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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 49222 hits

Encouraging Pro-Social Behaviours Through Feelings of Responsibility: Investigating factors influential to the behaviour of low-risk individuals during the COVID-19 response in Ireland

This research examined the experiences of 12 low-risk individuals to identify factors influential to their behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland. The method used a semi-structured format of interviews conducted over June 2021. The study found that participants held a subscription like mentality towards adopted protective behaviours which focused on the protection of loved ones. Behavi

Borrowed practices : renew or hold : examining the potential for the spreading of libraries of things in Mexico City through social practice

Libraries of things, non-for-profit physical spaces where people borrow objects they would otherwise buy, have spread over Europe, the U.S., and Canada and have now emerged in Mexico City, where challenges to sustainability such as increased consumption levels and insufficient waste management abound. Collaborative economy initiatives like libraries of things are exposed as more sustainable altern

A study of the gratifications sought and obtained through using Enterprise Social Media: an employee perspective

En studie om sökta och erhållna belöningar genom användning av Enterprise Social Media: ett medarbetarperspektiv Många anser att ESM har potentialen att både förenkla och förbättra samarbete, och stärka det ”sociala kapitalet”, men ändå misslyckas 80% av implementationerna. Denna studie hoppas ge insikter i vad som driver de som ändå använder ESM, med förhoppningen att bidra till fler lyckade fra

Visions in motion : integrating the social dimension of transport through local participatory planning in Montreal (Quebec, Canada)

Urban transportation is becoming increasingly challenging in the face of growing cities, urban sprawl and a rising trend in car use. Beyond the direct impacts of motorized transports, the development of extensive car infrastructure exacerbates social differences, especially in urban areas. The social dimension of transport is however marginalized in the current model of transport planning and sign

On the way to sustainability through social learning : an action research approach to 4H farms in Sweden

The world is facing complex sustainability challenges, and the quest for a more sustainable world is characterized by uncertainty, both regarding goals and means. It is argued that this uncertainty requires a social learning process, where people collectively find shared problem perception and directions for sustainable solutions. The Swedish 4H farms have a great potential of being a platform for

Climbing Through the State: Social Empowerment and Contentious Actions in the Jordanian Outdoors

Tourism has been a fief industry for state power in Jordan, used as state-building tool and hard-currency earner. However, the country’s socio-economic structure and the current regional conflicts have hindered its development as the expected economic engine to achieve Jordan’s independence from foreign aid. This work looks at a collective identity created around outdoors and adventure sports in J

Socially sustainable housing renovations through co-creative dialogues - A critical case study of tenant dialogues during the DrottningH project, Helsingborg

In Sweden processes concerning physical planning have changed and developed in a direction where dialogue has become increasingly important in planning policy and practice (Khakee, 2000). The co-creative dialogue (Adler, 2015) is a way to achieve ambitions to include groups with few resources, counteract political inclusion and actively work towards everyone’s right to participate and have influen

Fixing Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods through Social Mix: A promising potential or delusional deroute?

Improving and solving issues related to disadvantaged neighbourhoods have for decades been a concern for politicians, researchers, and professionals in Denmark as well as internationally. Recently, the concept of social mix has been very popular as a vision of development within planning practices and political strategies to develop disadvantaged neighbourhoods. This thesis investigates the academ

‘I will write until I am heard!’ : The Poetic Resistance through Graffiti in China’s Urban Space and Social Media

This thesis investigates the possibility of the mediated city providing a space for resistance in everyday life in a society where free speech channels are strictly controlled. The case studied in this thesis is the phenomenon of a group of fans of a singer who has been banned by the government in mainland China writing graffiti in public urban space on Rehe Road in Nanjing to express their love a

Two steps forward, one step back – measuring social change in women’s rights through feminist values : An intersectional feminist critical content analysis on two NGO reports

Det finns ett ökat behov av att mäta både människor och förändringsprocesser. Icke- statliga organisationer (NGO:er), stater och forskningen behöver hitta metoder och verktyg för att säkerställa att traktat, program och strategier som är ämnade att minska fattigdom och öka jämställdhet fungerar. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur Oxfam och ActionAid mäter social förändring inom kvinnors rThe need to measure and track both people and processes involved in change is increasing. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), states, and research need to find tools to ensure that the treaties, programmes, and strategies meant to reduce poverty and increase equality are working. This thesis aims to study how Oxfam and ActionAid measure social change in women’s rights. Regarding women’s rights,

If it’s not fun, it’s not sustainable - pathways to social change through connectedness, leading to action, leading to change at music & arts festivals.

