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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 49081 hits

Learning about experiences of ageing across the globe

By lill [dot] eriksson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Lill Eriksson) - published 3 June 2024 CASE researchers joined a whole-week workshop with participants from 13 different countries including researchers, national policymakers and technical experts from the World Health Organization, WHO. Photo: Susanne Iwarsson CASE researchers Arlind Reuter and Susanne Iwarsson were invited to take part in an ex - 2025-02-23

Ingvar Kamprad Design Center celebrates its 20th anniversary

By jessika [dot] sellergren [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 15 December 2022 Ingvar Kamprad Design Center, IKDC. Photo: Kennet Ruona A meeting at the kitchen table, with lots of coffee and snus. And a donation of SEK 250 million. That’s what happened when Ingvar Kamprad met LTH’s dean in 1998 to talk about the future of industrial design education at the University. The - 2025-02-24

Clues can awaken hidden memories

Published 25 September 2013 The scent of a madeleine dipped in lime blossom tea awakened a flood of childhood memories for the main character in Marcel Proust’s famous novel about ‘lost time’. The madeleine is an example of a clue for the memory. In Proust’s case, the clue worked subconsciously, in other cases we can use clues to consciously try to recall the memories for which we are searching. M - 2025-02-23

Tro på personers förmåga att arbeta

Publicerad 3 oktober 2019 För personer med psykisk ohälsa kan vägen till ett fungerande arbetsliv vara lång och krokig. En ny avhandling från Lunds universitet ringar in vad som krävs för att göra arbetslivet möjligt för personer med psykisk ohälsa: Hopp och tro på personens förmåga att arbeta. Att arbeta personcentrerat och öka kunskapen om psykisk ohälsa bland både arbetsgivare och dem som jobba - 2025-02-24

Rektorsbrev 16 september

Publicerad 16 september 2014 Donationskampanjen, Universitetsstyrelsen, delegationsresa till Indonesien, Lärosäten Syd, QS rankning, konferens om kvalitetssäkring och GUL-möte är några av punkterna i detta rektorsbrev. Ekonomisk delrapport för Lunds universitets donationskampanj. Det har gått sex månader sedan LU lanserade donationskampanjen ”Lunds universitet - För en bättre värld”, som syftar ti - 2025-02-24

New literature review documents non-economic loss and damage due to climate change

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 17 August 2021 The photo depicts Indigenous members of the Bedamuni People of Western Province, Papua New Guinea. The researchers argue that there is a need to broaden both the focus and the geographical scope of research on loss. Photo: Guy Jackson. – We have a moral responsibility to document loss of cultural heritage, indig - 2025-02-23

Interview: James Pamment on Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy

Published 1 February 2017 Meet James Pamment, a Senior Lecturer in Strategic Communication at the Department of Strategic Communication, Lund University, Sweden. His work addresses issues related to strategic communication, diplomacy, and international development. Learn about: * Why strategic communication for places is important; * The impacts of digital disruptions within cities, regions, and c - 2025-02-23

En kost rik på fett och socker försämrade minnet hos möss – men inte för gott

Av petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - publicerad 22 februari 2022 En kost med mycket fett och socker försämrade minnet hos möss, men förändringarna behöver inte bli bestående. Foto: iStock Maten vi äter påverkar inte bara kroppen utan även knoppen. Forskare vid Lunds universitet strävar efter att förstå hur en kost med mycket fett och socker påverkar minnesförmågor i sa - 2025-02-23

Ny icke-antibiotisk strategi för behandling av bakteriell hjärnhinneinflammation

Publicerad 10 april 2019 I en tid då hotet från antibiotikaresistens blir allt större ökar behovet av nya behandlingsstrategier mot bakterier. Nu publicerar forskare vid Lunds universitet tillsammans med kollegor vid Köpenhamns universitet en artikel i Nature Communications som kan ge hopp om en sådan alternativ behandlingsstrategi vid bakteriell hjärnhinneinflammation, en allvarlig infektion som - 2025-02-24

Hur kan LU bli en mer klimakterievänlig arbetsplats?

