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Bevisprövning i våldtäktsmål - Före och efter lagändringen 1 juli 2018

On July 1st 2018 the Swedish legislation concerning rape was changed. The line between legal sexual intercourse and illegal sexual assault was moved from coercion to voluntariness. The debate prior to the amendment of the law has partly concerned how the legal process in the courts would be affected by this change. It has been pointed out that there will be difficulties regarding evidence and that

Verksamhetsutövarens ansvar för föroreningar som har skett före den 1 juli 1969

The Environmental Code (Miljöbalken) came into force 1 January 1999. Since then, there have been several legal cases that concern the operator’s liability for contaminated land. Some of these cases concern pollution that have occurred before 1 July 1969, when the Environmental Law (Miljöskyddslagen) came into force. The Environmental Code and the Promulgation Law sets out clear conditions of lia

”Denna politik ska överensstämma med Genèvekonventionen av den 28 juli 1951” - En kritisk analys av EU-domstolens praxis angående det gemensamma asylsystemet

Officiellt sett har den Europeiska Unionen (EU) en klar ambition att utveckla ett asylsystem som överensstämmer med skyldigheter enligt internationella instrument för mänskliga rättigheter. Kritiker har dock sedan mer än 20 år ifrågasatt huruvida EU:s regelverk avseende asyl och migration står i överensstämmelse med till exempel principen om non-refoulement som etableras i Genèvekonventionen av deThe European Union (EU) has officially expressed an ambition to develop a common European asylum system consistent with international human rights obligations. However, the compatibility of the EU asylum system with international human rights and with the principle of non-refoulement, established in the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951, have been questioned over the last 20 years. This study exa

Kan mjukvara vara en produkt? - en studie om tillämpningen av artikel 2 i rådets direktiv 85/374/EEG av den 25 juli 1985 om tillnärmning av medlemsstaternas lagar och andra författningar om skadeståndsansvar för produkter med säkerhetsbrister

According to Art. 2 of the Directive 85/374/EEC, a “product” includes all movables. Although not explicitly stated, it has been interpreted that intangible products are excluded from the ambit of the Directive. With new progress within the digital field and in today’s information society, software is replacing many of the functionalities of more traditional products. There has been more than thirt