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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 48924 hits

Erdoğan, Twitter and the Kurdish Peace Process

Published 23 May 2023 CMES researcher Pinar Dinc has co-authored the article "From resolution to resecuritization: populist communication of the AKP’s Kurdish peace process in Turkey" together with Ozge Ozduzen (University of Sheffield) published in the journal New Perspectives on Turkey. This article contributes to the existing literature on the populist online communication of governments. We lo - 2025-02-27

Guest lecture by Duncan McLaren on 'Sharing Cities for Sustainability'

Published 23 October 2015 Duncan McLaren in the IIIEE Aula On 20 October, guest lecturer Duncan McLaren will visit the IIIEE and give a lecture on the theme: Sharing Cities for Sustainability.The lecture will cover the principles and dilemmas of sharing economy in cities and focus on what city authorities can do to promote the sharing paradigm, and manage the sharing economy to maximise its enviro - 2025-02-27

Jan Breman guest lectures in Copenhagen

Published 15 October 2015 Guest lectures to be held by Prof Jan Breman at the University of Copenhagen. On October 20th and 21st 2015 the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen hosts two talks by Professor Jan Breman from the University of Amsterdam. The first lecture takes place on the 20th of October from 12.00-13.30 in room 16.2.55 CSS at the Department of Sociology and is titled Inf - 2025-02-27

Working conditions of care workers to be studied in the EU

By ellen [dot] albertsdottir [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Ellen Albertsdóttir) - published 20 March 2023 The issue of vulnerable working conditions in health and social care professions was raised during the pandemic. The pandemic highlighted a number of serious problems in the working conditions of those working in care. A major new EU-funded research project will investigate the working condition - 2025-02-27

Välkomment till Campus Open 2016 i Helsingborg!

Publicerad 17 oktober 2016 Fredagen den 11 november kl. 13.00-16.15 öppnar Campus Helsingborg dörrarna för alla som är nyfikna på aktuell forskning. Vi bjuder på 16 öppna föreläsningar med så vitt skilda teman som turism, mode, ledarskap, Öresundsregionen, delade transporter och kriskommunikation. Fritt inträde. Inledning13.00-14.00 | Plats: Stora hörsalenHelsingborg - framtidens turiststadEmma Hå - 2025-02-27

Narrativ medicin bidrar till bättre möten mellan vårdande och vårdad

Av agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - publicerad 30 november 2022 Rita Charon, professor, läkare och ledare för Columbia Narrative Medicine vid Columbia University, promoveras till hedersdoktor vid Medicinska fakulteten i maj 2023. Narrativ medicin använder konst, musik och litteratur som verktyg för att förstå patienter. En av de främsta pionjärerna inom ämnet - 2025-02-28

LUSEM claims top spot among most applied-for Master’s Programmes

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 13 February 2024 LUSEM offers 5 out of Sweden's 8 most sought-after master's programmes. Photo: Johan Bävman The international application period is over and we can conclude that once again, LUSEM has some of the most popular master's programmes both within Lund University and nationally. What do the programme managers the - 2025-02-28

How video games are being used by malign foreign actors and extremists

Published 22 December 2023 Video games are easy to exploit, and are being used by actors ranging from IS and Hizbollah for recruitment, to Russia, who use it to spread propaganda during the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. This states a report from the Psychological Defence Research Institute at Lund University in Sweden. Since the 2016 US Presidential election, many democratic governments have paid c - 2025-02-27

We are celebrating 25 years!

By julia [dot] luttrup [at] ch [dot] lu [dot] se (Julia Luttrup) - published 18 February 2025 This year is the 25th anniversary of the founding of Campus Helsingborg, and we will be celebrating this with a whole year of activities and events. The big finale will be on 10 October, when we will be holding a special anniversary day full of festivities. 25 years of education, research and innovation20 - 2025-02-27

Interactions of governmental policies and business models for a circular economy: A systematic literature review

Published 18 October 2022 How do we transition to a circular economy through governmental policies and business models? A literature synthesis shows that there is a multitude of possible interactions between governmental policies and business models. Governmental policies and business models are considered key elements for a transition to a circular economy. In current literature, there is a lack - 2025-02-27

