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Brill lund online

Titel Out of Tune? Open Access and the Humanities Being the last presenter of the day is not an easy task. But I am not unhappy about it as it is symbolic for the situation of the humanities when it comes to policy making. The humanities are often an afterthought, an afterthought when we discuss open “science”, open data plans or new forms of research evaluation to name just a few random topics. W - 2025-02-11

Thesis defenses schedule 2017

2017%20LUMES%20THESIS%20SCHEDULE%2029-31%20May%20to%20discussants%20%20examiners%20%20students%20May%2017.pdf LUMES 2015-2017 Thesis Seminar Schedule Monday 29, Tuesday 30, and Wednesday 31May 2017 MONDAY 29 May 2017 in Wrangel Time 29/5 Venue Examiner Respondent Thesis Title Discussant Supervisor 8.15 - 9.15 Library Lennart Olsson Louis Eberstål We cannot love nature to death. An evaluation of th - 2025-02-11

200407. digital monies for a sust ft. phd kursplan online

200407. Digital monies for a sust ft. PhD kursplan online. Digital monies for a sustainable future Course code: EHFE016 Points: 7.5 ECTS Level PhD Program Main category of the course Doctoral School To be offered through the Research School Agenda 2030. Course coordinator Ester Barinaga, Dept. of Business Administration, LUSEM Course Faculty Ester Barinaga, Dept. of Business Administration, LUSEM - 2025-02-11

2002cv leif holmstrand

CV Leif Holmstrand SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS 130301, Konstfrämjandet / S:t Gertrud, Malmö (Sweden) 2013 Wellfare Today / Dagens Välfärd, Inkonst, Malmö (Sweden) 2013 Voyagers at Masquerade, House of Foundation, Moss (Norway) 2013 Headquarters, Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris (Sweden) 2012 Leif Holmstrand, Lars Olsen Gallery, Copenhagen (Denmark) 2012 Inside Lord Kill, Galleri Ping-Pong, Malmö (Swed - 2025-02-11

Lund University Research Magazine

Lund University Research Magazine | Themes | The digital society   Start Themes The amazing brain Sustainable future The digital society Is the world becoming a better place? Smart society Plastic Migrations Bacteria – friend or foe Work for all? The inherent power of light Det digitala samhället Africa To the last drop Our three-dimensional world Close to death Inspired by nature Nano – small thi - 2025-02-10

Hill kochigana rony 0

Running head: DIVERSITY AND DANGER 1 Diversity and Danger: Risk Communication in the Heartland Desiree Newhart Hill Anna Kochigina Md. Nazmul Kabir Rony University of Oklahoma DIVERSITY AND DANGER 2 Abstract College students and university communicators intersect in important ways during times of intense crisis. Diverse population groups, a need for risk communication, and technology dependencies - 2025-02-11

Rolf Johansson

Rolf Johansson | Department of Automatic Control Faculty of Engineering, LTH Search Department of Automatic Control LTH, Faculty of Engineering Education Research External Engagement Personnel Publications About, Contact Home  >  Rolf Johansson Denna sida på svenska This page in English Rolf Johansson Address: Prof. Rolf Johansson, Lund University, Dept Automatic Control, PO Box 118, SE-221 00 Lun - 2025-02-11


The events are described in the languages used at each event. Rättsfallsseminarium om Foxhouse-domen i Högsta domstolenOnsdagen 5 december kl. 11.00-12.15Advokatfirman Vinge, MalmöHögsta domstolen meddelade den 2 november 2023 dom i mål T 8042-21 (Foxhouse). I avgörandet behandlar Högsta domstolen förutsättningarna för vinstutdelning, återbäringsskyldighet och bristtäckningsansvar enligt aktiebola - 2025-02-09


ISAPh2022_program_2022-08-29 The 4th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2022) Program (last update: 2022-08-29) Organization: Lund University Organizing committee: Shinichiro Ishihara, Nick Kalivoda, Sara Myrberg, Mikael Roll, Frida Splendido, Mechtild Tronnier, Elisabeth Zetterholm DAY 1: Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Registration 8:00 Opening ceremony 9:00 Keynote lecture 1 MAJO - 2025-02-10

Preclinical evidence of rapid-onset antidepressant-like effect in Radix Polygalae extract

Radix Polygalae (the root of Polygala tenuifolia) is a herb widely used in traditional Asian medicine that is thought to exert a variety of neuropsychiatric effects. Radix Polygalae extract can protect against N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) neurotoxicity and induce brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression, suggesting modulatory roles at glutamatergic synapses and possible antidepressant ac


