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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 49224 hits

The effect of social groups in factual knowledge acquisition through memory integration

Minnesintergration är en minnesfunktion som bidrar till kunskapsinlärning genom att kombinera information från överlappande event. Denna studie undersöker påverkan av olika källor, ingrupp och utgrupp, på minnesintegration. Deltagarna (N = 61) valde medlemmar till sitt eget lag, ingruppen, och motståndarlaget, utgruppen. Medlemmar från båda lagen presenterade information till deltagarna genom ett Memory integration is a memory function that promotes knowledge acquisition through the combination of information across overlapping events. This study investigates the influence of ingroup and outgroup sources on memory integration. Participants (N = 61) selected ingroup teammates and outgroup opponents to present them information in a knowledge extension task, driven by memory integration mecha


Uganda’s natural resource base is one of the richest and most diverse in Africa. People’s livelihoods are inextricably linked to sound natural resource management and both water and land are basic resources for virtually all socio-economic activities. Because of the significance of agriculture to rural livelihoods, water and land are the most important assets for many households. Located in a tran

The Sweden Democrats and the Twitterstorm of the decade : from social media to riot through a rhetorical vision

Abstract in PolishW czasie europejskiego kryzysu migracyjnego prowokacyjna kampania reklamowa skrajnie prawicowej partii Szwedzkich Demokratów została zniszczona przez tłum. Od lat żadna inna kampania w Szwecji nie przyciągnęła podobnej uwagi i niechęci. To jakościowe studium przypadku przedstawia retorykę aktywizmu, która wywołała „Twitterową burzę dekady”. Poprzez analizę motywu fantazji określoAmidst the European migrant crisis, a provocative advertisement campaign by the far-right party the Sweden Democrats was destroyed by a mob. No other campaign in Sweden had attracted a similar amount of attention and resentment. This qualitative case study analyses the activism rhetoric that caused the ‘Twitterstorm’ of the decade. Through a fantasy theme analysis, it determines how the protesters

Rural gentrification and heritage-led resistance: walking through a manifestation of nostalgia or an active social response?

Rural gentrification, amenity-led in-migration and displacement in more attractive parts of the countryside are taking up more of the rural discourse. Along this, the centrality of landscape, as a driver for gentrification and as something affected by the same notion, is establishing. This paper explores the paradox of how people move to a certain area because they find that particular landscape a

Pursuing futures through children: Crisis, social reproduction and transformation in Burundi’s transnational families

Based on multisited fieldwork in Kigali, Rwanda, Belgium, and the Netherlands following the political crisis in Burundi in 2015, we explore decisions and plans for the future among Burundians in exile. In this way, we contribute to research about future making and social reproduction in families in a transnational social field affected by crisis. Adding to the literature, we show the specific effe

Achieving organizational social sustainability through electronic performance appraisal systems : The moderating influence of transformational leadership

Organizational sustainability is the reality which is considered essential for the success of all kind of organizations. Researchers and academicians struggle to conceptualize this phenomenon while practitioners endeavor to achieve it on the ground. Much has been done in resource-affluent countries of the world, whereas in the least developed countries, social sustainability is now becoming a new

Online Piracy, Anonymity and Social Change – Deviance Through Innovation

This article analyses current trends in the use of anonymity services among younger Swedes (15-25) and focuses on individuals engaging in illegal file sharing in order to better understand the rationale behind both file sharing as well as online anonymity, especially in relation to enforcement of copyright. By comparing the findings of a survey conducted on three different occasions (early 2009, l

Consumer Engagement on Instagram: Viewed through the perspectives of social influence and influencer marketing

Purpose: The purpose consists of gaining an understanding of how young consumers engage on Instagram. This was done by applying the perspectives of social influence and influencer marketing. Methodology: This study utilized a qualitative method from a social constructionist standpoint. The study has adopted an abductive approach. Ten semi-structured interviews with female participants have been

Employees’ Information Systems Security Policy Compliance: Understanding employees’ perception of their ISSP compliance through the theoretical lens of the social bond theory.

Företag har traditionellt koncentrerat sig på den tekniska biten av IT-säkerhet, med brandväggar, virusskydd och så vidare. Men eftersom många säkerhetsincidenter sker på grund av att företagets anställda inte följer företagets informationssäkerhetspolicy bör IT-säkerhet även innefatta den mänskliga faktorn. Med min studie så vill jag undersöka hur anställda uppfattar hur de sociala banden på arbe

“All That Is Solid Melts Into Virtual Work”: A study of the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on contemporary Employer Branding through the lens of Social Acceleration

De strukturella förändringar som karaktäriserar vår tids arbetsmarknad har tydliggjorts ytterligare i och med Covid-19-pandemins inträde, där nya virtuella arbetsformer har kommit att bli det nya normala. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats var att i ljuset av Covid-19-pandemin studera den pågående sociala förändringen i arbetsnormer, i syfte att bidra till en mer nyanserad bild av employer branding Impelled by the Covid-19 pandemic, the labour market is undergoing remarkable structural change towards increasingly digitized and remote forms of work. The purpose of this paper has been to study the social change in work norms instigated by the Covid-19 pandemic, with the aim of contributing to a more nuanced understanding of contemporary employer branding as a form of strategic communication in

How CSR Practitioners reformulate their calling through social-symbolic work practices over time

Calling has gained importance in the career and organization scholarship as a key concept to better explain the meaningfulness of work from a humanistic perspective. On the contrary, much debate remains about the ways a calling–and the meaningfulness intertwined with it–can transform over time. To respond to this problem in the literature, we investigate the calling of corporate social responsibil

Combating Child Labour Through Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of Côte d'Ivoire

Although rooted in the history of humankind, child labour has become a matter of increasing global attention. Significant steps have been taken in the international arena to combat the problem. However, its prevalence gives reasons for concerns. According to latest estimates of the International Labour Organization, 215 million children in the world are still caught up in child labour and 115 mill

Energy poverty and the elderly-care: Exploring energy poverty in the elderly-care through case studies with social welfare organizations in Taiwan

The topic of energy poverty has recently gained prominence amongst researchers and academia in Taiwan within the context of rising energy prices and low emission energy transitions. Social welfare organizations (SWOs) that provide 24-hour residence and care for vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and disabled, highly depend on various energy services and are likely to be significantly affe

Fostering The Customers’ Purchase Intentions Through Social Media Influencers: An Intervening and Interactional Analysis

This study emphasizes the significance of social media influencer traits, such as expert, trustworthiness, likeability, and homophily, in determining the legitimacy of social media influencers as a formative construct in Sweden's fashion sector. It successfully instils brand image in customers, which leads to purchase intentions. More decisively, brand image influences the link between the tru

Nya Vägar: Report on the Nya Vägar Seminars on "Striving -- Jihad -- against social exclusion: New Ways of tackling discrimination through co-operation among Christians, Muslims, and other organisations"

Detailed report on five seminars held in Malmö and Leicester, exploring ways in which Christian, Muslim, and secular groups work together in multicultural contexts, using dialogue as a means of effective "striving/Jihad" against social discrimination and exclusion. Includes reflections by the Christian and Muslim authors

Citizen-Consumers and Evolution: Reducing Environmental Harm through Our Social Motivation

[Based on the publisher's comments:] This book reflects upon and critiques the potential of citizen-consumer's to alter their natural consuming habits and to 'shop ethically, 'care for the environment' and 'think glocally' so as to reduce environmental harm. Developing a substantial challenge to the existing accepted theories, this book sets out a groundbreaking approach to understanding citizen-