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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 48781 hits

Important Knowlege for the Future Career

Published 28 March 2017 Pavla Kruzela has worked as a teacher at Lund University for 30 years. A few questions to Pavla Kruzela who held a "Career Development Workshop" for master students on Friday the 24th of March. Around 40 students participated. What is the workshop about?– I have held this workshop for the past two years at the Faculty of Social Sciences. It is aimed at students fromTthe Dep - 2025-02-23

Breaking New Ground: 'Living the Sustainability Idea' sets path for student empowerment

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 5 April 2024 Tora Westin, participant in the 'Living the Sustainability Track,' is gearing up to present her idea at the upcoming Sustainability Week 9 April. After two semesters, students showcase their unique sustainability initiatives during Lund's Sustainability Week on 9 April, after following LUSEM's voluntary track - 2025-02-24

Storsatsningar på biodrivmedel skapar svårigheter för småjordbrukare

Av noomi [dot] egan [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - publicerad 1 november 2017 Foto: Genesis Tambang Yengoh I dagarna har EU-parlamentets miljöutskott lämnat ett förslag att grödobaserade biodrivmedel inte ska få räknas som förnybara, vilket skulle påverka bland annat Sveriges strategi att uppnå en fossiloberoende fordonsflotta. Det är bra att EU ser över lagstiftningen kring biodrivm - 2025-02-23

Trädplantering – ingen universallösning för klimatet

Av noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - publicerad 17 september 2019 Trädplantering. Foto: Most Photos. I somras publicerades en uppmärksammad forskningsstudie om hur trädplantering kan bidra till att rädda klimatet. Men många forskare har kritiserat trädplantering som en problematisk metod, som istället riskerar att ta fokus från att vi drastiskt måste minska utsläppen om vi - 2025-02-23

Vikten av förlängd skrivtid

Publicerad 25 februari 2021 Som svenskt lärosäte behöver Lunds universitet se till så att studenter med funktionsnedsättning kommer i jämförbar situation med andra studenter. Du som är kursansvarig eller examinator kan behöva göra justeringar för att undervisningen och examinationen ska vara tillgänglig för studenter som har en funktionsnedsättning. Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash En del student - 2025-02-23

Diskriminering försämrar arbetsmiljön för personer med utländsk bakgrund

Av lovisa [dot] fey_walltin [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (Lovisa Fey Walltin) - publicerad 18 oktober 2024 Ny studie visar på diskriminering i arbetslivet som baseras på etnisk tillhörighet, hudfärg eller religion. Personer med ursprung i Mellanöstern och Afrika är särskilt utsatta för diskriminering och trakasserier i arbetslivet. Denna utsatthet kan leda till minoritetsstress, vilket i sin tur ris - 2025-02-23

Slarv eller misskötsamhet – förebygg så slipper du jobbiga samtal

Av sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - publicerad 23 januari 2024 Till syvende och sist handlar det om allmänhetens förtroende för Lunds universitet som myndighet och våra anställda. Och att vi är en attraktiv arbetsplats för våra medarbetare och kan fullgöra våra uppdrag inom forskning och utbildning. Foto: Mostphotos. Att vara konsekvent sen till möten, vara otrevlig - 2025-02-23

Kaos, konsensus eller kontroll? Ny studie jämför 16 länders pandemihantering

Av ulrika [dot] oredsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulrika Oredsson) - publicerad 31 januari 2021 Coronavirus. Mostphotos På samma sätt som viruset hittade och förvärrade oupptäckta svagheter i mänskliga kroppar så har pandemin hittat och avslöjat svagheter i länders politik och samhällsstrukturer. Det är en av slutsatserna när 59 forskare från 38 universitet gått samman för att jämföra - 2025-02-24

Åtta av universitetets forskare bland världens mest citerade

Av katrin [dot] stahl [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Katrin Ståhl) - publicerad 12 december 2023 Oskar Hansson, professor i neurologi med särskild inriktning mot minnesforskning, är en av åtta högt citerade forskare vid Lunds universitet. Foto: Åsa Hansdotter. Åtta av universitets forskare finns med på Clarivates lista 2023 över de mest citerade forskarna, vilka visat betydande och brett inflytande i - 2025-02-24

