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Your search for "chinese" yielded 6892 hits
Chinese strategies and American policies in the South China Sea : A qualitative study of a geopolitical conflict based on neorealistic theory
Analysis of the “China WEEE Directive”: Characteristics, breakthroughs and challenges of the new WEEE legislation in China
The evolution of China’s industrial structure 1990-6 : Implications for China’s future development
Review of: Twentieth-century China, an annotated bibliography of reference works in Chinese, Japanese, and western languages: Subjects.
Bad-faith filing in China - An examination of China’s legislation and enforcement on bad-faith trademark filings
Bad-faith filing is a common misconduct where an infringer registers a trademark that is identical or confusingly similar to another trademark or to someone’s prior rights in order to prevent the trademark from entering the market or to gain profit by taking advantage of the brands existing reputation and business strategy. As an infringed party may only attain damages where bad faith can establis
The Chinese quest for good reputation: Strategic narratives, public diplomacy and China’s mass-media strategy
The impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative on the export of Central Asia to China
China After Reforms in 1978 and Developmental State: A Case Study of the Chinese Bureaucracy Since 1978
The purpose of this thesis is to critically examine whether China following the Third Plenary Session in December 1978 could be considered a developmental state with a focus on public bureaucracy. The research uses single case study research as its methodological approach, coupled with content analysis on secondary sources, to examine whether reforms after 1978 unfolded in a way that had tailored
China’s (gender) equality challenge : A study on the development of gender equality in China since the 1980s
TFP - the driver of China’s future growth. But how can TFP in China be explained?
China High-Speed Railway and the Rise of Central China Plan
China's Legal Framework and Implementation Structure on Government Procurement: Challenges of Establishment of China's Modern Public Procurement System
The Impact of China’s Rise on Developing World: The Relationship between Trade Openness with China and Growth in Africa
Disease Prevention and State-building in China: The Rise and Fall of China’s Barefoot Doctor System (1968-1985)
Desertification in China : desertification in China, causes and preventive actions in modern time
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Klimatförhållandena i norra Kina samt Mongliet gör dessa områden benägna att drabbas av mark-försämring, vilket i sin irreversibla form ofta hänförs som ökenspridning. Litteraturstudien fokuserar på både tidigare erfarenheter, så som vad olika åtgärder har haft för konsekvenser- bra som dåliga – och även vad olika sätt att sköta marken på har medfört, samt även a