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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 48877 hits

Erasmus+ traineeship grant

A traineeship abroad provides experience that gives your degree a unique profile. If you are a student at Lund University and you wish to do a traineeship in Europe, you might be eligible to apply for an Erasmus+ traineeship grant. Shortcuts to page content:About the grantFinding a traineeshipHow to applyIf you are awarded a traineeship grantAfter your traineeship  Applications are open  Applicati - 2025-02-24

Forensic Breach Response in Compliance with GDPR

Modifications and new approaches for breach response and forensic investigations for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, is to be expected in May 2018. This paper brings forth the conclusion that engagement from top management is crucial in order to comply with the GDPR requirements. The importance of having a vision and a strategy assessing the matters of breach response

Climate Resilience through Shock-Sensitive Social Protection: The Role of Social Protection Systems during Climate Shocks in Malawi

Malawi is prone to compounding climate shocks, the main climate risks being extreme rainfall/floods and dry spells. To provide support to poor and vulnerable households, the country has an established social protection system, including a Social Cash Transfer Program (SCTP), which contains shock-sensitive social protection mechanisms to increase the coping capacity of beneficiaries to climate shoc

Reinforcing Corporate Social Responsibility through Collective Bargaining in China: A new wave of Social Change

Ever since corporate social responsibility (CSR) became a prominent school of thought, this subject has constantly upgraded itself to keep pace with the fast-changing world. However, given that CSR is largely a market-driven, top-down response, it has entered into a bottleneck where downstream stakeholders are out of the picture. Speaking of improving labour standards via CSR, when business and no

Social integration through social connection in everyday life. Residents' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in SällBo collaborative housing, Sweden

The aim of this article is to explore the everyday life experiences of elderly (+70 years) living with young locals and refugees in a collaborative housing project before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden. The paper discusses the importance of the spatial dimension in the conceptualization of social integration. The main method is a qualitative case study based on observations of settings

AI i samhället

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be understood as systems which show intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and with some degree of autonomy act to reach certain goals. In colloquial language, AI has become an umbrella term for information technology, robotics, and digitalisation more broadly, including machine learning techniques enabling computers to improve themselves.  AI cArtificial Intelligence (AI) can be understood as systems which show intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and with some degree of autonomy act to reach certain goals. In colloquial language, AI has become an umbrella term for information technology, robotics, and digitalisation more broadly, including machine learning techniques enabling computers to improve themselves.  AI c

Bribery in Medical Service Delivery in Slovakia: Exploring the Gap

The topic of corruption can be discussed from a variety of standpoints including economic, political, and social implications. The focus of this thesis project is on healthcare sector and more specifically the low-level act of corruption, the bribery, which occurs between a doctor and a patient. The aim of this thesis is to research the reasons behind the persistent existence of the bribery in med

How to Explore the Original through Its Copies. On Modern Furniture Classics in Contemporary Sweden.

Within the realm of furniture is the copy a controversial subject matter and is often discussed in terms of “real or fake”, “copy or original”. Walter Benjamin was probably the first theorist to pay attention to the power of the copy, in terms of changing our social and cultural attitudes towards the nature of representation with his Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit

Samhällsvetenskap: Kön, klass, etnicitet och sexualitet

One of the challenges and pleasures of Gender Studies is interdisciplinarity. The concept and practice of interdisciplinarity has been discussed, debated and theorized with in Gender Studies since it developed as a research area in the 1970s and new terms have been used including transdisciplinarity, post- disciplinarity and multidisciplinarity. In this course, we treat some of the major trenOne of the challenges and pleasures of Gender Studies is interdisciplinarity. The concept and practice of interdisciplinarity has been discussed, debated and theorized with in Gender Studies since it developed as a research area in the 1970s and new terms have been used including transdisciplinarity, post- disciplinarity and multidisciplinarity. In this course, we treat some of the major tren

Hur aktsam kan en sexköpare förväntas vara? - Om innebörden av aktsamhetskravet i 6 kap. 13 § BrB när sexköp av barn i 6 kap. 9 § BrB bedöms och dess förenlighet med effektivitets- och rättssäkerhetshänsyn

Från och med den 1 januari 2020 skärptes straffskalan för sexköp av barn. Syftet med åtgärden var att förstärka det straffrättsliga skyddet för ungdomar mot att dras in i prostitution. Brottet är förknippat med låg åtalsfrekvens. Det har tidigare förklarats med att aktsamhetskravet i förhållande till ålder i 6 kap. 13 § BrB - som täcker flera sexualbrott med åldersgräns - var särskilt svårt att upIn January 2020 the range of punishment for exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act got stricter. The reasoning behind the change was to strengthen the criminal justice protection for these children. Exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act is associated with a low prosecution frequency. An explanation for this has been that the rule of negligence in the si