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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 48845 hits

A Reflection on Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Risk Reduction

This thesis attempts to reflect on the current disaster risk reduction policy from a gender perspective, with the example of Hyogo Framework for Action which is the current international framework basis for the disaster risk reduction work. By linking it with the upstream, theoretical discussions in academia, and the downstream, the reports from the member states in terms of implementation, the an

Climate Resilience through Shock-Sensitive Social Protection: The Role of Social Protection Systems during Climate Shocks in Malawi

Malawi is prone to compounding climate shocks, the main climate risks being extreme rainfall/floods and dry spells. To provide support to poor and vulnerable households, the country has an established social protection system, including a Social Cash Transfer Program (SCTP), which contains shock-sensitive social protection mechanisms to increase the coping capacity of beneficiaries to climate shoc

Reinforcing Corporate Social Responsibility through Collective Bargaining in China: A new wave of Social Change

Ever since corporate social responsibility (CSR) became a prominent school of thought, this subject has constantly upgraded itself to keep pace with the fast-changing world. However, given that CSR is largely a market-driven, top-down response, it has entered into a bottleneck where downstream stakeholders are out of the picture. Speaking of improving labour standards via CSR, when business and no


The opening seconds of Emily Wardill’s film Identical (2023) are simple and elemental: the seductive play of light on water. Or, put another way, the film begins by depicting the moment where one thing bends, reflects and distorts another – and is seen differently as a consequence. This jewel-like mirage is doubled across a second screen. Initially, each image appears indistinguishable from the ot

Identical. Solo Show. KW , Berlin

Solo show at KW , Berlin, Germany. Text by Mason Leaver-Yap:The opening seconds of Emily Wardill’s film Identical (2023) are simple and elemental: the seductive play of light on water. Or, put another way, the film begins by depicting the moment where one thing bends, reflects and distorts another – and is seen differently as a consequence. This jewel-like mirage is doubled across a second screen.

Social integration through social connection in everyday life. Residents' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in SällBo collaborative housing, Sweden

The aim of this article is to explore the everyday life experiences of elderly (+70 years) living with young locals and refugees in a collaborative housing project before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden. The paper discusses the importance of the spatial dimension in the conceptualization of social integration. The main method is a qualitative case study based on observations of settings

Erasmus+ traineeship grant

A traineeship abroad provides experience that gives your degree a unique profile. If you are a student at Lund University and you wish to do a traineeship in Europe, you might be eligible to apply for an Erasmus+ traineeship grant. Shortcuts to page content:About the grantFinding a traineeshipHow to applyIf you are awarded a traineeship grantAfter your traineeship  Applications are open  Applicati - 2025-02-25

Previous Advanced Study Groups

Archive Here you will find names of previous ASGs and the year they started at the Institute. Typically, an ASG is active for two subsequent semesters. 2024 202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009Advanced Study Groups 2024Aesthetics in Business Creativity (ABC) (starting 1 February 2024)(Un-)natural borders: Multi-disciplinary perspectives on the boundaries of European integra - 2025-01-21

Klimat och hälsa i ett globalt perspektiv

Are you interested in understanding how climate change affects human health and what can be done to mitigate its impact? This course provides a broad introduction to the relationship between climate change and public health, equipping you with knowledge relevant to fields such as healthcare, urban planning, environmental policy and global development. If you're passionate about climate actionAre you interested in understanding how climate change affects human health and what can be done to mitigate its impact? This course provides a broad introduction to the relationship between climate change and public health, equipping you with knowledge relevant to fields such as healthcare, urban planning, environmental policy and global development. If you're passionate about climate action

Sociologi: Välfärds- och utvecklingssociologi

Course name: SOCB28 Sociology: Development and Social Welfare Policies. (Swedish name: Sociologi: Välfärds- och utvecklingssociologi) Undergraduate course. 15 credits. Spring semester, second period. Language of instruction: English. PLEASE NOTE: This is a so called theme-course. A theme-course does not make you eligible for courses at a higher level (as our other undergraduate courses do). Please

Miljöstrategisk styrning - Masterprogram

The key features of the programme are: interdisciplinary learning, international perspectives and practically applied studies. The EMP is focused on both environmental policy and environmental management. This is based on our collective experience that decision makers within both these spheres benefit vastly from having such a dual understanding. More and more, we find that many alumni, regardlessThe key features of the programme are: interdisciplinary learning, international perspectives and practically applied studies. The EMP is focused on both environmental policy and environmental management. This is based on our collective experience that decision makers within both these spheres benefit vastly from having such a dual understanding. More and more, we find that many alumni, regardless

Miljö- och hållbarhetsvetenskap: Hållbarhet och inre omställning

As a result, the notion of inner transformation (or inner transition) has emerged as a new area of exploration. The course explores this new area and creates space and opportunities for learning and knowledge development on this topic. Inner transformation, as used here, describes changes in the sphere of human interiority related to people’s (expanded) consciousness, mindsets, values, and beAs a result, the notion of inner transformation (or inner transition) has emerged as a new area of exploration. The course explores this new area and creates space and opportunities for learning and knowledge development on this topic. Inner transformation, as used here, describes changes in the sphere of human interiority related to people’s (expanded) consciousness, mindsets, values, and be