem. Fysiker utforskar materiens egenskaper genom avancerade experiment och utvecklar modeller för att beskriva verkligheten, ofta med hjälp av detaljerade datorsimuleringar. Beroende på din inriktning kan du till exempel arbeta med att undersöka elementarpartiklar eller utveckla nya komponenter för energiPhysics is about the fundamental building blocks of our world and the forces and laws that govern them. Physicists explore the properties of matter through advanced experiments and develop models to describe reality, often with the help of detailed computer simulations. Depending on your specialization, you may for example work on investigating elementary particles or developing new components for

Den eventuellt slopade revisionsplikten för små aktiebolag - en komparativ studie

Denna uppsats kommer att behandla den eventuellt slopade revisionsplikten för små aktiebolag. Uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i svensk aktiebolagsrätt men ska även aktualisera revisionsfrågan ur ett europeiskt, danskt och engelskt perspektiv. Huvudfrågan i uppsatsen är varför vi i Sverige har valt att ha kvar revisionsplikten för små aktiebolag, då vi utgör en minoritet inom EU på just revisionspli

Call for Papers: ATDS 2024 "Effects of Emigration on the Development of Scandinavia"

Call for Papers: ATDS 2024 "Effects of Emigration on the Development of Scandinavia" Call for Papers: ATDS 2024 "Effects of Emigration on the Development of Scandinavia" Published 29 March 2024 The biennial Scandinavian Studies Conference ATDS 2024 calls for papers for the workshop "Effects of Emigration on the Development of Scandinavia". The deadline for submissions is May 1st, 2024. The Scandin - 2025-02-28

Call for Papers: ATDS 2024 "Effects of Emigration on the Development of Scandinavia"

Call for Papers: ATDS 2024 "Effects of Emigration on the Development of Scandinavia" Call for Papers: ATDS 2024 "Effects of Emigration on the Development of Scandinavia" Published 29 March 2024 The biennial Scandinavian Studies Conference ATDS 2024 calls for papers for the workshop "Effects of Emigration on the Development of Scandinavia". The deadline for submissions is May 1st, 2024. The Scandin - 2025-03-09

Engelska: Grundkurs

Studying English at university level is therefore a good idea, whether you want to take a BA in English or just want to add a semester of English to your other studies. English level 1 is the first and most basic English course at university level. However, since English B/English 6 from Gymnasieskolan is a requirement, you can understand that the level is considerably higher than that at Gym

Course syllabus vmfn29 eng 0

Kursguide - Course Syllabus - VMFN29 • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by The Master's Programmes Board on 2017-09-13 to be valid from 2017-09-13, autumn semester 2018. General Information Freestanding course. The course is intended as a preparation for third cycle studies in relevant fields at faculties of medicine, science or engineering and for students with a first or second - 2025-03-09

Mess50 english 2

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by The Board of the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies on 2015-01-13 to be valid from 2015-08-30, autumn semester 2015. General Information The course constitutes a 3rd term elective (non-compulsory) course at LUMES, Lund University Master’s Programme in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science. - 2025-03-09

Kp smmr31 180611

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies on 2017-04-26 and was last revised on 2018-06-11. The revised syllabus applies from 2018-08-01, autumn semester 2018. General Information The course may not be included in a main field of study. It is included in semester 3 of the Master of Science - 2025-03-09

CSS Conference 2019: "Scandinavian Languages and Literatures World Wide – Prospects and Challenges"

CSS Conference 2019: "Scandinavian Languages and Literatures World Wide – Prospects and Challenges" CSS Conference 2019: "Scandinavian Languages and Literatures World Wide – Prospects and Challenges" Published 17 September 2018 Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen – Lund is proud to once again invite scholars from around the world to Lund university and to the next installment of our biannua - 2025-03-09

CSS Conference 2022: Call for proposals!

