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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6901 hits

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1 Submitting to Objects: Fetishism, Dissociation, and the Cultural Foundations of Capitalism This article discusses how the way humans relate to material objects is a fundamental aspect of modern capitalism. The aim is to reconnect the discourse on “fetishism”, the main thrust of which has become largely restricted to exploring personal phenomenologies of aesthetic or sensuous experience (cf. Apte - 2025-01-31

Vigilant conservatism in evaluating communicated information

Vigilant conservatism in evaluating communicated information RESEARCH ARTICLE Vigilant conservatism in evaluating communicated information Emmanuel Trouche1, Petter Johansson2,3, Lars Hall2, Hugo Mercier4* 1 Department of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, United States of America, 2 Lund University Cognitive Science, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 3 Swedish Collegium for Advance - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - STUDY PLAN 2006 SOC.doc

Microsoft Word - STUDY PLAN 2006 SOC.doc Faculty of Engineering LTH Lund has had an institute of technology for 40 years – LTH – which is now part of Lund University, constituting its Faculty of Engineering. The Faculty of Engineering LTH has more than 5,000 undergraduates studying programmes leading to various degrees. Among the 4 ½-year engineering programmes are subjects such as engineering phy - 2025-01-31

Kinn. WPSS 88. Slutversion

Kinn. WPSS 88. Slutversion Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 88 (2011), 21-50 Overt non-referential subjects and subject-verb agreement in Middle Norwegian1 Kari Kinn, University of Oslo Abstract This paper is a contribution to the long-standing debate on the relationship between subject- verb-agreement and the need for overt non-referential subjects. On the basis of new Middle Norwegian data - 2025-01-31

Framsida Sthlm

Framsida Sthlm WPSS WORKING PAPERS IN SCANDINAVIAN SYNTAX December 2023 Issue 109 Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax is an electronic publication for current articles relating to the study of Scandinavian syntax. The articles appearing herein are previously unpublished reports of ongoing research activities and may subsequently appear, revised or unrevised, in other publications. The WPSS homep - 2025-01-31

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BACKGROUND BRIEF Key International Standards and Guidelines Relating to Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change Regional Asia Programme Report - Funded by Sida Title Written by Dr Matthew Scott* 2019 *Senior researcher and head of the People on the Move thematic area, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law ( TABLE OF C - 2025-01-28

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Annual Report Humanities Lab | 2013-2014 | Lund university “[...] the Humanities Lab has emerged as a world-class facility.” (HTRQ14) 3 Annual Report 2013-2014 The period 2013-2014 has been eventful for Lund University Humanities Lab. We have expanded with an increase in users, staff, externally funded new research projects, new collaborations, courses, seminar series, a string of visiting scholar - 2025-01-31

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Excellent MSc Dissertations 2023 Media and Communication Studies, Lund University MICHAEL BOSSETTA (ED.) WITH CONTRIBUTIONS FROM: L. LEÃO ALVES, KLARA AVSEC, YUNSHAN JIANG, ANNA LEDRO & MERCY MALIKWA 1 Excellent MSc Dissertations 2023 2 3 Excellent MSc Dissertations 2023 Lund University Ed. Michael Bossetta Authors: L. Leão Alves, Klara Avsec, Yunshan Jiang, Anna Ledro & Mercy Malikwa 4 Cover phot - 2025-01-10

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LuNns UNIVERSITET Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna VERKSAMHETSPLAN OCH BUDGET FOR HUMANISTISKA OCH TEOLOGISKA FAKULTETERNA Ån zozr Lunds universitet HT-fakultetema INNEHÄ.LLS FÖRTECKNING Protokoll MBl-forhan dling 2020- I I - I 0 Fakultetsstyrelsens beslut 2020-l I -l I Budgetskrivelse EkonomiskaÍamar och uppdrag for HT-fakulteterna (bilaga 1) Fakultetsgemensam budget þilaga 2) Fördelning - 2025-01-31

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Licentiate Dissertation Structural Mechanics WAEL MOHAMED Report TV SM -3077 W A EL M O H A M ED W IN D M ILL FO U N D A TIO N S O N W EA K SO ILS - Evalu atio n o f N ew Pro p o sals fo r C o st-Effi cien t So lu tio n s WINDMILL FOUNDATIONS ON WEAK SOILS Evaluation of New Proposals for Cost-Effi cient Solutions 3077HO_1.indd 13077HO_1.indd 1 2016-11-25 15:41:342016-11-25 15:41:34 DEPARTMENT OF C - 2025-01-28