Brevmall STRATEGY 27 November 2014 Reg. no SAMV 2014/176 Vice-Chancel lor Lund University’s strategy for cooperation with Africa Approved by the vice-chancellor on 27 November 2014 A. Summary Lund University wishes to reinforce its cooperation with African universities. Internationalisation is one of the University’s prioritised strategies and increased cooperation with Africa is in line with this - 2025-02-11


Brevmall STRATEGY 27 November 2014 Reg. no SAMV 2014/176 Vice-Chancel lor Lund University’s strategy for cooperation with Africa Approved by the vice-chancellor on 27 November 2014 A. Summary Lund University wishes to reinforce its cooperation with African universities. Internationalisation is one of the University’s prioritised strategies and increased cooperation with Africa is in line with this - 2025-02-11

”Människan är ett mysterium, det ska vi vara ödmjuka inför”

”Människan är ett mysterium, det ska vi vara ödmjuka inför” ”Människan är ett mysterium, det ska vi vara ödmjuka inför” Av Sofia Hermansson - Publicerad den 18 juni 2024 I nyutgivna ”Hela människor” har Cecilia Riving, docent i historia, fördjupat sig i mötet mellan patient och behandlare under perioden sent 1700-tal till 1924, en viktig och avgörande tid som format och påverkat den vård och syn p - 2025-02-10

Kunskapsförmedlande journalister och framstående dansk historiker blir hedersdoktorer vid Humanistis

Kunskapsförmedlande journalister och framstående dansk historiker blir hedersdoktorer vid Humanistiska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet Kunskapsförmedlande journalister och framstående dansk historiker blir hedersdoktorer vid Humanistiska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet Publicerad den 27 november 2019 Humanistiska fakultetens hedersdoktorer 2020 – Thomas Lunderquist (foto:Martin Magntorn), Lars M - 2025-02-11

Sovjetisk krigserfarenhet – Ukrainas oväntade vapen

Sovjetisk krigserfarenhet – Ukrainas oväntade vapen Sovjetisk krigserfarenhet – Ukrainas oväntade vapen Av Sanna Trygg - Publicerad den 20 december 2022 Många ukrainare har tillgång till en datja (lantställe), ett arv från sovjettiden. ”Skulle ryssarna slå ut all ström och el kan det gå att överleva i sin sommarstuga”. Det säger Per Anders Rudling. Foto: Ilya Makarov. Källarna är fyllda och nästan - 2025-02-11

Presentationer / Presentations

Allmänna presentationer / Presentations to the general publicPatrik Zapata, Panel discussion "What is responsible consumption?" 28/2 2019. Panelists Ulrika Holmberg, senior lecturer in Marketing at the Department of Business administration and Co-director of Centre for Consumer Science at Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet, Patrik Zapata, Professor at Förvaltningshögskolan vid Göteborgs un - 2025-02-10

No title

The Sky is The Limit Stockholm Furniture Fair 06.02.2024-10.02.2024 School of Architecture Lund University Under hösten 2023 har tvåorna på Arkitektutbildningen i Lund studerat en kurs i gestaltningsprocess och prototyp. I två månaders tid har varje grupp formgivit en möbel och ett klädesplagg för årets tema The Sky is the Limit. Denna katalog är en översikt över samtliga projekt. Projekt 1-13 stä - 2025-02-11

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Lubyanka- IIIrd Floor. Memoirs of the KGB-chairman Vladimir Semichastny This book (published in Czech language in 1998) gives the reader a chance to follow the development of those times as seen by one of the most powerful men of his days - the highest predecessor of the Commitee for State Security at the Council of Ministers of the USSR (better known under the abbreviation KGB). Considering his

Acupuncture for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in neonates

Background: Peripartum asphyxia affects three to five per 1000 live births, with moderate or severe hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) occurring in 0.5 to 1 per 1000 live births, and is associated with high mortality and morbidity. Therapeutic hypothermia is an effective treatment, but alternative therapies such as acupuncture are also used. Objectives: To determine the benefits and harms of ac

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Peritoneal dialysis (PD) uses the peritoneal membrane for dialysis. The peritoneal membrane is a thin layer of tissue that lines the abdomen. The lining is used as a filter to help remove extra fluid and poisonous waste from the blood. Everybody is unique. What is normal for one person’s membrane may be very different from another person’s. The kidney care team wants to provide each person with th