Humanist bland ingenjörer återvänder till antiken

Av stefan [dot] danielsson [at] lth [dot] se (Stefan Danielsson) - publicerad 11 april 2019 Charlotte Malmgren är disputerad inom ­humaniora, men har jobbat som adjunkt med att utbilda ingenjörer sedan 1980-talet. Foto: Johanna Olofsson ­Ingenjörarkeolog? Det yrket existerar inte. Men ­Charlotte Malmgren har vigt sitt liv åt att fläta samman perspektiven. Mor, far, bror och morfar är ingenjörer. S - 2025-02-24

Nordic award for research into what is wrong with beta cells in type 2 diabetes

Published 27 April 2015 In type 2 diabetes, the body’s cells are unable to assimilate the essential hormone insulin which is produced in the beta cells of the pancreas. Exactly what is wrong with the beta cells in type 2 diabetes is the question to which Professor Erik Renström at Lund University Diabetes Centre is searching for an answer. After just over twenty years of successful research in the - 2025-02-23

Join LUCSUS at Sustainability week 17-22 April!

By Cecilia [dot] von_Arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 28 March 2023 Join LUCSUS at this year's Sustainability Week. We are organising and participating in events on climate litigation, science and activism, and the role of the arts in the climate crisis. Sustainability week is an annual event in Lund organised as a joint venture by Lund University and Lund muni - 2025-02-23

A new beginning for the King’s House

By jan [dot] olsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 16 February 2024 What was the rear of the King’s House has become the front, with the creation of new entrance through a former window recess now opening onto University Square. Photo. Kennet Ruona The packing crates are emptied, new furniture is in place, the art is hung, and the tech is working. The Offices of the - 2025-02-24

Huntington’s – a complex brain disease that affects movement, thoughts and feelings

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 18 May 2022 Åsa Petersén has been researching Huntington’s disease for 25 years and means that a lot can be done to reduce suffering, increase quality of life and make various adaptations for both the patient and their loved ones. Photo: Agata Garpenlind Huntington’s disease is hereditary, genetic and usually begins betw - 2025-02-23

Helping earthquake victims in Nepal

Published 11 September 2015 “My first project was about giving poor families in Thailand the opportunity to send their children to school. A student and I helped set up chicken farms at the schools, which the children took care of. The money they earned by selling the eggs on the markets covered their school fees”. Leif Bjellin. Photo: Gunnar Menander So says Leif Bjellin, now retired from Lund Un - 2025-02-23

Sustainable supply chain management is the answer to more sustainable food production and consumption.

Published 30 November 2016 Olga Chkanikova defends her doctoral dissertation on 2 December 2016. Doctoral dissertation defence on 2 December. Can unsustainable patterns of food production and consumption become more sustainable through corporate practices of sustainable supply chain management? Yes they can, argues Olga Chkanikova in her doctoral dissertation, focusing on how retailers purchasing - 2025-02-23

KHM x MMM Lecture series

Published 7 March 2018 Tori Wrånes, 2018 © The artist The lecture comittee of Malmö Art Academy and Moderna Museet Malmö invite you to a series of lectures and artist talks created in collaboration.We will present a broad programme of internationally based artists in a seletion based on our shared interests and separate points of departure.We hope to contribute to the art-scene in Öresund with new - 2025-02-23

New research project will analyse how emerging media practices and art can support the SDG:s

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 20 January 2021 Mixed-reality project “Breathe” by Diego Galafassi and collaboration with Phi-Centre (Canada) and Crimes of Curiosity (U.S.A.)). Photo: Diego Galafassi. Diego Galafassi, researcher at LUCSUS, is leading a new research project on emerging media practices. Using co-creation, and a practice-led approach, the aim i - 2025-02-23

NIAS SUPRA Nordic Scholarship

Published 11 May 2017 Apply for the SUPRA Nordic scholarship before 1 June 2017. The SUPRA Nordic scholarship is one of the most important features of NIAS' Support Programme for Asian Studies. It is designed to make NIAS’ digital library and other resources accessible to PhD candidates and MA students in the Nordic countries. The scholarship covers inexpensive travel to and from Copenhagen and ac - 2025-02-23

A unanimous committee passed Cansu Bostan into doctorhood

Published 17 June 2022 Cansu Bostan (left) shaking the hand of the external reviewer, Dr Katrin Seidel (right). Behind them are examining committee member Mark Goodale (far left), and assistant supervisor Martin Ramstedt. On Friday, June 17, Cansu Bostan successfully defended her dissertation Games of Justice: Ethnographic Inquiries on Space, Subjectivity and Law in Northern Kurdistan. She is now - 2025-02-23