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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 49225 hits

Homeless Women and Shelter Regimes : A Glimpse of Everyday Practice through Social Workers´Narratives

Homelessness in South Africa is a multi-faceted issue with enormous dimensions; an issue which is deeply interrelated with questions of power, human dignity and social justice. In South Africa, women have been frequently neglected and marginalized with regard to contemporary housing policy and practice. In seeking to understand the nature of this marginalization, this paper focuses on structural d

PHR in Health and Social Care for older people – Regional development through learning within and across organisations

The study draws on findings from a series of seven participatory action research projects in community care for older people carried out over a period of eight years in 20 municipalities in southern Sweden. The analysis here looks at social impact across administrative levels and geographical scales. Different professional groups and care workers in community care participated, crossing divides be

Social Neoliberalism through Urban Planning : Bureaucratic Formations and Contradictions in Malmö since 1985

This thesis studies the complicated relationship between postwar social governance and neoliberalism. It looks at urban planning in particular because this is a key field of postwar social regulation as well as a strategic site of neoliberal reforms. The thesis examines urban planning paperwork from the Swedish city Malmö dating from the mid-1980s until 2015 with a particular focus on Folkets park

Fostering Social Inclusion through Multilingual Habitus in Estonia: A Case Study of the Open School of Kalamaja and the Sakala Private School

After the restoration of independence in 1991, Estonia continued with a parallel school system with separate public schools operating for Russian- and Estonian-speaking children. Seen as a developmental ‘growing pains’ of a transitional state, dur- ing the last 27 years the separate school system has contributed to infrastructural difficulties, educational injustice, and societal segregation. This

Cosmopolitan attitudes through transnational social practices?

Within the scope of the debate surrounding globalization, ever increasing attention is being directed to the growth of border-crossing social relations and the emergence of transnational social spaces on the micro-level. In particular, the question of how these border-crossing interrelations influence the attitudes and values of the people involved causes some controversy. Some assume that the inc

Transforming urban water governance through social (triple-loop) learning

The sustainable development of cities is threatened by a worldwide water crisis. Improved social learning is urgently needed to transform urban water governance and make it more integrated and adaptive. However, empirical studies remain few and fragmented. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyse how social learning has supported or inhibited sustainable transformations in urban water govern

Renommésnyltning Bestämmelsen om jämförande reklam enligt marknadsföringslagen

Many companies sometimes affects that a competitive company pulls use for their trademark or their products in his advertising. It can for instance be that the company uses alike symbols or features and on so ways fields a free ride on another companies good reputation. This procedure is called reputation parasitism and settles in the marketing act, 8 a § comparative advertising. You can also cond

Defining the Voice of Montreal: Exploring Possibilities for Human-Machine Companionship

This thesis explores the possibility for (re)defining the relationship between humans and robots with conversational interfaces. It does so by looking at the creation process of a voice and text-based virtual assistant for tourists from the perspective of critical posthumanism and posthuman performativity. In a reflexive fashion, I analyze my involvement in a tech start-up, in order to argue that,

Social utsatthet och ojämlikhet

Forskningsområdet berör forskning om social utsatthet, ojämlikhet och sociala problem i en bred bemärkelse. Inom området ryms teman om bland annat fattigdom och hemlöshet. Forskningsprojekt inom området tillämpar en rad olika metoder och teorier för att analysera ojämlikhetens konsekvenser på flera nivåer, från den lokala till jämförande studier i ett internationellt perspektiv. Teorier om makt ocThe research area covers research on social vulnerability, inequality and social problems in a broad sense. The area includes the study of, among other things, poverty and homelessness. Research projects in the field apply diverse methods and theories to analyze the consequences of inequality on several levels, from the local to comparative studies in an international perspective. Theories of pow

BEHIND THE WORDS: RISING SEAS, DROWNING VOICES - a critical discourse analysis of Swedish press narratives on environmental migration & displacement

As the physical consequences of climate change continues to augment, possibly millions of people might be forced to migrate. Those most likely to be forced to move are people living in poor countries in the Global South where vulnerability levels are generally high and the capacity to adapt is often low due to socio-economic difficulties and political insecurity. In contrast, the countries most re