Av sanna [dot] trygg [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Sanna Trygg) - publicerad 27 januari 2025 FOTO: MARIA_SBYTOVA/Smartphotos De flesta kvinnor kommer någon gång under sitt yrkesliv att befinna sig i klimakteriet. Hur kan en arbetsplats riggas för att underlätta för anställda i övergångsåldern? Ett pilotprojekt vid Lunds universitet undersöker frågan. Svettningar, humörsvängningar och dålig - 2025-02-24

Avhandlingsintervju med Lina Rosengren

Av martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - publicerad 14 mars 2022 Lina Rosengren forskar om vad som krävs för att upprätthålla livstillfredsställelse trots Parkinsons sjukdom. Den 17 december förra året la hon fram sin avhandling i rehabiliteringsmedicin från en av MultiParks forskargrupper. Här förklarar hon de viktigaste rönen och framtida utmaningar inom området. - 2025-02-23

Digerdöd slog ut kunskap om läkekonst

Publicerad 4 juni 2013 Johanna Bergqvist. Foto: Björn Minör Arkeologen Johanna Bergqvist har i sin avhandling vid Lunds universitet undersökt läkekonsten och läkaryrkets utveckling under medeltiden och renässansen. Tvärtemot vad man tidigare har trott var klostrens läkekonst inte spridd till resten av samhället. Men redan under tidig medeltid fanns i städerna en erfarenhetsbaserad läkekonst med en - 2025-02-24

Type 2 diabetes and obesity - what do we really know?

Published 18 October 2016 Social and economic factors have led to a dramatic rise in type 2 diabetes and obesity around the world. In a review in Science, Mark McCarthy, professor at the University of Oxford, UK, and Paul Franks, professor at Lund University, Sweden, examine the knowledge of the actual causes and the interplay between genetics and lifestyle factors. By studying how our genes expre - 2025-02-23

Five important tips on the way to a thesis

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 18 February 2019 Photo:Jenny Loftrup Åsa Burman is a former doctoral student at LU who has developed a method for efficiency and stress management. In January she held a workshop for doctoral students and has also written a book entitled "Finish on time - the Doctoral Student Handbook". Here are her best tips. - 2025-02-23

Hanna Sahlin Lilja has defended her thesis on fear of crime research in Sweden

Published 17 January 2022 When the American research field "Fear of Crime" was introduced in Sweden in the 1980s, it was translated "otrygghet", a word with a previously established meaning in Swedish. The meaning of the word "otrygghet" has since then changed significantly in Sweden. From being used to signify economic and materialist unpredictability, "otrygghet" has come to be used almost exclu - 2025-02-23

The Central Asian Law project’s final conference was held on February 1-2, 2024

Published 3 February 2024 Istanbul, Turkey — February 1-2, 2024—The concluding conference of the Central Asian Law (CAL) project convened researchers and scholars to discuss the multifaceted legal and business landscapes in Central Asia. Hosted online and in person, the conference facilitated a comprehensive analysis of the political economy, domestic institutions, and business environments across - 2025-02-23

“Advocates for degrowth miss the mark”

By minna [dot] wallen-widung [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Minna Wallén-Widung) - published 8 June 2023 Fredrik N G ­Andersson is convinced that market economy is the way to deal with the climate crisis. Photo: Kennet Ruona Market economics, not degrowth, will enable sustainable societies. For economist Fredrik N G Andersson the answer is crystal clear – researchers advocating for degrowth - 2025-02-24

Ukrainian students and researchers visited the School of Aviation

By anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - published 4 June 2024 The Ukrainian delegation with rector Viktor in the foreground. Several are wearing traditional embroidered clothes for the celebration of Vyshyvanka Day.] For two weeks in May, teaching staff and students from Zhytomyr University experienced surroundings other than the state of war that prevails in - 2025-02-24

Congratulations, Cecilia Lindgren…

By tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - published 27 April 2021 Cecilia Lindgren, new director of the Big Data Institute, works a lot on willpower: “You can’t control everything, but if you have the will, you can find solutions.” …a Lund University alumna who has taken a new position as director of the Big Data Institute in Oxford! “Thank you! I am very excited about this”, s - 2025-02-23

He researches algorithmic leadership

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 20 February 2024 Sverre Spoelstra is currently doing research on gamification in high-performance organisations and algorithmic leadership. Illustration: OpenAI/ChatGPT. Artificial intelligence has gone from horror visions on film to a tool in everyone’s pocket. From spelling advice to shopping tips – and now to assign - 2025-02-23