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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6910 hits

New study solves old climate mystery about ecosystems’ nutrient limitation

Published 19 February 2020 The ability of global ecosystems to absorb carbon dioxide is regulated to a large extent by the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus. With lower plant access to these nutrients, greater volumes of carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere, instead of being absorbed by forests and other ecosystems. A new study has now charted the global patterns of this nitrogen and phosphorus - 2025-03-05

New study solves old climate mystery about ecosystems’ nutrient limitation

Published 24 February 2020 The ability of global ecosystems to absorb carbon dioxide is regulated to a large extent by the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus. With lower plant access to these nutrients, greater volumes of carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere, instead of being absorbed by forests and other ecosystems. A new study has now charted the global patterns of this nitrogen and phosphorus - 2025-03-05

Copenhagen ADI Conference 2017

Published 30 December 2016 The Asian Dynamics Initiative at University of Copenhagen announces its 9th annual international ADI conference to be held 26-28 June 2017. The 2017 annual ADI conference addresses the question of ‘the Asian century’ that is yet to be fully examined. We attend to the ways in which new connected histories, flows and connections both within, and beyond, territoriality are - 2025-03-05

SASNET at Almedalen: Why India is Important to Europe

Published 15 June 2018 India is currently the fastest growing economy in the world, representing a market of 1.25 billion people, and an emerging global power. Since the late 1990s India has slowly shifted its foreign policy priorities in order to further its emergence as a prominent actor in global affairs. This shift was not easy after decades of great reluctance to act internationally. India is - 2025-03-06


Av kerstin [dot] andreasson [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (Kerstin Andreasson) - publicerad 2 oktober 2017 Information om innehåll och system sammanställt av Kerstin Andreasson. Nya e-resurserTaylor & Francis Group – ny plattform för eböcker ny plattform från Taylor & Francis kommer att ersätta CRCnetbase och Taylor & Francis eBooks. Innehåll vi haft från de gamla platt - 2025-03-05

Nyhetsbrev (mars) - E-media och vetenskaplig kommunikation

Publicerad 20 mars 2020 Öppen access på grund av Covid-19Det är många förlag som öppnar upp sin tillgång för att möta svårigheterna på grund av Covid-19. För att det inte ska bli för många utskick om dessa resurser kommer vi att samla all information i vår ämnesguide LUBsearch & Elektroniska resurser, under fliken: Öppna resurser under Covid-19. URL: - 2025-03-05

Development Research Day 2020

Published 8 October 2020 The Development Research Day is an inter-disciplinary arrangement that was initiated in order to form a meeting ground for all researchers and students at Lund University who share an interest in development issues. About Development Research Day, DRD The first DRD The event was launched in 2002 by the Department of Political Science at Lund University. Since then the resp - 2025-03-05

IV Tashkent Anticorruption Forum: Panel Discussion with Nuruipa Mukanova, Secretary General of the Anticorruption Business Council under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic

By elmurod [dot] sobirov [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Elmurod Sobirov) - published 21 October 2024 On October 16-17th, 2024 Uzbekistan hosted the IV Tashkent Anticorruption Forum to promote innovation, strengthen compliance, and foster global cooperation. The Forum was organized by the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic Uzbekistan in collaboration with European Union, the consortium led by G - 2025-03-05

Demographic changes increase the risk of natural fires

Published 30 May 2016 As demography changes, more and more people will be affected by forest fires study shows. Photo: André Bessa In many parts of the world, grass and forest fires pose a threat to animals and humans. According to a new study from Lund University in Sweden, while climate change is likely to cause more and larger fires, in the future, more and more people will become directly affe - 2025-03-05

International Scientific congress on type 1 diabetes

Published 1 June 2009 350 international top scientists are gathering in Malmö to attend the 10th international congress of the Immunology of Diabetes Society (IDS). The focus of the congress will be on how to prevent and cure type 1 diabetes. -Malmö hosting such an event underlines Lund University Diabetes Centre’s (LUDC) position at the absolute scientific front. Not least when it comes to clinic - 2025-03-05

Sun’s activity influences natural climate change

Published 22 August 2014 Sun over earth, photo: NASA A new study from Lund University has, for the first time, reconstructed solar activity during the last ice age. The study shows that the regional climate is influenced by the sun and offers opportunities to better predict future climate conditions in certain regions. Raimund Muscheler is co-author of the article and is an active researcher withi - 2025-03-05

Sun’s activity influences natural climate change

Published 22 August 2014 A new study from Lund University has, for the first time, reconstructed solar activity during the last ice age. The study shows that the regional climate is influenced by the sun and offers opportunities to better predict future climate conditions in certain regions. Raimund Muscheler is co-author of the article and is an active researcher within MERGE and BECC. For the fi - 2025-03-05

EU membership profitable for LU

Published 4 May 2014 Scholarships from the EU have also strongly favoured Lund University’s exchanges with the surrounding world. Thanks to EU scholarships, a total of close to 18 000 students, researchers and other staff have come to Lund University or travelled to countries within Europe and beyond in the past fourteen years. There has been more incoming than outgoing traffic, but in recent year - 2025-03-05

Blocks aquaporins, thereby inhibiting cancer growth

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 7 February 2024 The picture shows how a drug (orange) attaches to the aquaporin (purple), resulting in the aquaporin no longer being able to transport molecules across the cell membrane. Photo: Raminta Venskutonyte. Aquaporins are proteins that regulate the flow of water in and out of cells. These proteins have been fo - 2025-03-05

Department's research in the media

Published 3 December 2015 Recently, the media has been featuring some of the research being conducted at the department. Here are some of the articles. The world's vegetation has increasedProfessor Ben Smith has been interviewed about satellite measurements that show the earth's vegetation has increased during the last 30 years. Smith says that this is not only due to the greenhouse effect, but al - 2025-03-05

Researcher Torsten Krause comments on the fires in the Brazilian Amazon in August 2020

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 4 September 2020 Previous forest fires in the Amazon. Photo: markhillary/flickr. The official figures for forest fires in the Brazilian Amazon in August 2020 show a slight decrease from last year. But researchers at the Brazil's Space Research Institute, Inpe, warn that data may need to be corrected so much that they instead r - 2025-03-05

Chad Boda: The 9th Summer Institute in Economic Geography: reflections on self-critical disciplinary development 

Published 8 November 2018 Monastery Het Pand in Belgium, one of the locations for the Summer Institute in Economic Geography. Chad Boda recently attended the highly competitive 9th Summer School in Economic Geography. This is a brief reflection on his experience. What is the Summer Institute in Economic Geography?The Summer Institute in Economic Geography (SIEG) represents a unique approach to adv - 2025-03-06