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Your search for "julie" yielded 5667 hits

Susanne Lundin och Rui Liu intervjuades om digital läkemedels­konsumtion i Sydsvenskan

Susanne Lundin och Rui Liu intervjuades om digital läkemedels­konsumtion i Sydsvenskan Susanne Lundin och Rui Liu intervjuades om digital läkemedels­konsumtion i Sydsvenskan Publicerad den 5 oktober 2023 "Vårdköer och skamkänslor – det är några förklaringar till att vissa hellre väljer Internet än doktorn om de är sjuka. Det visar en pågående stor forskningsstudie vid Lunds universitet. Forskarna - 2025-03-03

Thomas Kaiserfeldt medverkar med artikel i DN Debatt. ”Felaktiga uppgifter cirkulerar om slutförvare

Thomas Kaiserfeldt medverkar med artikel i DN Debatt. ”Felaktiga uppgifter cirkulerar om slutförvaret av kärnavfall” Thomas Kaiserfeldt medverkar med artikel i DN Debatt. ”Felaktiga uppgifter cirkulerar om slutförvaret av kärnavfall” Publicerad den 8 mars 2021 I debatten om slutförvar för använt kärnbränsle ger nu Kärnavfallsrådet sin syn på saken. Det stämmer inte att Mark- och miljödomstolen har - 2025-03-03

Utvärderat var det här!

Utvärderat var det här! Utvärderat var det här! Publicerad den 11 december 2013 Resultaten från UKÄ:s utvärderingar av de utbildningsområden som inbegriper vår institutions utbildningar (kandidat- och master-utbildningar) börjar nu droppa in. Först ut är de kulturvetenskapliga utbildningarna, Huvudområdet kulturvetenskap (Bokhistoria, Förlags- och bokmarknadskunskap, Intermediala studier och Kultu - 2025-03-03

”Vi vill inte användas för ’pinkwashing’” – intervju med nätverket HBTQ-LU

”Vi vill inte användas för ’pinkwashing’” – intervju med nätverket HBTQ-LU ”Vi vill inte användas för ’pinkwashing’” – intervju med nätverket HBTQ-LU Publicerad den 19 juni 2019 Mia Krokstäde som är koordinator för Centrum för Öresundsstudier intervjuas inom projektet Tellus tillsammans med tre andra medlemmar i nätverket HBTQ-LU. Läs mer om nätverket på - 2025-03-03

”Viktigt vara medveten om hur sökmotorer fungerar” blogginlägg på Omvärldsbloggen om skolans digital

”Viktigt vara medveten om hur sökmotorer fungerar” blogginlägg på Omvärldsbloggen om skolans digitalisering ”Viktigt vara medveten om hur sökmotorer fungerar” blogginlägg på Omvärldsbloggen om skolans digitalisering Publicerad den 15 juni 2017 I ett inlägg på Skolverkets Omvärldsblogg berättar frilansskribenten Stefan Pålsson om forskningsprojektet Kunskap i en digital värld och den eftermiddag om - 2025-03-03


Nyheter | Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper Alla nyheter 26 februari 2025 David Dunér ny ledamot i Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien David Dunér, professor i idé- och lärdomshistoria vid Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, har valts in som ny arbetande ledamot i Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien, den filosofisk-filologiska klassen. 20 februari 2025 Kristina Lundblad är gästredaktör för tidskriften BIBLIS Kri - 2025-03-04

t(6;9)(p22; q34)/DEK-NUP214-rearranged pediatric myeloid leukemia: an international study of 62 patients

Acute myeloid leukemia with t(6; 9)(p22; q34) is listed as a distinct entity in the 2008 World Health Organization classification, but little is known about the clinical implications of t(6; 9)-positive myeloid leukemia in children. This international multicenter study presents the clinical and genetic characteristics of 62 pediatric patients with t(6; 9)/DEKNUP214-rearranged myeloid leukemia; 54

HMGB1 binds to the rs7903146 locus in TCF7L2 in human pancreatic islets.

