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Your search for "kurser svenska på avancerad nivå" yielded 14625 hits
Svenska Intensivvårdsregistret, SIR, har anslutits till metadataverktyget RUT
Storsatsning från Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse
Webinarieserie om juridik i befolkningsforskning (seminar series in Swedish)
Universitetslektor i hälsoekonomi (Göteborg)
Malin Parmar becomes a new member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Sten Anttila på Almedalsveckan 2018 (in English below)
Published 23 August 2018 Under Almedalsveckan anordnade FAMNA - Riskorganisationen för idéburen välfärd - en serie seminarier om ämnen såsom upphandling respektive evidens. Vid seminariet "Vad är evidens - egentligen?" som hölls 4 juli talade Sten om SBUs arbete med evidensutvärdering och satt med i efterföljande paneldiskussion.De frågor som diskuterades var följande: Hur väl stämmer den evidens - 2025-01-31
Education as a countermeasure against disinformation
Published 19 November 2024 Disinformation takes various forms, posing harmful and far-reaching effects that can erode trust in public institutions, influence elections, and jeopardise public health. The report Eduation as a countermeasure against disinformation, written by Professor Thomas Nygren, Department of Education, Uppsala University, and Professor Ullrich K H Ecker, School of Psychological - 2025-01-31
New collaboration between Lund scientists and Novo Nordisk / Nytt samarbete mellan Lundaforskare och Novo Nordisk
By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 16 May 2018 Read here about how Novo Nordisk, together with the Swedish biotech company Biolamina in Stockholm, collaborates with Malin Parmar and her close collegues Agnete Kirkeby and Anders Björklund at Lund University to develop a new stem cell based treatment for Parkinson's disease. for Lund Universit
Lunds universitets remissvar om europeiska regler för AI
Published 7 July 2021 Lunds universitet var en av de organisationer som infrastrukturdepartementet bad svara på en remiss på Europeiska kommissionens förslag till förordning om harmoniserade regler för artificiell intelligens. Remissvaret i sammanfattning Lunds universitet ser positivt på att kommissionen presenterar EU-gemensamma regler om artificiell intelligens (AI). Universitetet kan stödja f - 2025-01-31
Malin Parmar awarded a Distinguished professor grant within medicine and health
By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 30 November 2021 We are very happy and proud to announce that Malin Parmar has been awarded a 10-year Distinguished professor grant from the Swedish Research Council! The aim of the distinguished professor programme is to create conditions for the most prominent researchers to conduct long-term, ground-breaking
Marge Arkitekter will design our new campus
By nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - published 14 January 2021 Overview of Varvsstaden with our buildings marked with yellow dots. It is now decided that Marge Arkitekter will design the new artistic campus in Varvsstaden, where the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts will move in a few years. Marge Arkitekter has two teams in the project, one that will work with t - 2025-01-31
Heimo Zobernig appointed honorary doctor
Published 19 November 2020 Heimo Zobernig Heimo Zobernig, Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, has been appointed honorary doctor of Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts 2021. Since his debut in 1978, Heimo Zobernig has been one of Europe's and the world's most interesting and influential artists. In his field, he works with the equivalent of art to basic research, as he challenges our notions of - 2025-01-31
Nationella 7T MR-anläggningen får 5 Mkr från Lundbergs forskningsstiftelse!
Martin Dribe new Wallenberg Scholar
Published 26 March 2024 Martin Dribe. Archive photo from an interview about his research 2021. Photo: Louise Larsson Professor Martin Dribe is one of twelve researchers at Lund University who have been appointed Wallenberg Scholars. Martin Dribe is Professor of Economic History at LUSEM and Director of the Centre for Economic Demography. As a Wallenberg Scholar, he will focus on the long-term deve - 2025-01-31
Konferens för doktorandhandledare
Published 15 October 2018 Från negativ stress till positiv stress WINGS och Finish on Time bjuder in till en heldagskonferens för doktorandhandledare med syfte att tillhandahålla och diskutera stresshanteringsverktyg, akademiska produktivitetsverktyg och relationen mellan handledare och doktorand. Konferensen vänder sig till handledare, både nya och erfarna, och verktygen diskuteras utifrån handle - 2025-01-31
Demographer Martin Dribe is one of Lund University’s new Wallenberg Scholars
Published 26 March 2024 Martin Dribe. Archive photo from an interview about his research 2021. Photo: Louise Larsson Professor Martin Dribe is one of twelve researchers at Lund University who have been appointed Wallenberg Scholars. Martin Dribe is Professor of Economic History at Lund University School of Economics and Managment (LUSEM) and Director of the Centre for Economic Demography. As a Wal - 2025-02-01
Biomedical imaging for drug discovery/ development – opportunities for MAX IV
By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 12 October 2022 19 oktober: LINXS Workshop Today, synchrotron techniques are rarely used in the later stages of biomedical drug development. An upcoming workshop, organized within the framework of a new theme at LINXS, Integrative Pharmacology and Drug Discovery, highlights the possibilities of developing new - 2025-01-31
Ylva Hofvander Trulsson appointed Deputy Dean for Research
By nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - published 14 January 2021 The management of our faculty is being strengthened with docent and senior lecturer Ylva Hofvander Trulsson as Deputy Dean for Research. Ylva is currently responsible for educational quality at the faculty and will now alongside her previous tasks, take on the new assignment as Deputy Dean for Research. - 2025-01-31
Kurs i etikprövning (Ethical review course)
By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 24 September 2024 There is an online course provided by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (only available in Swedish at the moment). The course is described as follows:As part of the government mandate to increase knowledge about the regulations for ethical review, the Swedish Ethical Review Authority has decided to des - 2025-01-31