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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6907 hits

Human Rights Festival, Lund, 6-7 December

Human Rights Festival, Lund, 6-7 December Human Rights Festival, Lund, 6-7 December Av Sofia Hermansson - Publicerad den 20 november 2024 Träffa Profilområdet för mänskliga rättigheter på Human Rights Festival i Lund den 7 December! The Profile Area Human Rights and the Division of Human Rights Studies will be present with a booth where you can meet researchers and have a coffee while you can ask - 2025-02-11

New publication on civil society leadership in Southeast Asia

New publication on civil society leadership in Southeast Asia New publication on civil society leadership in Southeast Asia Publicerad den 24 februari 2023 Astrid Norén-Nilsson has published a chapter on civil society leadership in the Routledge Handbook of Civil and Uncivil Society in Southeast Asia. The chapter examines how civil society leadership has been addressed in key debates on civil soci - 2025-02-12

Pharmacological characterization of a novel investigational antimuscarinic drug, fesoterodine, in vitro and in vivo.

OBJECTIVE To investigate the primary pharmacology of fesoterodine (a novel antimuscarinic drug developed for treating overactive bladder) and SPM 7605 (its active metabolite, considered to be the main pharmacologically active principle of fesoterodine in man) against human muscarinic receptor subtypes, and to investigate in vitro and in vivo functional activity of these agents on the rat bladder c

Carbonate Ions and Gastric Cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nästan en miljon nya fall av magsäckscancer diagnostiseras årligen världen över. Även om frekvensen har fallit dramatiskt de senaste åren så är magsäckscancern fortfarande den näst vanligaste orsaken till död i cancer sett ur ett världsperspektiv. Den geografiska variationen av denna cancertyp är anmärkningsvärd med den högsta förekomsten i asiatiska länder såsom Japan,

Epidemiology of stroke in an urban population - aspects of time, place and person

Popular Abstract in Swedish Epidemiologi är den vetenskap som studerar sjukdomars förekomst och spridning och hur detta varierar över tiden, mellan geografiska områden och mellan grupper av individer definierade i olika termer. I Malmö finns det mycket goda möjligheter att göra epidemiologiska studier av slaganfall (stroke). Dels finns ett register som följt strokeinsjuknandet sedan 1989. Dels harThe present thesis explored the epidemiology of stroke in Malmö, Sweden, an urban population of approximately 250000 inhabitants. Incidence of stroke in Malmö has been monitored since 1989. The National census investigation in 1990 was used to get information about the background population in the city. Previous studies of the seasonal and weekday variations in incidence of stroke have shown inco

Aesthetics of Resistance : An investigation into the performative politics of contemporary activism – as seen in 5 events in Scandinavia and beyond

This Ph.D. submission deals with contemporary demonstration culture and political activism, seen as performance through performance. It consists of both a practical and a theoretical part. These are intertwined on various levels of the project. My submission, however, is made up of the two following parts: 1: A textual part, divided into 8 parts. Each part contains a script, an analysis and a nu

New lecture series!

New lecture series! New lecture series! Publicerad den 17 augusti 2023 The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies warmly welcomes you to the Perspective Asia Lecture Series, a platform for scholars and experts from various fields to share their critical insights on the issues, emerging trends, and historical interconnections in the dynamic East and Southeast Asian region. From land issues to - 2025-02-12

Qmod 2008 final program

Microsoft Word - QMOD 2008 Final Program.doc 11th QMOD Conference Quality Management and Organizational Development Attaining Sustainability From Organizational Excellence to SustainAble Excellence 20-22 August, 2008 Final Program Lunds University & Linköping University Welcome Addresses from Chairmen It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 11th QMOD conference. During the - 2025-02-12

SIMP38 FINAL 211119

SIMP38 FINAL 211119 1 Version 1.0 – January 2022 GRADUATE SCHOOL PROFILE COURSES SIMP38 Historical Aspects of Development SPRING 2022 2 1. WELCOME SIMP38 HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT Contact info Graduate School e-mail: Home page: Facebook: Student Union Home page: Lund University Home page: http://lunduniversit - 2025-02-12

