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Your search for "forskningsportal" yielded 4047 hits

Ibmj temporal dynamics of memory integration 0

Temporal dynamics of memory integration: Neurocognitive mechanisms and behavioural implications Project leaders: Dr. Inês Bramão and Prof. Mikael Johansson Episodic memory enables us to revisit the past to inform and shape current thinking and behaviour. Recent work in the cognitive neuroscience of memory has described how reactivated memories may influence the encoding of new episodes and has pro - 2025-03-01

Ec topicsforresearch

States of Consciousness and Parapsychology 1. Anomalous experiences and their association to enhanced or decreased psychological function 2. The neurophenomenology of spontaneous and induced states of consciousness. 3. Mind-wandering and related processes. 4. Dissociative processes and traits, including their relation to development and trauma. 5. The relation between hypnotizability, dissociation - 2025-03-01

Ec states of consciousness and parapsychology

States of Consciousness and Parapsychology 1. Anomalous experiences and their association to enhanced or decreased psychological function 2. The neurophenomenology of spontaneous and induced states of consciousness with people varying in hypnotizability and dissociation. 3. Mind-wandering and related processes. 4. Dissociative processes and traits, including their relation to development and traum - 2025-03-01


Centret är engagerat i att främja en stark forskningsmiljö med målet att bli en ledande institution i Europa. Centret fungerar som mötesplats för forskare vid Lunds universitet med intresse för Öst- och Sydöstasien och samarbetar i att utveckla gemensamma forskningsprojekt. Centret engagerar sig i samarbete med forskare vid andra universitet genom bland annat gemensamma forskningsprojekt och välko - 2025-02-27


Avancerad Nivå Parapsychology Supervision/avhandling in English or in Swedish in these topics: 1. Anomalous experiences/altered states, including psychedelically induced ones, and their association to enhanced or decreased psychological function 2. Negative/mixed negative near-death experiences. 3. Mind-wandering and related processes. 4. Dissociative processes and traits. 5. Attitudes towards/bel - 2025-03-01

Lantbrukares upplevelse av torkan 2018

Ett forskningsprojekt vid Lund universitet med syfte att samla in erfarenheter och åsikter från lantbrukare i södra Sverige till följd av den extrema torrperioden under 2018. Torkan under sommaren 2018 slog hårt mot skånska bönder och hästgårdar. Skördarna blev mindre än normalt och foderpriserna ökade. Under 2019 samlade två forskare vid Lunds universitet in jordbrukares erfarenheter av torkan fö - 2025-02-27

Sp doktorandprojekt03 0

Doktorandprojekt 03 Phd Project Description from Sean Perrin There is an opportunity for a PhD student to carry out research to help improve outcomes in cognitive behavioral treatments for individuals with chronic pain. The research is primarily focused on adults but may include children and adolescents. There is the possibility that the research may also involve refugees who have been tortured. T - 2025-03-01

Sp doktorandprojekt01.pdf 0

Doktorandprojekt 01 Phd Project Description from Sean Perrin There is an opportunity for one or more PhD students to carry out research in the area of child clinical psychology. The overall aims of this research are to: 1) deepen our understanding of the factors that serve to maintain emotional disorders in youth (including those with comorbid disorders like ADHD and Autism); 2) to better describe - 2025-03-01

Sp doktorandprojekt02 0

Doktorandprojekt 02 Phd Project Description from Sean Perrin There is an opportunity for a PhD student to carry out research on conditions involving recurrent pelvic pain/discomfort and emotional distress in women. Such conditions can include (but are not limited to) fibroids, pelvic-inflammatory diseases (PID), endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. The pain an - 2025-03-01