CSS Conference 2022: Call for proposals! CSS Conference 2022: Call for proposals! Published 16 November 2021 We are now finally able to present our call for proposals/abstracts to the third installation of CSS biennial international conference in Scandinavian Studies! The conference will take place in both Lund and Copenhagen, between August 24-27, 2022. The theme is "Nordic humour in the world" a - 2025-03-09

Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectiv

Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" Published 19 April 2023 A lecture by Prof. Massimiliano Bampi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" will be held at at the Universit - 2025-03-09

Seminars:”Generalens son: Hedda Gabler ur ett queerperspektiv”

Seminars:”Generalens son: Hedda Gabler ur ett queerperspektiv” Seminars:”Generalens son: Hedda Gabler ur ett queerperspektiv” Published 23 March 2023 Henrik Johnsson presenterar ett kapitel ur en kommande Ibsenbok: ”Generalens son: Hedda Gabler ur ett queerperspektiv”, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lund, sal H205C: Litteraturvetenskapliga forskarseminariet och CSS, tisdag 28-03-2023 Kl 15:00-17:00 - 2025-03-09

New publication: Video recordings from the "Nordic Humour in the World" conference (2022)

New publication: Video recordings from the "Nordic Humour in the World" conference (2022) New publication: Video recordings from the "Nordic Humour in the World" conference (2022) Published 27 April 2023 First video recordings from the "Nordic Humour in the World" conference (2022) is now available here on CSS and on our Youtube channel Simon Critchley: On Humour  Eva Lindström & Lena Frölander-Ul - 2025-03-09

Grekisk litteraturhistoria från antiken till tidig bysantinsk tid

Vi kommer att läsa ett urval av texter av viktiga grekiska författare – Sapfo, Homeros, Sofokles, Euripides, Herodotos, Platon, Lukianos, Plutarchos, Plotinos, och många flera. I analyserna av texterna kommer vi att jämföra antika och moderna analysteorier och undersöka den historiska kontinuiteten i bruket av exempelvis antik retorisk teori.    Kursen är obligatorisk inom masterprogramWe will read a selection of texts by famous Greek authors – Sappho, Homer, Sophocles, Euripides, Herodotus, Plato, Lucian, Plutarch, Plotinus, and many others. When analyzing the texts, we will compare ancient and modern theories of interpretation and investigate the historical continuity in the use of ancient rhetorical theory. The course is a compulsory component of the Master of Arts (120 cred

Kvartärgeologi: Maringeologi och havsmiljöförändringar

Do you want to learn more about the oceans, how they function today and how they functioned in the past? Then this course is for you. It is at advanced level and focuses initially on circulation patterns in the oceans, marine sedimentation processes and depositional environments, nutrient cycles, marine life habitats and ecosystems. Thereafter we study how the oceans devel

GIS: Pythonprogrammering i GIS

Efter introduktion och grundläggande Python-programmering lär sig studenten att programmera och visualisera såväl vektor- som rasterexempel i GIS-miljö. Olika moment, från input, via algoritmprogrammering, till debuggning tas upp i kursen. Kursens innehåll Följande moment ingår i kursen: Introduktion till Python Grundläggande Python –inbyggda datatyper samt exekveringsflöde Objektsorienterad progrAfter introduction and basic Python programming the student learns to program and visualize vector- as well as raster-based examples in a GIS environment. Many different components in Python programming, from input, via algorithm programming, to debugging, are discussed within the course. Course content The following modules are included in the course: Introduction to Python  Basic Python emb

Engelska: Deskriptiv grammatik

Students who have finished the BA course in English (ENGK03) can also take this course as a fee-standing course. The course can be an elective course within ENGX64 (English: Linguistic specialisation (91-120 credits)). This is a course where you study English grammar and how it is described in various standard grammars. This way you get a much better and deeper understanding of things you already

Nationalekonomi: Internationell makroekonomisk teori

The course covers open economy macroeconomic theory at an advanced analytical and formal level. It develops standard macroeconomic models into the framework of an open economy with intertemporal decision-making. Topics covered include various macroeconomic aspects on interetmporal decision-making including: the current account, consumption, investment, public consumption, taxes, the public

Vacancy: Associate Professor within Ibsen Studies

Vacancy: Associate Professor within Ibsen Studies Vacancy: Associate Professor within Ibsen Studies Published 14 June 2023 A permanent Associate Professor position is available at the Centre for Ibsen Studies, University of Oslo. Apply before 01-09-2023. The position is part of the Centre for Ibsen Studies, which is world-leading in research, documentation, and dissemination of knowledge about Hen - 2025-02-26