Qmod 2010 final program

Microsoft Word - Kopie von QMOD 2010 Final Program.doc 13th QMOD Conference 31st August – 1st September, 2010 Cottbus, Germany LearnAbility, InnovAbility and SustainAbility Preliminary Program Jointly organized by: Lund University, Linköping University & Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus Welcome Address from the Chairmen It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 13th QMOD conferenc - 2025-02-12

Precambrian mafic dyke swarms in the Singhbhum craton (eastern India) and their links with dyke swarms of the eastern Dharwar craton (southern India)

Based on trend, cross-cutting relationships and U-Pb dating, Precambrian mafic dykes in the Singhbhum craton, earlier collectively identified as ‘Newer Dolerite Swarm’ have been separated into seven distinct swarms, which are thought to be the plumbing systems for Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs). These Singhbhum swarms range in age from ∼2.80 Ga to ∼1.76 Ga, and include the ∼2.80 Ga NE-SW trending

Investigation of possible approaches for consequential electricity markets in ecoinvent

Version 3 av ecoinvent är den första databasen att erbjuda möjligheten att koppla samman livscykelinventeringar (LCI) utefter olika länkningsalgoritmer. Genom dessa länkningsalgoritmer tar ecoinvent nu fram bakgrundslivscykelinventeringar med både medeldata och långsiktig marginaldata (t.ex. över elmarknader i olika länder). Idealt sett representerar långsiktig marginaldata över elmarknader den ytVersion 3 of the ecoinvent database is the first background database to offer the possibility to link life cycle inventories (LCI) according to different linking algorithms. Using those algorithms, ecoinvent now provides both average and long-term, marginal background LCI data, (e.g. for electricity markets for different countries). Long-term, marginal data for electricity markets ideally represen

Comparison of Different Methods for Spatial Downscaling of GPM IMERG V06B Satellite Precipitation Product Over a Typical Arid to Semi-Arid Area

Spatial downscaling is an effective way to obtain precipitation with sufficient spatial details. The performance of downscaling is typically determined by the empirical statistical relationships between precipitation and the used auxiliary variables. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive comparison of five empirical statistical methods for spatial downscaling of GPM IMERG V06B monthly and an

Spatial representativeness and uncertainty of eddy covariance carbon flux measurements for upscaling net ecosystem productivity to the grid scale

Eddy covariance (EC) measurements are often used to validate net ecosystem productivity (NEP) estimated from satellite remote sensing data and biogeochemical models. However, EC measurements represent an integrated flux over their footprint area, which usually differs from respective model grids or remote sensing pixels. Quantifying the uncertainties of scale mismatch associated with gridded flux

Re-positive Cases of Nucleic Acid Tests in Discharged Patients With COVID-19 : A Follow-Up Study

Background: The frequent emergence of the re-positive patients with COVID-19 is a potential threat worldwide. This study aimed to describe data from admission to follow-up for patients with COVID-19 and analyze the possible causes for re-positive nucleic acid tests to provide more scientific basis for reducing the numbers of re-positive patients after discharge. Methods: We retrospectively recorde

Drug therapy versus placebo or usual care for comatose survivors of cardiac arrest; a systematic review with meta-analysis

Background: In Europe, approximately 291,000 cardiac arrests occur annually. Despite critical care therapy, hospital mortality remains high. This systematic review assessed whether, in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest, any drug therapy, compared to placebo or usual care, improves outcomes. Methods: We searched Medline, EMBASE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and The Interna

Uncertainty Modelling in Hydrological Applications - Error Propagation Properties of Random Linear Systems

In hydrological models for water resources management and planning, the model output or design quantities are functions of the input data and a number of parameters that are essentially stochastic processes or random variables. The task of uncertainty analysis is to estimate the uncertainty characteristics of the model output in terms of the uncertainties in the input, model parameters and initial

Get consumers walk into the sustainability talk : an analysis of consumers' sustainability perception via business’s sustainable practice, focusing on a case study from IKEA

As more and more companies are realizing the importance to integrate sustainability with their economic prosperity development, Triple Bottom Line functions as companies' Polaris to guide them to incorporate "People, Planet" considerations into their "Profit" seeking goal. Corporate social responsibility initiatives are adopted by many companies. Among them, Cause Related M