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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6964 hits
The Comparative Study on Corporate Governance between Mainland China and Hong Kong
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Femvertising as a resource of meaning-making and identity negotiation – A consumer cultural perspective
There is a tendency for organizations to draw on social and political issues to make brands relevant to consumers, among which the appropriation of women empowerment discourse has attracted considerable attention because of its success in practice. Give the paucity of studies both in strategic communication to evaluate consumers responses to organizations’ communication strategies and in advertisi
Desertification mapping of Horqin sandy land, inner Mongolia, by means of remote sensing
Is Gwadar Port an economic haven for Balochistan and Pakistan?
Gwadar port is a deep-sea port that lies at the southwestern coast of the Balochistan province. Since 2002, it has been given quite some attention; the government realized its potential of becoming a major hub port of the region, given its proximity to the Strait of Hormuz, a sea passage through which a fifth of the world’s oil transit occurs. MOUs have been signed and commitments made in excess o
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COSM01 lit list 2024 student version
Route to success? Case study of Zhongguancun High-tech zone
Trade Unions - A comparative study between the US and China
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We the Workers (CN, EN, FR, IT & ES)
12th International Eclogite Conference
Åreskutan. 12th International Eclogite Conference in Åre, Sweden, August 20-29, 2017 Theme: High-and ultrahigh-pressure rocks – keys to lithosphere dynamics through geologic time Dear Colleagues and Friends of eclogites, other HP- and UHP-metamorphic rocks, and mountain-building processes, We are pleased to inform you that online registration has opened for the 12th International Eclogite Conf - 2025-02-09
Desinformation och dödliga sjukdomar
Heritage’s place: Heritage and narratives in city promotional films and independent documentary films in Beijing and Shanghai
Mediatization and cultural heritage: Plural voices and new platforms
Recent work on heritage and social media has highlighted how social media offer new possibilities for citizens to share memories, identities, local culture and heritage, and thus constitute a more participatory and democratic platform (Giaccardi 2012). Social media encourage and enable new forms of engagement and interpretations of the heritage through user-generated content, personal reflections,
Fa 2017 3
Discourse and Discontent Financial Inclusion in Asia 10:00 Registration 14:30 Final remarks and closing Lunch break12:00 Venue: Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Sölvegatan 18B, Room 005 Layout: Nina Brand 26 October 2017FOCUS ASIA Illustration by Krish Raghav 10:15 Introduction, Nicholas Loubere (Lund University) Intermediation, Cash Economies, and Technological Change in Myanmar and - 2025-02-09
Cohorts: Chronic and non-communicable diseases
The Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases and Multimorbidity. The EpiChron Cohort Study. Int J Epidemiol. 2018 Apr 1;47(2):382-384f.The Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort (EpiDoC). Int J Epidemiol. 2018 dec 1;47(6):1741-1742j.The Henan Rural Cohort: a prospective study of chronic non-communicable diseases. Int J Epidemiol. 2019 Dec 1;48(6):1756-1756j.The Lanxi Cohort study on obesity and obesity-r - 2025-02-09