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Your search for "julie" yielded 4951 hits

Tidigare arbeten

Här kan du se vad tidigare studenter har skrivit om. Education-Talks 2022/2023 Har du gjort gehörsläxan? En kvalitativ studie om ningsmetodik kopplat till ämnet gehör. Erik Meyer, André Lindblad & Andreas Bokros  Från tanke till handling En intervjustudie om mental träning för musiker. Elsa Westberg & Marcus Sjögren  “Varenda ton vi tar är ju personlig” En intervjustudie om personligt uttryck i så - 2025-02-09

Vanliga frågor och svar om anmälan och antagning

Frågor om ansökan Hur anmäler jag mig? Anmäl dig genom att gå in på och välj de kurser och program du vill söka. Du får sedan en bekräftelse via e-post. Tänk på att rangordna rätt! Du kan bli antagen till max 45 högskolepoäng. Om du blir antagen till en utbildning, stryks du från lägre prioriterade alternativ om maxpoäng överskrids. Läs mer om hela processen – från att du anmäler dig - 2025-02-10

Kurser Biologiska Institutionen 24-25

Kurserna omfattar 15 hp om inget annat anges Obs! Listan är preliminär jan, 2024 Sommar, 2025 Period 1: 2/9 - 1/11 Period 2: 4/11- 17/1 Period 1: 20/1 - 21/3 Period 2: 24/3 - 5/6 Cell- och mikrobiologi BIOA10 Genetik och evolution BIOA11 Botanik och zoologi BIOB10 Djurs beteende BIOF08, E, läggs ner V25 BIOF03 Floristik-forts. 7,5 hp Ekologi BIOC13 Human- och zoofysiologi BIOC11 Molekylärbiologi M - 2025-02-11

Styrelsen 2023-09-27 protokoll

LUNDS UNIVERSITET Sida 1 av 5 PROTO KOLL CAMPUS HELSINGBORG Samrnantradesdatum 2023-09-27 Diarienummer STYR 2023/1873 Utveck Ii n g sen h ete n Protokoll Campus Helsingborgs styrelse Narvarande ledamoter Lena Eskilsson prorektor LU anslot via zoom 13:30, under punkt 5. Charlotta Johnsson ordforande, rektor, Campus Helsingborg Christofer Edling dekan, Samhallsvetenskapliga fakulteten Annika Olsson - 2025-02-11


JJUKY Utbildningsplan för juris kandidatprogrammet vid Lunds universitet (2001) Jur id iska fakul te tss tyre lsen Utbildningsplan för juris kandidatprogrammet vid Lunds universitet Juris kandidatprogrammet Programkod JJUKY 180 poäng (270 högskolepoäng) Ändringarna fastställda 2012-11-28 träder ikraft vårterminen 2013 Utbildningsplanen fastställd 2001-02-07 av juridiska fakultetsstyrelsen med ändr - 2025-02-11

Kgmus arkj sve

1 Utbildningsplan 1. IDENTIFIKATION • Programmets namn och inriktning: musikerutbildning, arrangering/komposition jazzinriktning. • Omfattning i högskolepoäng: 180. • Nivå: G. • Programkod: KGMUS. Inriktning: ARKJ. • Utbildningsplanen är beslutad i Konstnärliga fakultetsstyrelsen den 11 augusti 2008. Utbild­ ningsplanen träder i kraft den 11 augusti 2008. 2. PROGRAMBESKRIVNING Musikerutbildning, a - 2025-02-11

Kgmus komp sve

1 Utbildningsplan 1. IDENTIFIKATION • Programmets namn och inriktning: musikerutbildning, komposition. • Omfattning i högskolepoäng: 180. • Nivå: G. • Programkod: KGMUS. Inriktning: KOMP. • Utbildningsplanen är beslutad i Konstnärliga fakultetsstyrelsen den 11 augusti 2008. Utbild­ ningsplanen träder i kraft den 11 augusti 2008. 2. PROGRAMBESKRIVNING Musikerutbildning, komposition, syftar till att - 2025-02-11

A gluten free diet lowers NKG2D and ligand expression in BALB/c and NOD mice.

