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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 49485 hits

Professional development in Lund inspired agents for change

By emma [dot] holm [at] education [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma Holm) - published 2 October 2019 Nurul Izzati is teaching at Sumbawa University of Technology in Indonesia. Photo:Jenny Loftrup Just over a year has passed since LU was awarded funds by the Swedish Institute (SI) to implement three of the five announced capacity building programmes focusing on Agenda 2030. Professional course participants f - 2025-02-21

Internationalisation – important, comprehensive and complex

By minna [dot] wallen-widung [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Minna Wallén-Widung) - published 13 December 2024 The tense global situation is a challenge for the university's internationalisation work, says International Coordinator Pär Svensson. Photo: Minna Wallén-Widung Internationalisation has become more important – and more complex – in recent years. In a world where democracy and acade - 2025-02-22

“Research chef” refines the recipe for semiconductors

By jessika [dot] sellergren [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 13 February 2025 Vanya Darakchieva is a professor of solid state physics at LTH. Photo: Jenny Leyman What is the perfect recipe for semiconductors? Vanya Darakchieva is working on the answer in her research on novel semiconductor materials. As a professor of solid state physics at the Faculty of Engineering (LT - 2025-02-22

Den irländska gränsen efter Brexit: Kan lösningen finnas i norsk-svenska förhållanden?

Av Henrik [dot] Wenander [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (Henrik Wenander) - publicerad 5 februari 2018 Foto: Karin Beate Nøsterud/Wikimedia Commons I Europas nordvästra hörn fungerar rörligheten och handeln över den norsk-svenska gränsen alldeles lysande. Mer än 25 000 människor pendlar över gränsen och båda länderna hör till varandras främsta handelspartners. Och då är ändå bara ett av länderna medle - 2025-02-21

TEDDY-studien får 40 miljoner för att fortsätta

Publicerad 3 oktober 2018 TEDDY-studien har bidragit till fördjupad kunskap om vad som händer före ett insjuknande i autoimmun diabetes (typ 1-diabetes) och visat att en maginfektion kan trigga igång celiaki. Nu har Lunds universitet fått drygt 40 miljoner kronor från amerikanska hälsovårdsministeriet NIH för att fortsätta med TEDDY-studien i ytterligare fem år. Forskarna i TEDDY-studien har en st - 2025-02-22

Självreglerande kanaler förser våra celler med magnesium

Av tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - publicerad 29 november 2024 Magnesium är en livsviktig mineral som påverkar en rad biologiska processer i kroppen. Illustration: iStock/Just_Super Ett internationellt forskarsamarbete lett från Lunds universitet visar hur magnesium tar sig in och ut genom cellmembranet. Magnesium är en livsviktig mineral som påverkar en rad biologiska p - 2025-02-22

The journey from doctor to professor

Published 2 May 2013 Animal ecologist and pike researcher Anders Nilsson was the first doctor of the Millennium at Lund University. Now, 13 years later, he has just been appointed Professor of Aquatic Ecology. We caught up with him to find out what had happened since our last meeting, and had a long discussion on careers, creativity and the value of colleagues who provide a helping hand when times - 2025-02-21

New research project will analyse how emerging media practices and art can support the SDG:s

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 20 January 2021 Mixed-reality project “Breathe” by Diego Galafassi and collaboration with Phi-Centre (Canada) and Crimes of Curiosity (U.S.A.)). Photo: Diego Galafassi. Diego Galafassi, researcher at LUCSUS, is leading a new research project on emerging media practices. Using co-creation, and a practice-led approach, the aim i - 2025-02-21

KHM x MMM Lecture series

Published 7 March 2018 Tori Wrånes, 2018 © The artist The lecture comittee of Malmö Art Academy and Moderna Museet Malmö invite you to a series of lectures and artist talks created in collaboration.We will present a broad programme of internationally based artists in a seletion based on our shared interests and separate points of departure.We hope to contribute to the art-scene in Öresund with new - 2025-02-21

Helping earthquake victims in Nepal

Published 11 September 2015 “My first project was about giving poor families in Thailand the opportunity to send their children to school. A student and I helped set up chicken farms at the schools, which the children took care of. The money they earned by selling the eggs on the markets covered their school fees”. Leif Bjellin. Photo: Gunnar Menander So says Leif Bjellin, now retired from Lund Un - 2025-02-21

Sustainable supply chain management is the answer to more sustainable food production and consumption.

