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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6901 hits

Graduate School in Asian Studies

Published 15 December 2022 The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies at Lund University has received funding from the Swedish Research Council to establish a Graduate School in Asian Studies.  The graduate school is a collaboration with the Stockholm Center for Global Asia at Stockholm University, and the Center for Asian Studies at Stockholm School of Economics. Additional partners are the - 2025-02-27

Morsekod i Ryssland – vägen från idé till populär artikel i The Conversation

Av ellen [dot] albertsdottir [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ellen Albertsdóttir) - publicerad 2 juni 2024 I Ryssland används fortfarande morsekod, fast manualerna är sannolikt uppdaterade.Foto Chris Curry. Varför använder Ryssland fortfarande morsekod? Är värnplikt mer jämlikt? Två frågor som Tony Ingesson, biträdande universitetslektor på Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, reflekterar över - 2025-02-28

Arctic temperature analysis over a thousand years

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 9 May 2022 A research team has created a picture of historical temperatures in the Arctic, spanning over a thousand years. A new technique and a recently published database of proxy data have been used in the research, and the results are an important contribution to understanding temperature changes now and in the - 2025-02-27

Sofia Brännström - alumna with MSc in Economic Growth, Population and Development 2022

By maria [dot] johansson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Johansson) - published 18 September 2024 Sofia graduated from Lund University’s master’s program in Economic Growth, Population and Development in 2022 and has since built a career in international relations, currently working as an Adviser at the UN Headquarters in New York. In our interview, Sofia shares her journey from studies to the U - 2025-02-28

Trial lectures for the position as “Professor in policy analysis - for the transition to low-carbon and resource efficient economies”

Published 19 October 2016 26 October 2016 On 26 October, three trial lectures will take place at the IIIEE for the position as “Professor in policy analysis - for the transition to low-carbon and resource efficient economies”.As part of the recruitment process for the position as “Professor in policy analysis - for the transition to low-carbon and resource efficient economies” at the IIIEE, the Ac - 2025-02-28

Her research concerns our deepest fears

By jan [dot] olsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 7 April 2022 Ethnologist Susanne Lundin studies peoples' attitudes towards organ­ trafficking, counterfeit medicines and transplants. Photo: Kennet Ruona Ethnologist Susanne Lundin’s research is ultimately about life and death and how people relate to the inevitable. What are people willing to do to delay the end bri - 2025-02-28

Deliang Chen new Fellow in TWAS, the World Academy of Sciences

Published 4 December 2015 Deliang Chen, photo: University of Gothenburg Professor Deliang Chen has been elected Fellow of TWAS, the world academy of sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries. Professor Deliang Chen, University of Gothenburg and PI in MERGE, has been elected Fellow of TWAS, the world academy of sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries. H - 2025-02-27

New Research: Digitalizing Xianchang: Documentary Experiments on Shanghai COVID Lockdown

Published 14 February 2025 Five split screens are created to show different perspectives on the protest. Courtesy of the artists. This article offers a significant expansion of the concept of xianchang through an insightful analysis of a COVID-19 documentary. It contributes valuable perspectives on the impact of AI-generated technology in documentary filmmaking. This article explores the expanded - 2025-02-27

Talk on climate change and river disputes in South Asia

Published 2 October 2018 On Tuesday October 9 at 11-13 Professor Ashok Swain i will give a talk on climate change and river disputes in South Asia at : LUMES Josephson - Room Maathai (3rd floor). Ashok Swain is a Professor of Peace and Conflict Research, UNESCO Chair of International Water Cooperation, and the Director of Research School of International Water Cooperation at Uppsala University, Sw - 2025-02-27

Melting Arctic sea-ice affects precipitation patterns

Published 20 June 2024 Photo: Rawpixel A new international study shows that ice loss in the Arctic is leading to increased evaporation from Arctic marginal seas, such as the North Sea, and that the increased atmospheric moisture has clear consequences for precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere. It is well known from research that climate change has contributed to a doubling of temperatures in th - 2025-02-27

Deliang Chen elected Fellow in the World Academy of Sciences, TWAS

Published 30 November 2015 Deliang Chen, photo: University of Gothenburg Professor Deliang Chen has been elected Fellow of TWAS, the world academy of sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries. Professor Deliang Chen, University of Gothenburg and PI in BECC, has been elected Fellow of TWAS, the world academy of sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries. H - 2025-02-27

Gigantic database stores information about democracy worldwide

Published 10 June 2013 All over the world, thousands of experts are sitting entering information about their home countries into a huge democracy database. Soon, three quarters of the world’s countries will have been entered. “In my megalomaniac moments, I usually compare the database to the CERN particle accelerator. It will be as important a tool for political scientists as CERN is for physicist - 2025-02-27

World-renowned scholar Prof. Nancy Fraser visiting professor at LUCSUS in 2020-2021.

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (cecilia von arnold) - published 4 December 2020 For developing further research activities in line with our diversity goals, LUCSUS has secured a stimulus funding in the name of Hedda Andersson and invited world-renowned scholar Prof. Nancy Fraser for the spring term 2021.  For developing further research activities in line with diversity - 2025-02-27

How can we phase out coal power?

Published 13 February 2023 Phasing out coal for 2 °C target requires worldwide replication of most ambitious national plans despite security and fairness concerns. Ending the use of unabated coal power is a key climate change mitigation measure. However, we do not know how fast it is feasible to phase-out coal on the global scale. Historical experience of individual countries indicates feasible co - 2025-02-27

Japan through the lens of food, place and sustainability

Published 21 February 2017 Read Barry Ness, associate professor at LUCSUS’ travel reflection:Can place attachment be fostered through local food traditions? Can regional food dishes and cooking traditions in Japan be used to foster social sustainability in a steadily urbanizing and aging society?These were a few of the questions that a group from the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School in Sustai - 2025-02-27

Agricultural hotspots may move in a future climate

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 23 February 2022 High-yield food production is concentrated today in certain geographical areas, so-called "breadbaskets". But what will happen to these areas in a warmer climate? To secure food production during climate change, adapted strategies may be needed. If global warming continues, food producers may need t - 2025-02-27

Meeting President Macron: A quick chat with Sylvia Schwaag Serger

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 30 January 2024 When President Emmanuel Macron visits Studentafton on Wednesday, 31 January 2024, it is Sylvia Schwaag Serger, Professor of Economic History at LUSEM, who will moderate the conversation. As proud as we are curious, we asked her a few quick questions ahead of her exciting talk. How did it come about that you - 2025-02-27