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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6964 hits

COSB45 Social Movements in East and South-East Asia Literature List.docx

COSB45 Social Movements in East and South-East Asia Literature List.docx COSB45: Social Movements in East and South-East Asia Literature List Literature Introduction COSB45 is a first-cycle elective course offered by the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies and open to general enrolment. The course is a distance course, which provides a thorough overview of a comprehensive overview of soci - 2025-02-09

LL SMMX14 eng Autumn21 rev210518

Reading list for Introduction to Supply Chain Management (SMMX14), 7.5 credits. The reading list is approved by the Board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies 2021-04-14, revised 2021-05-18. The reading list is valid from 2021-08-30. Aviv, Yossi. (2001). The Effect of Collaborative Forecasting on Supply Chain Performance. Management Science , 47(10), pp.1326-1343. Doi: 10.10 - 2025-02-09

LL SMMX14 eng Autumn21 210414

LL_SMMX14_eng_Autumn21_210414 Reading list for Introduction to Supply Chain Management (SMMX14), 7.5 credits. The reading list is approved by the Board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies 2021-04-14. The reading list is valid from 2021-08-30. Aviv, Yossi. (2001). The Effect of Collaborative Forecasting on Supply Chain Performance. Management Science, 47(10), pp.1326-1343. D - 2025-02-09

LL SMMX14 eng Autumn21 rev210518

LL_SMMX14_eng_Autumn21_rev210518 Reading list for Introduction to Supply Chain Management (SMMX14), 7.5 credits. The reading list is approved by the Board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies 2021-04-14, revised 2021-05-18. The reading list is valid from 2021-08-30. Aviv, Yossi. (2001). The Effect of Collaborative Forecasting on Supply Chain Performance. Management Science, - 2025-02-09

Work plan 2020

The Centre for East and South- East Asian Studies Work Plan 2020 LUND UNIVERSITY | CENTRE FOR EAST AND SOUTH-EAST ASIAN STUDIES 2 CENTRE FOR EAST AND SOUTH-EAST ASIAN STUDIES WORK PLAN • 2020 2020 Work Plan for the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies GENERAL INTRODUCTION During the year the Centre will continue to focus on adapting to its new organizational role within the Faculties of Hu - 2025-02-09

Cohorts: Exposure-based

DrugsThe Swedish Prescribed Drugs and Health Cohort (SPREDH). (BMJ Open. 2019 Jan 28;9(1):e023155.)Occupation and workPUMA - pooled uranium miners analysis: cohort profile. (Occup Environ Med. 2020 mar;77 (3):194-200.)Firefighter Research on the Enhancement of Safety and Health (FRESH), a Prospective Cohort Study on Korean Firefighters. (Yonsei Med J. 2020 Jan;61(1):103-109.)The Danish Work Life C - 2025-02-09

Paul O'Shea

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: paul [dot] oshea [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 30 05Organisation Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University Service point: 61 WebpagePaul O'Sheas profile in Lund University research portalI completed a joint Ph.D. at the University of Sheffield and Tohoku University, Japan, in 2012. After this I moved to Scandinavia, and have - 2025-02-10

Berättelser om arbete, arbetare och arbetarrörelse

Berättelser om arbete, arbetare och arbetarrörelse Berättelser om arbete, arbetare och arbetarrörelse Publicerad den 6 september 2017 Ny antologi om arbetarhistoria Emma Hilborn är en av redaktörerna för en ny bok från Centrum för Arbetarhistoria: "Berättelser om arbete, arbetare och arbetarrörelse", red. Johan A. Lundin & Emma Hilborn, (Skrifter från Centrum för Arbetarhistoria 8, Landskrona, 201 - 2025-02-10

Centrum för kunskapshistoria får egen hemsida

Centrum för kunskapshistoria får egen hemsida Centrum för kunskapshistoria får egen hemsida Publicerad den 9 februari 2021 Centrum för kunskapshistoria (LUCK) invigdes i mars 2020 och är en del av Historiska institutionen. LUCK har fått en ny hemsida där du hittar information om verksamheten och de affilierade forskarna. LUCKs hemsida hittar du här: . Vill du även följa vår friståen - 2025-02-10

"En förtjänstfull insats inom ämnet historia"

"En förtjänstfull insats inom ämnet historia" "En förtjänstfull insats inom ämnet historia" Publicerad den 27 november 2023 Karl Haikola och Kristoffer Edelgaard Christensen, som disputerat inom historieämnet under året, har tilldelats 2023 års stipendium från Hans Idéns minnesfond för sina respektive avhandlingar. Karl Haikola och Kristoffer Edelgaard Christensen har tilldelats 2023 års stipendiu - 2025-02-10

Jubileumsbok: Beredd till bådadera. Lunds universitet och omvärlden

Jubileumsbok: Beredd till bådadera. Lunds universitet och omvärlden Jubileumsbok: Beredd till bådadera. Lunds universitet och omvärlden Publicerad den 14 mars 2017 Nu finns en mer forskningsinriktad antologi om Lunds universitets historia i tryck. Denna fokuserar på samspelet mellan universitetet och omvärlden under de senaste senaste femtio åren. Johan Östling bidrar till boken, och hans kapitel - 2025-02-10

Nya docenter

Nya docenter Nya docenter Publicerad den 7 oktober 2014 Två historiker har antagits som oavlönade docenter vid Lunds universitet. Ulrika Holgersson disputerade 2005 på avhandlingen "Populärkulturen och klassamhället. Arbete, klass och genus i svensk dampress i början av 1900-talet". Köp boken här. Jan Selling disputerade 2004 på avhandlingen "Ur det förflutnas sku - 2025-02-10

"Tullkontrollörens resa - en skruvad historia som låg gömd i arkiven"

"Tullkontrollörens resa - en skruvad historia som låg gömd i arkiven" "Tullkontrollörens resa - en skruvad historia som låg gömd i arkiven" Publicerad den 31 augusti 2023 Vår historiker Cecilia Riving medverkar i Vetenskapsradion Forskarliv om Tullkontrollörens resa, om psykiatrisk vård i första klass och läkarens roll innan det fanns medicinsk behandling. Lyssna till hela programmet på Sveriges R - 2025-02-10

Sara Brogaard

Senior Lecturer Contact details Email: sara [dot] brogaard [at] LUCSUS [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 05 13Organisation LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies) Visiting address: Josephson, Biskopsgatan 5, Lund Room number: Josephson, 218 Service point: 59 WebpageSara Brogaards profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher MECW: The Middle East in t - 2025-02-10

Saving the Environment by Being “Green” with Fintech: The contradictions between environmentalism and reality in the case of Ant Forest

The conflict between climate and economic development is one of the most significant dilemmas of this era. Under the prevalent discourse of sustainable development and green economy, many believe that environmental problems can be addressed through market-based approaches under the current capitalist economic regime (Waters, 2008). The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the case of Ant Forest,

Understanding the “Phoenix Man” on the Internet : Tianya Online Forum and Sina Weibo as Examples

The term “phoenix man” is often used by the Internet users to describe the man who grew up in the rural areas but later studied or worked in the cities. The purpose of this research is to analyze how the “phoenix man” is understood by the online public and what social facts or implications reflected by this term. The research employs a combination of quantitative and qualitative method: online obs