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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 48708 hits

Skånska barn med diabetesrisk ska följas i 15 år

Publicerad 17 juni 2010 TEDDY- studien har sedan 2004, med hjälp av navelsträngsblod, identifierat skånska barn som har en ökad ärftlig risk att få diabetes. Nu fortsätter studien med uppföljning av 2 500 av dessa barn tills de blir 15 år. Forskarna hoppas att TEDDY-studien ska ge svar på varför barn får diabetes. Typ 1 diabetes drabbar nästan 1,5 procent av alla barn som föds i Sverige. Det betyd - 2025-02-21

Raoul Wallenberg Institute has to become more visible in the public debate

Published 13 October 2015 “We have to become much better at actively pursuing human rights issues in the public debate”, says Morten Kjaerum who since last spring is new director at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute in Lund. His goal is to make the Institute more visible: within the University, locally, nationally and internationally. Morten Kjaerum at Raoul Wallenberg Institute LUM’s meeting with Mo - 2025-02-21

Samband mellan glutenmängd och risk för celiaki bekräftas i stor studie

Publicerad 13 augusti 2019 En stor studie bekräftar att mängden gluten sannolikt inverkar på risken att utveckla celiaki. I den nya långtidsstudien från Lunds universitet ingår barn från flera länder. Studien är av observationstyp och påvisar därför inte orsakssamband, men den är den hittills mest omfattande i sitt slag. Resultaten presenteras i den ansedda i tidskriften JAMA.Sammanlagt har drygt - 2025-02-22

Meet IIIEE researcher Alvar Palm

Published 21 January 2016 IIIEE researcher Alvar Palm Local inspiration behind increases in solar powerInstalling a solar power plant is increasingly popular among Swedish homeowners. Despite nationally applied policies and subsidies, however, PV systems are much more common on house roofs in some municipalities than in others. When IIIEE researcher Alvar Palm tried to find an explanation for this - 2025-02-21

Astronomers determine the age of three mysterious baby stars at the heart of the Milky Way

Published 13 December 2023 The image, taken with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile, shows a high-resolution view of the innermost parts of the Milky Way. Photo: ESO. Through analysis of high-resolution data from a ten-metre telescope in Hawaii, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have succeeded in generating new knowledge about three stars at the very heart of - 2025-02-21

Researchers: "Leadership is overestimated; rely more on employees"

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 13 June 2019 Stefan Sveningsson and Mats Alvesson. Photo:Louise Larsson Leadership is merely one among an arsenal of tools at the disposal of managers and employees to create a well-functioning group or organisation, according to organisational researchers Mats Alvesson, Stefan Sveningsson and Martin Blom at the School - 2025-02-21

Turistinvasioner i populära städer studeras i nytt projekt

Av kristina [dot] lindgarde [at] kansli [dot] lth [dot] se (Kristina Lindgärde) - publicerad 12 april 2019 Weekendresor till populära städer har ökat rejält under de senaste tio åren. Ett nytt projekt ska skapa innovativa lösningar som motverkar de problem som turisterna leder till. Här en bild från Louvren i Paris. Foto:Matej Kastelic/Mostphotos Planerar du att resa utomlands? Om det tidigare gic - 2025-02-21

En växande global elit flyger tusen gånger mer än genomsnittet

Av kristina [dot] lindgarde [at] kansli [dot] lth [dot] se (Kristina Lindgärde) - publicerad 21 oktober 2019 En normsättande global elit flyger alltmer. Bild: MostPhotos. En ny rapport har kartlagt tio internationella offentliga personers flygvanor under ett år. Resultatet visar på enormt stora koldioxidutsläpp, flera tusen gånger mer än genomsnittet. Slutsatsen är att global mobilitet är intimt f - 2025-02-21

Nytänkande till hjälp för utsatta barn

Publicerad 11 november 2016 Ulrika Westrup och Katja Lindqvist Kommunerna har idag svårt att hantera den akuta ökningen av antalet utsatta barn. Problemen har lett till tung arbetsbelastning för de anställda – och till allt längre väntetider för barn som behöver stöd snabbt. Ett nytt forskningsprojekt som leds av institutionens forskare Katja Lindqvist och Ulrika Westrup har precis startat. ”Vi ko - 2025-02-22