The interplay between diet and immune-parameters which could affect type 1 diabetes (T1D) pathogenesis is not sufficiently clarified. Intestinal upregulation of the activating receptor NKG2D(CD314) and its ligands is a hallmark of celiac disease (CD). However, the direct effect of gluten on NKG2D expression is not known. We studied, by FACS (lymphoid tissues) and RT-qPCR (intestine and pancreatic

Penicillin blocks human alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(1)beta(1)gamma(2S) GABA(A) channels that open spontaneously.

We used the open-channel blocker, penicillin (10 mM), as a tool to investigate if the human α1β1 or α1β1γ2S γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor channels opened in the absence of GABA. Application of penicillin to cells expressing the receptors resulted in a transient inward whole-cell current, the off-current, upon penicillin removal. The amplitude of the off-current was dependent on the d

Evidence for Dysfunction of the Nigrostriatal Pathway in the R6/1 Line of Transgenic Huntington's Disease Mice.

The present multidisciplinary study examined nigrostriatal dopamine and striatal amino acid transmission in the R6/1 line of transgenic Huntington's disease (HD) mice expressing exon 1 of the HD gene with 115 CAG repeats. Although the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons was not reduced and nigrostriatal connectivity remained intact in 16-week-old R6/1 mice, the size of tyrosine hydroxy

Danish women's experiences of the rebozo technique during labour : A qualitative explorative study

Objective The study aimed to explore women's experiences of the rebozo technique during labour. Methods This was a qualitative study based on individual telephone interviews, analysed by means of qualitative content analysis and inspired by interpretive description. 17 participants were recruited from two different-sized Danish hospitals and identified by applying a purposeful sample strategy. Res

Accelerating inference for diffusions observed with measurement error and large sample sizes using approximate Bayesian computation

In recent years, dynamical modelling has been provided with a range of breakthrough methods to perform exact Bayesian inference. However, it is often computationally unfeasible to apply exact statistical methodologies in the context of large data sets and complex models. This paper considers a nonlinear stochastic differential equation model observed with correlated measurement errors and an appli

Molecular Genetic Characterization of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with a Poor Prognosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Leukemi kännetecknas av en okontrollerad tillväxt av omogna vita blodkroppar och orsakas av förvärvade genetiska förändringar. Genetiska förändringar eller avvikelser, som är drivande i cancerutvecklingen, uppstår när normala celler delar sig. Identifiering av sådana förändringar på gen-och kromosomnivå är av stor klinisk betydelse. Behandling styrs av vilka genetiska aAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) affects individuals at all ages, with peak incidences in children 50 years. ALL is broadly categorized into B-cell precursor (BCP) and T-cell ALL with specific clinical features associated with outcome. In contrast to pediatric ALL, which has a favorable prognosis, adult ALL is associated with a much poorer outcome with less than 40% overall survival rates, decre

HIV-1 Enhancing Effect of Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Peptides Is Reduced in Human Seminal Plasma

We recently reported that HIV-1 infection can be inhibited by innate antimicrobial components of human seminal plasma (SP). Conversely, naturally occurring peptidic fragments from the SP-derived prostatic acid phosphatase ( PAP) have been reported to form amyloid fibrils called "SEVI'' and enhance HIV-1 infection in vitro. In order to understand the biological consequence of this proviral effect,

Maternal depressive symptoms have a negative impact on prenatal attachment – findings from a Swedish community sample

Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate attachment and its association to obstetric and demographic factors as well as emotional well-being using a standard measure of prenatal attachment during pregnancy. Background: The strength of the mothers’ relationship with her baby has important implications in the postnatal period, influencing the relationship she develops with her child, a

The role of women's attitudinal profiles in satisfaction with the quality of their antenatal and intrapartum care

Objective: To compare perceptions of antenatal and intrapartum care in women categorized into three profiles based on attitudes and fear. Design: Prospective longitudinal cohort study using self-report questionnaires. Profiles were constructed from responses to the Birth Attitudes Profile Scale and the Fear of Birth Scale at pregnancy weeks 18 to 20. Perception of the quality of care was measured

What are the traits of a social-ecological system : towards a framework in support of urban sustainability

To ensure that cities and urban ecosystems support human wellbeing and overall quality of life we need conceptual frameworks that can connect different scientific disciplines as well as research and practice. In this perspective, we explore the potential of a traits framework for understanding social-ecological patterns, dynamics, interactions, and tipping points in complex urban systems. To do so