New visiting scholar at SASNET

Published 22 August 2018 This fall SASNET welcomes a new visiting scholar Vittorio Felci. Vittorio Felci graduated in Political Science (2005) and obtained a second-level Master degree in Middle East Studies at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo,” Italy (2007). He earned a Ph.D in History of International Relations from the University of Florence, Italy (2011), with a dissertation on American-Iran - 2025-02-27

Lea Porsager awarded with the Eckersberg Medal

By amanda [dot] pettersson [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amanda Pettersson) - published 12 April 2023 Lea Porsager, 2023. Photo by Petra Kleis Huge congratulations to our former Doctoral student Lea Porsager with the Eckersberg Medal, awarded by Akademiraadet, the council of the Royal Danish Academy of Art! Lea Porsager's works give us a new look at how the world and knowledge are materialized, enta - 2025-02-27

Rättssociologiska institutionen har fått en ny docent

Publicerad 2 december 2020 Ida Nafstad. Foto: Emma Lord Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetens styrelse utser biträdande lektor Ida Nafstad till docent. Fakultetens beslut grundar sig på Kerstin Jacobssons, professor i sociologi vid Göteborgs universitet, utvärdering av Ida Nafstads vetenskapliga arbete och pedagogiska meriter. Kerstin Jacobsson skriver att Ida Nafstads forskning fördjupats och breddat - 2025-02-27

En levande landsbygd efter corona - så når vi dit

Publicerad 30 september 2021 En hub i den gamla brandstationen? Samverkan mellan verksamheter på landet? Gemensamma kontor för bybor eller foodtrucks på landet? Pandemin har satt ökat fokus på behovet av sociala samlings- och mötesplatser för dem som jobbar hemma. Hur når vi dit? Och vad vet vi idag? Under Framtidsveckan på Lunds universitet kan du ta del av Michael Johanssons samtal om dessa fråg - 2025-02-27

Möt våra forskare på Hållbarhetsveckan 17-22 april

Av sandra [dot] jeppsson [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Sandra Jeppsson) - publicerad 3 april 2023 Hållbarhetsveckan är ett årligt event där Lunds universitet och Lunds kommun bjuder in till en vecka med aktiviteter kring hållbarhet. Flera av Socialhögskolans forskare i olika programpunkter. Se hela listan här! Måndag 17 april till fredag 22 april Posterutställning i Stadshallen:  Being Well - Socia - 2025-02-27

Sök medel från Kompetensfonden Trelleborg

Publicerad 23 januari 2025 Aamuel Gren från räddningstjänsten i Trelleborg tillsammans med Konrad Wilkens och Marcus Runegård som drev projektet HyDist – faktabaserade avstånd för vätgasanläggningar. Foto: Niclas Ingvarsson, Trelleborgs kommun. Trelleborgs kommun avsätter årligen medel för relevanta samverkans-, utvecklings- och forskningsprojekt, kopplade till Lunds universitet. Projekten ska sti - 2025-02-28

Africa strategy shows great potential

Published 16 November 2015 “We are dependent on one another globally – this became evident not least through the Ebola epidemic. For cooperation to work and develop, Africa cannot be left out of the loop”, says Benedict Oppong Asamoah, researcher and lecturer in public health. He hopes that the University’s focus on Africa will lead to more and better contacts Benedict Oppong Asamoah. Photo: Gunna - 2025-02-27

Knowledge to Action Projects 2018: travel policies, overfishing, flood management and biodiversity loss 

Published 29 October 2018 Student Louise Maria Skotte Møller chats with LUMES teachers Chad Boda and Daivid O'Byrne. She was part of the project Corporate Watch Dog. An examination of the travel policy in Malmö municipality, flood management solutions in local neighborhoods, lobbying and regulation in Denmark, and biodiversity policies for universities. These were some of 2018 Knowledge to Action - 2025-02-27

LU-anställda blir flyktingmentorer

Publicerad 4 februari 2016 Drygt sextio universitetsanställda anmälde sig i höstas för att bli mentorer åt flyktingar och flertalet mötte upp på det informationsmöte som hölls före jul. Ett sextiotal LU-anställda kom till informationsmötet om flytingmentorskap. Mentorskapet riktar sig till nyanlända med akademisk bakgrund som går utbildningen ”Korta vägen”. Den ges gemensamt av Folkuniversitetet o - 2025-02-28