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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 48924 hits

Hallå Hossein Asgharian om vad finansutbildningen lärt av krisen

Publicerad 18 mars 2016 Du är ansvarig för det internationella masterprogrammet i finansiell ekonomi som i somras hamnade högt på Financial Times rankinglista över världens bästa finansutbildningar. Programmet lockar mer än tusen sökande, dvs. betydligt mer än de flesta andra svenska finansutbildningar. Samtidigt ökar oron för en ny finanskrasch bland många bedömare. Hossein Asgharian är ansvarig - 2025-02-28

Anmäl! Sommarkurs i Venedig: Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Av jonas [dot] johansson [at] risk [dot] lth [dot] se (Jonas Johansson) - publicerad 17 maj 2022 CenCIP-forskare medverkar i den sjätte upplagan av en väl mottagen sommarkurs i Venedig med fokus på kritiska infrastrukturers resiliens. Årets upplaga av sommarkursen VIU-Critical Infrastructure Resilience går 18 – 22 juli och där Jonas Johansson från CenCIP medverkar i undervisningen.  VIU Summer Sch - 2025-02-27

Nanoeletronikprofessor: ”Sverige kan ge ledande bidrag till kommande halvledarteknologier”

Av jonas [dot] andersson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jonas Andersson) - publicerad 16 februari 2022 Lars-Erik Wernersson, professor i nanoeletronik, tycker att Sverige har goda möjligheter att bli ledande i forskning och utveckling för att ta fram framtidens halvledarteknologier. (Chippet är en illustration). Foto: Lunds universitet samt Mostphotos I Lund finns världsledande forskning in - 2025-02-28

Forskarkommentar på årets julklapp: ”Sällskapsspelet skapar gemenskap men kan även förstärka sociala gränser”

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 16 november 2023 Årets julklapp är sällskapsspelet, enligt HUI. Längre ner i artikeln hittar du även en video, där forskaren Patrik Stoopendahl kommenterar utnämningen. Foto: Istock Sällskapsspelet är årets julklapp. I alla fall om Handelns Utredningsinstitut, HUI, får rätt i sin spaning, lanserad i dag 16 november. M - 2025-02-28

Inom litteraturen är mörk framtidstro ständigt i ljuset

Av bodil [dot] malmstrom [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Bodil Malmström) - publicerad 13 januari 2023 Våra dystopiska berättelser svarar upp mot närmast oöverskådliga behov av meningsfull reflektionskultur. Vid Lunds universitet finns sommarkursen ”Dystopier för vår tid" med högt söktryck. Foto: iStockphoto Demokratins förfall, utsatta flyktingar, miljöhoten som tornar upp sig. Vår tids oro tar sig u - 2025-02-28

A work environment champion

Published 18 November 2016 As a young man, when Mats Bohgard was working at a chemical factory during a leave from studies, he was urged to “Come back and fix the work environment to make it fit for human beings!”. Mats Bohgard. “Even though they said it half-jokingly, the truth is that they were experiencing every conceivable work environment problem: chemical exposure, noticeable alcohol abuse, - 2025-02-27

Hälsorisker för barn med rökande mammor

Publicerad 18 november 2015 Forskningsresultat baserade på registerstudier visar på samband mellan exponering för tobaksrökning under fosterlivet och risken att drabbas av typ 1-diabetes, övervikt och graviditetsdiabetes senare i livet. Idag röker sex procent av alla gravida kvinnor i Sverige. Det motsvarar ungefär 6000 blivande mammor varje år. Det är välkänt att rökning under graviditeten är ska - 2025-02-28

Carina Gallo receives award for innovative teaching

Published 6 November 2015 Carina Gallo, senior lecturer at the School of Social Work, and assistant professor of criminology at Holy Names University (HNU), has been awarded the Burmeister Award by the Division of Distance Learning of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). Gallo shares the award with Julaine Fowlin, PhD, former instructional designer at HNU, for thei - 2025-02-27

Hannerz with two articles on the subcultural and on using Instagram for researching graffiti

Published 4 January 2017 What constitutes the subcultural? In Erik Hannerz’s recent contribution to the Journal Educare (no. 2, 2016), he refines subcultural theory by drawing on examples from the Indonesian and Swedish punk scene. Abstract:Arguing against the previous research’s presump on that the subcultural constitutes a single set of meaning, this article addresses the simple question of what - 2025-02-27

The Archive – Documents, Objects and Desires

Published 30 March 2016 Project Exhibition opening Friday 1. April 16.00-18.00 at Inter Arts Center White Room and Annex on third floor. The exhibition is open on Saturday 2. April between 12.00-16.00 This project exhibition shows works by Critical & Pedagogical Studies MFA & MFA students from Malmö Art Academy developed in relation to the participants own individual practice and in response to th - 2025-02-27

Weather attribution – climate scientist Wilhelm May helps us get to grips with the concept

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 18 June 2024 Sweden is also increasingly affected by unusually intense storms. Here, a flooded playground in the city of Landskrona after the storm "Hans" in August 2023. Have you noticed that when scientists are asked whether or not a particular extreme weather event is due to climate change, they usually respond with somethi - 2025-02-27

Social anthropologist who lived with perpetrators of genocide

Published 13 June 2014 The Hutu militia FDLR, who were behind the genocide in Rwanda, now live in eastern Congo, one of a number of rebel groups in the war-torn country. Social anthropologist Anna Hedlund has lived with the group and describes the systematic attacks on the Congolese population, as well as a hopeless situation in which the group live as exiles, not welcome anywhere. Social anthropo - 2025-02-27

Segregation graver threat than ISIS returnees in the long run

Published 20 April 2017 A few weeks after the terrorist attack on Drottninggatan in Stockholm, researchers caution against describing reality as a black-and-white struggle between good and evil. If you want to protect society against extremism, it is important that you understand how and why it occurs. Although radicalised youth who return from the terror group ISIS is a threat to security, the th - 2025-02-27

Weather attribution – climate scientist Wilhelm May helps us get to grips with the concept

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 18 June 2024 Sweden is also increasingly affected by unusually intense storms. Here, a flooded playground in the city of Landskrona after the storm "Hans" in August 2023. Have you noticed that when scientists are asked whether or not a particular extreme weather event is due to climate change, they usually respond with somethi - 2025-02-28

CMES PhD Course: Environment and Sustainable Development in MENA

Published 29 August 2023 Photo: Linda Eitrem Holmgren This 7.5 credit course is offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences as an interdisciplinary single–subject course at the doctoral studies level. The language of instruction is English. Course period: 29 November 2023 - 14 January 2024 This course covers the environmental impact of natural resources management and its political, social, and econ - 2025-02-27

New MECW Project on Frictional Homebuilding: Swedish Civil Society Actors in the Occupied Palestinian Territories 1967-

Published 4 June 2024 The city of Ramallah in the Occupied West Bank (Photo: Nour Tayeh/Unsplash) CMES is happy to announce the new MECW project for 2024-2027 which will focus on civil society actors in the Occupied Palestinian Territories This project explores the complex history of Swedish humanitarian initiatives in the occupied Palestinian territories through the concept of frictional humanita - 2025-02-27