Published 30 November 2016 Olga Chkanikova defends her doctoral dissertation on 2 December 2016. Doctoral dissertation defence on 2 December. Can unsustainable patterns of food production and consumption become more sustainable through corporate practices of sustainable supply chain management? Yes they can, argues Olga Chkanikova in her doctoral dissertation, focusing on how retailers purchasing - 2025-02-22

Strategic collaboration with the Olle Engkvist Foundation: 100 MSEK for Nanolab Science Village

Published 16 March 2023 The new collaboration with the Olle Engkvist Foundation is of strategic importance to Lund University’s expansion in Science Village, says Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström. NanoLund at Lund University has established a long-term strategic collaboration with the Olle Engkvist Foundation, which intends to support the purchase of equipment for Nanolab Science Village to the tune - 2025-02-21

A unanimous committee passed Cansu Bostan into doctorhood

Published 17 June 2022 Cansu Bostan (left) shaking the hand of the external reviewer, Dr Katrin Seidel (right). Behind them are examining committee member Mark Goodale (far left), and assistant supervisor Martin Ramstedt. On Friday, June 17, Cansu Bostan successfully defended her dissertation Games of Justice: Ethnographic Inquiries on Space, Subjectivity and Law in Northern Kurdistan. She is now - 2025-02-21

Martin Joormann has defended his thesis

Published 3 May 2019 Martin Joormann defended his doctoral thesis in Sociology of Law ”Legitimized Refugees: A Critical Investigation of Legitimacy Claims within the Precedents of Swedish Asylum Law” today Friday 3rd May at 10 o'clock in Kulturen's Auditorium, Tegnérsplatsen in Lund. The external reviewer was Professor Åsa Wettergren, Göteborg University.Abstract på engelskaThis study focuses on a - 2025-02-21

Three Doctoral Students Receive SASNET Travel Grant

By sandra [dot] jakobsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Sandra Jakobsson) - published 1 March 2023 Soumi Banerjee, Tabita Rosendal and Sunny Gurumayum were all chosen to receive this semester's SASNET Doctoral travel grant. Read more about their individual projects here. SASNET has decided to award travel grants to three doctoral students at Lund University. They will use the grant to fund their fi - 2025-02-21

PhD Thesis Defence: The Street of Associations - Migration and Infrastructural (Re)Production of Norra Grängesbergsgatan, Malmö

Published 29 August 2022 Cover: Lund University On Friday September 2, Laleh Foroughanfar is defending her PhD thesis in Architecture and Built Environment, "The Street of Associations - Migration and Infrastructural (Re)Production of Norra Grängesbergsgatan, Malmö". Welcome to attend! Laleh Foroughanfar will be defending her PhD thesis The Street of Associations - Migration and Infrastructural (R - 2025-02-22

NIAS SUPRA Nordic Scholarship

Published 11 May 2017 Apply for the SUPRA Nordic scholarship before 1 June 2017. The SUPRA Nordic scholarship is one of the most important features of NIAS' Support Programme for Asian Studies. It is designed to make NIAS’ digital library and other resources accessible to PhD candidates and MA students in the Nordic countries. The scholarship covers inexpensive travel to and from Copenhagen and ac - 2025-02-21

The Swedish Interdisciplinary Graduate School in Register-Based Research (SINGS)

Published 16 April 2021 New call 2021 - application period is 14 April–17 May (at 14.00). Programme begins end of November 2021 The Swedish Interdisciplinary Graduate School in Register-Based Research (SINGS) has a truly interdisciplinary profile and is of relevance to all quantitative research fields that use registers in research, such as epidemiology, public health, sociology, demography, psych - 2025-02-21

"Det har varit en stor förmån att få prata med och fotografera dem"

Av maria [dot] lofstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - publicerad 16 oktober 2022 Birgit och Nisse Pettersson. Foto: Ann-Christine Påhlson. Ann-Christine Påhlson har (tillsammans med CASE-doktoranden Christina Heller) fotograferat bilder till utställningen Åldras hemma?, som har vernissage på Stadsbiblioteket i Lund imorgon den 17 oktober. Fotoutställningen finns på plats vecka 42-4 - 2025-02-21