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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6884 hits
Release of Anthology 'Feminist Activism in the Post-2010 Sinosphere'
Formas grant (The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning) for researcher Annika Pissin
Mercury emission from the “Terracotta Army” emperor Qin´s mausoleum in Xian measured by lidar
Podcast feature: Veganism in the Sino-cultural sphere
Ringmar on the contradiction between civilization and barbarism
Leaving her comfort zone for Lund University
Published 7 December 2017 Curiosity, openness and compassion are words to live by for Sylvia Schwaag Serger, who will become the new deputy vice-chancellor as of next year. She believes that we all have a civic duty to be proactive but must also be aware that we might, actually, be wrong. Sylvia Schwaag-Serger, new deputy vice-chancellor at Lund University. Sylvia Schwaag Serger currently works at - 2025-01-29
Report on Sweden’s relationship with Taiwan released
Exploring academic collaboration on trade and sustainability towards climate neutrality
Published 12 September 2023 During their visit, the delegation from Wuhan University engaged in deep academic discussions with key faculty members of LUSEM's Department of Business Law. On 22 August 2023, Department of Business Law at Lund University School of Economics and Management was visited by an academic delegation from Wuhan University. This was an insightful academic exchange of ideas and - 2025-01-29
BECC-researcher Deliang Chen guests Kinapodden to talk about the drought along the Yangtze River
MERGE-researcher Deliang Chen guests Kinapodden to talk about the drought along the Yangtze River
How fast can we stop using coal power and what does it mean for the climate?
Published 30 January 2023 A new paper by Aleh Cherp and several co-authors published in Environmental Research Letters asks what is the fastest realistic rate of global coal phase-out and what it means for the climate. The paper signals both good and bad news. The good news are that more and more countries promise to phase out coal, including poorer economies that rely more on coal, have younger - 2025-01-29
Andreas Johansson commented on the attacks in Sri Lanka
Published 21 April 2019 Director Andreas Johansson was interviewed in several media around the world about the recent attacks in Sri Lanka. Links below:TV 4Sverigesradio (Ekot, P4)TRT World Dubai Eye (Live) ToyokeizaiP3 NyheterTT (Published in, Aftonbladet, Corren, Nsd, Folkbladet, Pressen, allanyheter, Uppsala Nya Tidning, Sydsvenskan, Hallands Nyheter, Kristianstadsbladet, Blekinge Läns Tidning, - 2025-01-30
Position available as Associate or Full Professor in Asian Humanities
Published 31 October 2017 The Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at Northwestern University seeks to appoint a full-time, tenured faculty member in a field in the Asian Humanities beginning in Fall, 2018. The Department welcomes candidates who work across multiple genres and media, from classical to contemporary periods, and in any Asian languages. They are particularly interested in a sch - 2025-01-29
Smog, ozone and particles in Beijing - with BECC focus
Urban sharing in Shanghai - new report published
By li [dot] strandberg [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Li Strandberg) - published 21 March 2021 This city report is the result of a Mobile Research Lab conducted online in Shanghai during spring 2020. The Mobile Research Lab involves a combination of methods, including case studies, interviews, observations, expert panels, and in-situ field work. The report presents insights gained by the Urban Shar - 2025-01-29
Three scholars join SASNET as affiliated researchers
Published 21 January 2019 Manpreet K. Janeja, Parama Sinha Palit and Rishi Jha join SASNET as affiliated researchers. Manpreet K. Janeja holds a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from Queens’ College, University of Cambridge (U.K.), and an M.A. in Sociology from the Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University (India). Her work so far has focused on three major concerns that straddle the ‘public’ and ‘p - 2025-01-30
Call for papers: Conference on Gender and Communication, 22-23 September, 2014, Beijing
Phd student, Hui Zhao, is the recipient of the top four student papers at the ICA Conference 2017
Published 2 March 2017 Hui Zhao, Phd student at the Department has had one of her papers recognized among the top student papers of the 2017 ICA (International Communication Association) conference, PR Division. As a recipient of the top four student paper, Ms Zhao will also receive a scholarship from the ICA PR Division in the amount of $500. The paper Contextual Factors and Crisis Attribution in - 2025-01-29