Microsoft Word - Christina_Furebring.doc

Microsoft Word - Christina_Furebring.doc 1 Expression of Ig genes Regulation of transcription and production of human antibodies Christina Furebring Department of Immunotechnology Lund University Lund, Sweden 1996 2 Expression of Ig genes Regulation of transcription and production of human antibodies Christina Furebring Department of Immunotechnology Lund University Lund, Sweden 1996 3  Christina - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - MarieTapper format-14pt.doc

Microsoft Word - MarieTapper format-14pt.doc Connectives in advanced Swedish EFL learners’ written English – preliminary results MARIE TAPPER (LUND UNIVERSITY) Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate how advanced Swedish EFL learners use connectives in argumentative essays in comparison to how American University students use them in their writing. The data were taken from the Interna - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - emt&sjılander.RTF

Microsoft Word - emt&sjılander.RTF 1 Jeanette Emt & Sverre Sjölander Utopia in Mind: An Inevitable Consequence of Human Cognition? Abstract: The dream of a better or perfect world, Utopia, seems to be inescapable for humans. We have the cognitive capacity to imagine any conceivable future. This capacity, needed for complex social interaction, hunting, and gathering, has as a byproduct given us the - 2025-01-31

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Editors: Kai Alter Merle Horne Magnus Lindgren Mikael Roll Janne von Koss Torkildsen Series Editor: Sven Strömqvist Brain Talk Discourse with and in the brain !is book appears in the Birgit Rausing Language Program Conference Series in Linguistics. Copyright: Lund University and the authors, 2009 Editors: Kai Alter, Merle Horne, Magnus Lindgren, Mikael Roll, Janne von Koss Torkildsen Editorial ass - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - Book of Abstracts - Fysisk Version .docx

Microsoft Word - Book of Abstracts - Fysisk Version .docx FILOSOFIDAGARNA 2022 The Swedish Congress of Philosophy 2022 Lund BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Edited by Robert Pál-Wallin 1 ABOUT THE CONFERENCE Filosofidagarna (The Swedish Congress of Philosophy) is a biennial philosophy conference that circulates between universities in Sweden. The 2022 conference is arranged by Lund University’s Department of Phi - 2025-01-31

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1ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Annual Report LUND UNIVERSITY HUMANITIES LAB | 2020 2 LUND UNIVERSITY HUMANITIES LAB 3ANNUAL REPORT 2020 THE DIRECTOR’S WELCOME ..........................3 THE DEAN’S INTRODUCTION..........................4 STEERING COMMITTEE AND ORGANISATION.............................................5 BRIEF FACTS..................................................6 THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC....... - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - Modeling and experimental studies of PC_ABS at large defor.

Microsoft Word - Modeling and experimental studies of PC_ABS at large defor. Division of Solid Mechanics ISRN LUTFD2/TFHF--04/5105--SE (1-80) MODELING AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF PC/ABS AT LARGE DEFORMATIONS Master’s Dissertation by Henrik Persson and Kent Ådán Supervisors Vijay Sharan, Sony Ericsson Mathias Wallin, Div. of Solid Mechanics Paul Håkansson, Div. of Solid Mechanics Matti Ristinmaa, D - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - Kombinerad CV Publ 2013 IB ongoing

Microsoft Word - Kombinerad CV Publ 2013 IB ongoing CURRICULUM VITAE OF INGAR BRINCK (last updated approx. 2015) Division of Theoretical Philosophy Department of Philosophy and Cognitive Science Lund University Lund, Sweden fax: 0046 (0)46 222 44 24 Associate member of Institut Jean Nicod, Paris (elected 2006) Institut Jean Nicod belongs to the CNRS), The Institut Jean Nicod - 2025-01-31


Halldor 66 About pronouns* Halldór Ármann Sigurðsson Lund University Abstract This essay claims that pronouns are constructed as syntactic relations rather than as discrete feature bundles or items. The discussion is set within minimalist Context-linked Grammar, where phases contain silent but active edge features, edge linkers, including speaker and hearer features. An NP is phi-computed in relat - 2025-01-31

Framsida Sthlm (kopia)

Framsida Sthlm (kopia) WPSS WORKING PAPERS IN SCANDINAVIAN SYNTAX December 2021 Issue 106 Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax is an electronic publication for current articles relating to the study of Scandinavian syntax. The articles appearing herein are previously unpublished reports of ongoing research activities and may subsequently appear, revised or unrevised, in other publications. The WP - 2025-01-31