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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 49485 hits

Sociala rörelser och hållbarhet

The main aim of the course is to provide conceptual frameworks for studying and evaluating the impact that social movements for sustainability can have on the public agenda and decision-making. The course is a seminar course, although it starts with a few lectures on the history and different theoretical perspectives on social movements, introducing the students to the relevant literature. T

The Road to AI Integration: Investigating the Dimensions of AI Readiness in Educational Settings

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds the potential to radically transform various industries in the coming years, yet its impact on higher education remains underexplored. This study investi-gates how AI tools are integrated and utilised by teachers in higher education, employing a qualitative method and abductive approach to examine internal and external dimensions of AI readiness that influence te

Carl Hampus Lyttkens

Professor emeritus Contact details Email: carl_hampus [dot] lyttkens [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 86 52 Mobile: +46 70 514 05 26Organisation Department of Economics Room number: Alfa1:4085 Service point: 10 WebpageCarl Hampus Lyttkens profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterCon - 2025-02-22

Artificial Intelligence and the City : Urbanistic Perspectives on AI

This book explores in theory and practice how artificial intelligence (AI) intersects with and alters the city. Drawing upon a range of urban disciplines and case studies, the chapters reveal the multitude of repercussions that AI is having on urban society, urban infrastructure, urban governance, urban planning and urban sustainability.Contributors also examine how the city, far from being a pass

Exploring Needs and Possibilities of mHealth Services for Persons with Chronic Disease

Antalet personer som lever med en kronisk sjukdom ökar, detta som en konsekvens av bland annat en snabbt ökande äldre befolkning. Kroniska sjukdomar orsakar inte bara mänskligt lidande, utan är också en ekonomisk börda för samhället. För att lindra lidandet och minska kostnaderna kopplade till kroniska sjukdomar kan användandet av digitala hälsotjänster vara en möjlighet. För närvarande är förväntThe amount of people living with chronic diseases is increasing. Chronic diseases do not only induce human suffering, it is also an economic burden on society. To ease the suffering and reduce the costs connected to chronic diseases, the usage of digital health services might be a possibility. Currently, the expectations on such services are high, but not met. To better meet the expectations, this

'Men vi testar oss fram tillsammans' : användarundervisning och generativ AI vid svenska lärosätesbibliotek

As generative AI tools make their way into all corners of society, reports rise that academic librarians are faced with a new complexity of questions from students concerning information seeking and academic integrity in terms of the new tools. This implies that generative AI is starting to affect user education, and this Master’s thesis aimed to unveil and document how Swedish academic libraries

Towards an understanding of the role of private foundations in economic regional development in Germany

Private philanthropic foundations can be funded by the wealth of individu-als. These private foundations can focus on a certain region and its eco-nomic development. Existing Economic Geography literature has no de-fined role for such foundations in their frameworks. This empirically driven thesis aims to contribute to closing this research gap by examining the case of the Dieter Schwarz foundatio

Entreprenörskap: Social innovation - en strategi för hållbarhet

Technical innovations alone have proven to be insufficient to address the pressing challenges of today such as climate change, resource depletion, economic deprivation, poverty alleviation, increased migration and improved life quality. Therefore non-technical innovations are also required to enable transitions to more sustainable solutions. Social innovations include new solutions (products, serv

Art and AI-generated pictures

Recording from AI Lund lunch seminar 30 November 2023 Is an image-creating AI an artist or just a new technique for human creation? How can we challenge our understanding of what both human and technology are in the meeting between the artist and the AI? When: 30 November 12.00 - 13.00 Where: Online Spoken language: Swedish Participators Presentation: Jonna Bornemark, professor in Philosophy at Sö - 2025-02-21

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Matts Leiderstam s art and researched-based work is closely related to the history of painting. He is systematically looking for alternative, queer, narratives relating to viewing a painting. Leiderstam explores the grid as a tool for the composition of images, which was developed during the Italian Renaissance. The grid has been central to image-making ever since, including for photography, and n

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Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Division of Ethnology Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Besöksadress  LUX, hus C, Helgonagatan 3, Lund Webbadress LITTERATURLISTA Sida 1 av 2 2 Sida 3 av 2 Kurslitteratur för (SASH61) Cultural Perspectives on Health, Lifestyle and Medicine, 7,5 hp, spring 2025 Established by the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences 2014-02-03 Revise - 2025-02-21

Bias in the Context of Artificial Intelligence Systems: Analyzing the risks and contributors from a data perspective

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressing to take over decision making in different industries, the threat that comes with the use of these systems is also increasing. One major threat is the risk of these systems acting biased, causing discrimination to parts of the population. To tackle the risk of AI systems acting biased it is important to understand how these biases originate in the firs

GIS: Geographical Information System for the Social Sciences

Kursen ger en introduktion till centrala idédiskussioner och utveckling inom GIS. Syftet är att introducera några av de viktigaste teorierna om och praktiska tillämpningarna av GIS. Under kursens gång blir studenterna uppmärksammade på potentialen hos GIS samt tillämpningar inom olika ämnesområden. De grundläggande principerna för GIS och centrala aspekter av den aktuellaste tekniken behandlas vidThe course aims to provide an introduction to the rapidly growing field of GIS, for students interested in applying it within their projects and research. It is strongly interdisciplinary in scope, and thus is appropriate for students from a diverse set of backgrounds. This would include students with undergraduate degrees in the social and human sciences, economics, sustainability and development

Samhällsvetenskap: Kritiska feministiska perspektiv inom social teori

This interdisciplinary course focuses on feminist and gender theoretical interventions in other surrounding fields of study. We learn about the ways in which a focus on gender, along with race, class and sexuality, as the primary objects of study and categories of analysis, can contribute to developing theories anThis interdisciplinary course focuses on feminist and gender theoretical interventions in other surrounding fields of study. We learn about the ways in which a focus on gender, along with race, class and sexuality, as the primary objects of study and categories of analysis, can contribute to developing theories an