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Your search for "julie" yielded 4940 hits


Fakultets- och institutionskansliet ger stöd, information och rådgivning till fakultetens och institutionens ledning och medarbetare i frågor som gäller till exempel personal, ekonomi, inköp, fakturor, anställning, externa forskningsmedel, diarieföring och arkivering, internationella frågor samt grafisk profil.Avdelningschef Helena Josefsson Kanslichef E-post: helena [dot] josefsson [at] jur [dot] - 2025-02-05

Cv jennife pettersson 2

Jennifer Pettersson Cv_2-THM                                                           Jennifer  Amaka  Pettersson     Längd:  175  cm     Ögon:  Bruna     Hår:  Svart     Sång:  Alt     Språk:  Svenska,  engelska     Speciella  färdigheter:  danskunnig  främst,  streetdance   jazz  och  balett,  akrobatik,  ridkunnig,  spelar  gitarr,   sjunger,  dialekter  västgötska.     B-­‐körkort:  Ja - 2025-02-07

Enfrågepartier och populism: En studie av representation

This paper is focused on trying to answer the questions of how local political niche parties gain representation in the municipalities of Sweden. Could a lack of representation in a specific political question lead to the political advancement of a niche party? The main theory is based on the concept of “representation gap” and “voting behavior”. This theory is being tested against two alternative

Towards a generational transformation of the role and meaning of friendship

The thesis sets out to explore the role and meaning of friendships across two age groups. This is attained by a generational interview design where the groups are separated by nearly 20 years. The thesis is motivated by an alleged seismic shift towards the importance of friendships as the nuclear family imagery is on a purported decline in ‘contemporary society’ as suggested by the academic litera

Löningshelg eller familjero

The early 20th century was the deciding moment for how Sweden and Denmark would control alcohol in the future. Sweden decided to restrict how much and when people could buy alcohol while Denmark decided to go through a more liberal approach where they only created extra taxation on liquor. The aim of this study is to explain why this difference occurred and which role interest groups played in the

Understanding the Importance of Friendship in Young Adulthood - a Biographical Framework of Understanding the Self

This study attempts to highlight the importance of friendship in young adulthood, motivated by a curiosity of a lack of sociological attention. This is done by exploring concepts of modernity including individualism and the formation of identity. Objective: The research attempts the answer the questions: 1) how can the importance of friendship in young adulthood be understood, 2) how is the emotio

Waging War on your own Democracy

This thesis studies the democratic implications of the "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission" case in the decade following 2010. The aim is to examine the complexities of campaign finance regulations in regards to issues of elite influence, corruption and transparency. The subsequent proliferation of independent expenditure committees, or Super PACs, who can spend money on camp

Will the pipelines ever blow up? A mixed methods study of attitudes towards political violence in the Swedish environmental movement

Climate and environmental activists in Sweden have never been more confrontational than now. However, despite previous research on social movements giving reason to expect a radicalisation and turn to political violence within the environmental movement, such a development has so far not occurred. This thesis examines the views and attitudes towards political violence directed at inanimate objects

EU, Sweden and Renewable Energy: A case study of Sweden’s implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive 2

In 2018, the European Union (EU) adopted a revised version of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED 2). The directive introduced new objectives for the EU’s renewable energy sector and aimed to support the provision of renewable energy in the EU. After its adoption, the directive would be implemented in each EU member state. This thesis analyzes Sweden’s implementation of the RED 2 and applies a the

NATO or Not

Using a framework for analyzing security policy consisting of a synthesis of the Multiple Streams Framework by Kingdon (2014) and Securitization theory as described by Balzacq (2010), this study aims to explain the process of Sweden’s national security policy between 2014 and 2022. Such an investigation has relevance particularly for studies of peace, security and policy processes, since it relate

They made a career with their opinions: An exploratory study of reader perception of credibility of high-status bloggers

The 21st century has developed so quickly digitally that information spreads so quickly through e-word-of-mouth. To effectively communicate, companies have to find a way to spread their own messages in a fast, unique way to entice their publics. In the fashion industry, instead of using their own websites and social media, which can be viewed as untrustworthy, many companies turn to partnerships w

Kontakt och länkar

Hantering av personuppgifter – GDPR Lunds universitet hanterar dina personuppgifter enligt gällande lagstiftning.… Kontakt: Studiekoordinator covid-symptom-study [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se Maria Gomez Professor i fysiologi vid Lunds universitet maria [dot] gomez [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se Tove Fall Professor i molekylär epidem - 2025-02-05

HARG16 Litteraturlista VT 2024

2023-11-28/PH Ins t i tu t ionen fö r handels rät t HARG16 Internationell och komparativ arbetsrätt Kurslitteratur Bogdan, Michael Komparativ rättskunskap, Norstedts Juridik AB, 2 uppl., 2003 Nyström, Birgitta EU och arbetsrätten, Norstedts Juridik AB, 6 uppl., 2021 Önnerfors Trolle, Elsa / Wenander, Henrik Att skriva rätt: goda råd för att skriva uppsats i juridik, Norstedts Juridik AB, 3 uppl., - 2025-02-07

Om Leapfrogs

Leapfrogs: Ta ditt affärsprojekt till nästa nivåFinansieringsmöjlighetLeapfrogs erbjuder en unik möjlighet till ekonomiskt stöd, speciellt utformad för att hjälpa dig att utveckla ditt affärsprojekt. Om du har kommit förbi idéstadiet och är redo att verifiera och skala upp ditt koncept, är Leapfrogs här för att hjälpa dig!Vad vi erbjuderEtt stipendium på 40 000 SEK för dedikerat arbete med ditt af - 2025-02-05