This thesis aims to test the idea that the more connected you are to the people around you, the more likely you are to act collectively or in the best interest of the collective. I tested this using Music and Arts festivals, a context in which people feel connected faster and more intuitively than in everyday life. Collective identity theory served as a basis and data was collected through qualita

Social identities among engineering students and through their transition to work: A longitudinal study

This article draws on a longitudinal and qualitative study of students in a master’s program in engineering. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to analyze annual, semi-structured interviews with ten students, from the first semester until one year after graduation. The program enjoys a high status and has a reputation of being highly demanding. The results show how the students cate

Growing Stronger Together: Cultivating socioeconomic community development through social mix housing policy

The thesis focuses on the use of social mix policies within the framework of Denmark's public housing system and their impact on economic connectedness and upward mobility for low-income, vulnerable beneficiaries. By conducting a meta-ethnographic review, the research aims to examine a total of six key ethnographic studies on the implementation of social mix strategies, with a view to generati

The Sweden Democrats and the Twitterstorm of the decade : from social media to riot through a rhetorical vision

Abstract in PolishW czasie europejskiego kryzysu migracyjnego prowokacyjna kampania reklamowa skrajnie prawicowej partii Szwedzkich Demokratów została zniszczona przez tłum. Od lat żadna inna kampania w Szwecji nie przyciągnęła podobnej uwagi i niechęci. To jakościowe studium przypadku przedstawia retorykę aktywizmu, która wywołała „Twitterową burzę dekady”. Poprzez analizę motywu fantazji określoAmidst the European migrant crisis, a provocative advertisement campaign by the far-right party the Sweden Democrats was destroyed by a mob. No other campaign in Sweden had attracted a similar amount of attention and resentment. This qualitative case study analyses the activism rhetoric that caused the ‘Twitterstorm’ of the decade. Through a fantasy theme analysis, it determines how the protesters

Rural gentrification and heritage-led resistance: walking through a manifestation of nostalgia or an active social response?

Rural gentrification, amenity-led in-migration and displacement in more attractive parts of the countryside are taking up more of the rural discourse. Along this, the centrality of landscape, as a driver for gentrification and as something affected by the same notion, is establishing. This paper explores the paradox of how people move to a certain area because they find that particular landscape a

Pursuing futures through children: Crisis, social reproduction and transformation in Burundi’s transnational families

Based on multisited fieldwork in Kigali, Rwanda, Belgium, and the Netherlands following the political crisis in Burundi in 2015, we explore decisions and plans for the future among Burundians in exile. In this way, we contribute to research about future making and social reproduction in families in a transnational social field affected by crisis. Adding to the literature, we show the specific effe

Narratives of integration: Liminality in migrant acculturation through social media

Migrant integration is a long drawn out process requiring synergies with various dimensions of life, rhyming with those of the host country. In this paper, we attempt to deconstruct the digital narratives of migrant to explore how they may lead to a meaningful assessment of their acculturation and consequent integration in their host societies’. Drawing on acculturation theory as a lens, we argue

Achieving organizational social sustainability through electronic performance appraisal systems : The moderating influence of transformational leadership

Organizational sustainability is the reality which is considered essential for the success of all kind of organizations. Researchers and academicians struggle to conceptualize this phenomenon while practitioners endeavor to achieve it on the ground. Much has been done in resource-affluent countries of the world, whereas in the least developed countries, social sustainability is now becoming a new