A Chloroplast Localized Small Heat Shock Protein, Hsp21. Importance of Hsp21 in stress protection of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana, recombinant expression and characterization of oxidation-dependent conformational changes.
Popular Abstract in Swedish När en organism utsätts för stress, t. ex. vid hög temperatur, starkt solljus, torka eller köld, produceras särskilda hjälpar-proteiner, s. k. ¨stress-proteiner¨. Syntesen av cellens normala proteiner stängs av och istället produceras bara stress-proteiner. Dessa stress-proteiner är till för att skydda andra protein som skadas under stress. De s. k. ¨värme-stress¨ proteA specific group of heat shock proteins, the so called small heat shock proteins (sHsps), exists in all organisms but are especially abundant in plants. The sHsps prevent aggregation of other proteins (substrate proteins) during transient heat and oxidative stress. Molten globule forms of the substrate proteins are kept in a re-folding competent state by binding onto the outer surface of the sHsp.