The intronic SNP rs7903146 in the T-cell factor 7-like 2 gene (TCF7L2) is the common genetic variant most highly associated with Type 2 diabetes known to date. The risk T-allele is located in an open chromatin region specific to human pancreatic islets of Langerhans, thereby accessible for binding of regulatory proteins. The risk T-allele locus exhibits stronger enhancer activity compared to the n

Natural variation in the parameters of innate immune cells is preferentially driven by genetic factors

The quantification and characterization of circulating immune cells provide key indicators of human health and disease. To identify the relative effects of environmental and genetic factors on variation in the parameters of innate and adaptive immune cells in homeostatic conditions, we combined standardized flow cytometry of blood leukocytes and genome-wide DNA genotyping of 1,000 healthy, unrelat

HLA genotyping in the international Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium

Background Although human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DQ and DR loci appear to confer the strongest genetic risk for type 1 diabetes, more detailed information is required for other loci within the HLA region to understand causality and stratify additional risk factors. The Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium (T1DGC) study design included high-resolution genotyping of HLA-A, B, C, DRB1, DQ, and DP loc

Nivolumab in Previously Untreated Melanoma without BRAF Mutation

BACKGROUND Nivolumab was associated with higher rates of objective response than chemotherapy in a phase 3 study involving patients with ipilimumab-refractory metastatic melanoma. The use of nivolumab in previously untreated patients with advanced melanoma has not been tested in a phase 3 controlled study. METHODS We randomly assigned 418 previously untreated patients who had metastatic melanoma w

Somatostatin secretion by Na+-dependent Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in pancreatic delta cells

Pancreatic islets are complex micro-organs consisting of at least three different cell types: glucagon-secreting alpha, insulin-producing beta and somatostatin-releasing delta cells. Somatostatin is a powerful paracrine inhibitor of insulin and glucagon secretion. In diabetes, increased somatostatinergic signalling leads to defective counter-regulatory glucagon secretion. This increases the risk o

Comparing ATN-T designation by tau PET visual reads, tau PET quantification, and CSF PTau181 across three cohorts

Purpose: To compare rates of tau biomarker positivity (T-status) per the 2018 Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Research Framework derived from [18F]flortaucipir (FTP) PET visual assessment, FTP quantification, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) phosphorylated Tau-181 (PTau181). Methods: We included 351 subjects with varying clinical diagnoses from three cohorts with available FTP PET and CSF PTau181 within 18

Targeting Aquaporin-4 Subcellular Localization to Treat Central Nervous System Edema

Swelling of the brain or spinal cord (CNS edema) affects millions of people every year. All potential pharmacological interventions have failed in clinical trials, meaning that symptom management is the only treatment option. The water channel protein aquaporin-4 (AQP4) is expressed in astrocytes and mediates water flux across the blood-brain and blood-spinal cord barriers. Here we show that AQP4

Interferon gamma constrains type 2 lymphocyte niche boundaries during mixed inflammation

Allergic immunity is orchestrated by group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) and type 2 helper T (Th2) cells prominently arrayed at epithelial- and microbial-rich barriers. However, ILC2s and Th2 cells are also present in fibroblast-rich niches within the adventitial layer of larger vessels and similar boundary structures in sterile deep tissues, and it remains unclear whether they undergo dynamic r

Associations of clinical, psychological, and sociodemographic characteristics and ecological momentary assessment completion in the 10-week Hypo-METRICS study : Hypoglycaemia MEasurements ThResholds and ImpaCtS

Introduction: Reporting of hypoglycaemia and its impact in clinical studies is often retrospective and subject to recall bias. We developed the Hypo-METRICS app to measure the daily physical, psychological, and social impact of hypoglycaemia in adults with type 1 and insulin-treated type 2 diabetes in real-time using ecological momentary assessment (EMA). To help assess its utility, we aimed to de

The impact of hypoglycaemia on daily functioning among adults with diabetes : a prospective observational study using the Hypo-METRICS app

Aims/hypothesis: The aim of this work was to examine the impact of hypoglycaemia on daily functioning among adults with type 1 diabetes or insulin-treated type 2 diabetes, using the novel Hypo-METRICS app. Methods: For 70 consecutive days, 594 adults (type 1 diabetes, n=274; type 2 diabetes, n=320) completed brief morning and evening Hypo-METRICS ‘check-ins’ about their experienced hypoglycaemia a