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Your search for "julie" yielded 4975 hits

HMGA2 promotes long-term engraftment and myeloerythroid differentiation of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

Identification of determinants of fate choices in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is essential to improve the clinical use of HSCs and to enhance our understanding of the biology of normal and malignant hematopoiesis. Here, we show that high-mobility group AT hook 2 (HMGA2), a nonhistone chromosomal-binding protein, is highly and preferentially expressed in HSCs and in the most immature progenitor

Bayesian inference for stochastic differential equation mixed effects models of a tumour xenography study

We consider Bayesian inference for stochastic differential equation mixed effectsmodels (SDEMEMs) exemplifying tumour response to treatment and regrowth in mice. We produce an extensive study on how an SDEMEM can be fitted by using both exact inference based on pseudo-marginal Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling and approximate inference via Bayesian synthetic likelihood (BSL). We investigate a two-

Lifestyle factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis—a cross-sectional study on two Scandinavian cohorts

Introduction: The risk for cardiovascular diseases and other comorbidities increases with the number of unhealthy lifestyle factors in the general population. However, information on the combined number of unhealthy lifestyle factors in people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is scarce. Objectives: To study lifestyle factors and the association between disease impact and two or more unhealthy lifest

Assessing water permeability of aquaporins in a proteoliposome-based stopped-flow setup

Aquaporins (AQPs) are water channels embedded in the cell membrane that are critical in maintaining water homeostasis. We describe a protocol for determining the water permeation capacity of AQPs reconstituted into proteoliposomes. Using a stopped-flow setup, AQP embedded in proteoliposomes are exposed to an osmogenic gradient that triggers water flux. The consequent effects on proteoliposome size

Marine gregarine genomes reveal the breadth of apicomplexan diversity with a partially conserved glideosome machinery

Our current view of the evolutionary history, coding and adaptive capacities of Apicomplexa, protozoan parasites of a wide range of metazoan, is currently strongly biased toward species infecting humans, as data on early diverging apicomplexan lineages infecting invertebrates is extremely limited. Here, we characterized the genome of the marine eugregarine Porospora gigantea, intestinal parasite o

The impact of statins on psychological wellbeing: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Background: Cholesterol-lowering medications such as statins have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may be beneficial for treating depression and improving mood. However, evidence regarding their effects remains inconsistent, with some studies reporting links to mood disturbances. We aimed to conduct a meta-analysis to determine the impact of statins on psychological wellbeing of

Patrik Vestin

Forskningsingenjör Som forskningsingenjör och forskare delar jag min tid mellan tekniskt stöd till forskningsprojekt, undervisning och egen forskning inom olika projekt Kontaktinformation E-post: patrik [dot] vestin [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 97 59 Mobil: +46 70 689 16 08Organisation Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap Rumsnummer: 447 Hämtställe: 16 Webbpl - 2025-02-12

Arvin Khoshnood

utbildningskoordinator, föräldraledig Kontaktinformation E-post: arvin [dot] khoshnood [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 86 90Organisation Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi Hämtställe: 16 Andra roller Studievägledare (tjänstledig) Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografiPresentationFunktion: Administrativ studierektor. Programkoordinator för master - 2025-02-12

Early-stage detection of bark beetle infested spruce forest stands using Sentinel-2 data and vegetation indices

Den europeiska granbarkborren är en insekt som för många räknas till skadedjur. Den har varit ansvarig för förstörelse av över 150 miljoner m3 granskog i Europa under de senaste 50 åren. Global uppvärmning har orsakat förändringar av barkborrens utbredning då problem uppstått med stora utbrott som nu regelbundet inträffar i norra Europa på grund av varmare och utdragna sommarsäsonger. Sverige har The European spruce bark beetle is an insect that is often referred to as a pest. Responsible for the destruction of over 150 million m3 of Norwegian spruce forest in Europe over the last 50 years makes this insect one of the major disturbances to the forest industry. With global warming at large, changes of the distribution of the bark beetle have emerged with large outbreaks now regularly occurr

Gene expression signature of acquired chemoresistance in neuroblastoma cells

Drug resistance of childhood cancer neuroblastoma is a serious clinical problem. Patients with relapsed disease have a poor prognosis despite intense treatment. In the present study, we aimed to identify chemoresistance gene expression signatures in vincristine resistant neuroblastoma cells. We found that vincristine-resistant neuroblastoma cells formed larger clones and survived under reduced ser

Mars in Science Fiction and Our Perceptions of the Red Planet

Mars science fiction (SF) has interacted with Mars science ever since the advent of modern science, and has largely influenced public perceptions of the red planet and its exploration. In this chapter, it is argued that it has not only shaped numerous (mis)conceptions about the possibilities of indigenous Martian life, eventual human settlement and its challenges, but that it also has a large outr

Plasma p-tau181 and p-tau217 in discriminating PART, AD and other key neuropathologies in older adults

We examined whether plasma p-tau181 and p-tau217 are specific biomarkers of pathologically confirmed Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In particular, we investigated the utility of plasma p-tau for differentiating AD from primary age-related tauopathy (PART), as well as AD with mixed pathologies. Data came from 269 older adults who participated in the Religious Orders Study or the Rush Memory and Aging Pr

Negotiating Noise - Malaysia

15-16th January 2020 at University of Nottingham in Malaysia The subject of unwanted, unruly, or otherwise transgressive sound has proved to be fertile but problematic territory across a wide range of academic disciplines, professional practices, and creative endeavours. At one end of the scale, acousticians and sound designers aim to eliminate and control unnecessary environmental sound, working - 2025-02-11

Expeditioner och projekt

Delar av vårt material har samlats in under vetenskapliga expeditioner och projekt. Följande är värda att nämna. Böckerna finns att läsa på Biologibiblioteket.Svenska Sydafrikaexpeditionen1950-51 genomförde forskare en nästan årslång insamlingsresa till södra Afrika, med fokus på den terrestra faunan i zoologiskt okända och viktiga biotoper. Bertil Hanström initierade expeditionen och Per och Gunv - 2025-02-11

Terminsstart vår 2025

Välkommen nya och gamla studenter. Här kan du hitta det du behöver veta inför terminsstarten våren 2025. Välkommen nya studenter!The Fashion Market: Innovation and Fashion Forecasting (SESA01)The Fashion Market: Fashion Communication and Sustainability (SESA02)KandidatstudenterService ManagementÅr 1: Fortsättningskurs i Service management: Delkurs 1, Tjänstesektorns ekonomiska geografi (SEMA21)Kur - 2025-02-12


Nya managementpraktiker för en ny socio-materialitet av avfall Att frikoppla avfallsproduktion från ekonomisk tillväxt är nödvändigt för att uppnå en hållbar samhällsutveckling. En sådan frikoppling på samhällsnivå förutsätter en frikoppling på företagsnivå. Syftet med projektet Frikopplingstjänster är att förklara hur avfallsbolag kan utvecklar tjänster som hjälper industriella och kommersiella f - 2025-02-12

Isaline Demangel

Postdoc Kontaktinformation E-post: isaline [dot] demangel [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Geologiska institutionen Besöksadress: Sölvegatan 12, Lund Hämtställe: 16 WebbplatsIsaline Demangels profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportal Publikationer Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel. Filtrera efter typ AllaArtikel i tidskriftDoktorsavhandling Filtrera Insights into t - 2025-02-12