Framtiden utan antibiotika – så kan den bli

Av Cecilia [dot] von_Arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - publicerad 17 februari 2021 Vad kommer att hända när vi inte längre har fungerande antibiotika? Foto: Unsplash Den växande antibiotikaresistensen är en av vår tids stora utmaningar. Men om vi förbereder oss i tid, behöver den postantibiotiska framtiden inte bli en nattsvart dystopi. Det menar forskare bakom en ny popu - 2025-02-22

En växande global elit flyger tusen gånger mer än genomsnittet

Av kristina [dot] lindgarde [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Kristina Lindgärde) - publicerad 21 oktober 2019 En normsättande global elit flyger alltmer. Bild: MostPhotos. En ny rapport har kartlagt tio internationella offentliga personers flygvanor under ett år. Resultatet visar på enormt stora koldioxidutsläpp, flera tusen gånger mer än genomsnittet. Slutsatsen är att global mobilitet är intimt förkn - 2025-02-22

Two master students from the Department of Strategic Communication are awarded the Swedish Institute Scholarship

Published 2 November 2016 From left; Ivanna Read, Tatiana Proskurina On the 16 and 17 of September 2016 Ivanna Read and Tatiana Proskurina, Master students at the International Master programme in Strategic Communication (year 1) had the opportunity to attend the welcome event for the Swedish Institute (SI) Scholars. The Ceremony was held in Stockholm City Conference Center, where around 400 schol - 2025-02-21

Astronomers to develop new spectrograph for giant telescope

By johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 21 August 2024 Artistic illustration of the ANDES (ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph) spectrograph. Image: ESO. In 2028, the first observations will be made at the world's largest optical telescope being built in Chile. It is now clear that the facility will be equipped with a powerful spectrograph tha - 2025-02-21

October batch published

Published 9 September 2024 Batch #9 was published today. Approximately 20 rooms available from 1st October. October batchToday (9 September), the ninth batch of available housing for Autumn 2024 was published. This housing is available from 1st October. In some cases, the previous tenant may have moved out earlier, so if you are in need of an earlier move-in date, please contact us.If you have alr - 2025-02-21

Measurement of microwave photons could reveal mysteries of the universe

Published 2 February 2023 Ville Maisi leads a project focusing on the detection of microwaves and X-ray microscopy. The picture shows a circuit board with a microwave photodiode to be used to make detectors that can identify microwave photons. Photo: Waqar Khan Ville Maisi, senior lecturer at the Department of Physics at Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering (LTH) and researcher at NanoLund, ha - 2025-02-21

Reconfigurable transistors important in future semiconductors

Published 7 June 2023 The picture shows the millimetre-sized chip on which the transistors are embedded. Photo: Anton Persson Reconfigurable transistors are key elements in the development of future semiconductors. As conventional transistors approach the limit of how small they can become, more functions in the same number of units will become increasingly important in developing small and energy - 2025-02-21

Tackling Agenda 2030 through SIGHT Fellows Programme in Global Health Leadership

Published 27 June 2018 LUCSUS researcher Vasna Ramasar has been appointed as fellow to the SIGHT Fellow Programme in Global Health Leadership.  The programme aims to promote an emerging generation of global health leaders, based at research institutions in Sweden, by focusing on the gaps in relation to leadership skills and international networks. The SIGHT Fellows were identified as upcoming lead - 2025-02-21

Staff exchange – see the world

Published 12 September 2024 Are things the same, but different or just plain different? How do students enroll? What is it really like to be a teacher or administrator at a business school in Spain, or South Africa for that matter? With grants such as Erasmus + we actually have a chance to find out for ourselves. Would you like to see first-hand how your counterpart at another university goes abou - 2025-02-21

Winners of CH Witt's Award from LUSEM

Published 25 September 2024 Jörgen Carlsson and Niklas Sandell, researchers and lecturers in accounting and corporate finance at LUSEM are receiving the CH Witt Memorial Award for their article in the journal Balans, about how the debate around group accounting sounded 30 years ago. What was special about the debate back then compared to now? "The major difference between the debate then and now, - 2025-02-21

Epigenetic changes to fat cells following exercise

Published 4 July 2013 Exercise, even in small doses, changes the expression of our innate DNA. New research from Lund University in Sweden has described for the first time what happens on an epigenetic level in fat cells when we undertake physical activity. “Our study shows the positive effects of exercise, because the epigenetic pattern of genes that affect fat storage in the body changes”, says - 2025-02-21