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Your search for "Canvas" yielded 3286 hits


Frequently asked questions 1. Am I eligible? 2. What are the chances to be admitted? 3. I am placed in a reserve list. Will I be admitted?  4. Where can I find the course schedule and other course information? 5. How can I use freestanding courses?   1. Am I eligible? Our department does not evaluate general eligibility. The evaluation is performed during the processing of your application. No pre - 2025-02-25

GIS för samhällsbyggnad och miljö

EXTG75 OBS: kursen kan endast läsas av LTH-studenter. Den sökes via LTH kursanmälan. Kursens innehåll Denna kurs vänder sig till dig som vill få inledande kunskaper om behandling och analys av geografiska data med geografiska informationssystem, (GIS). Den ger också en inblick i ämnet naturgeografi och hur GIS och fjärranalys kan användas för att studera landskapsprocesser. Kursen ger en god grund - 2025-02-25

Quantitative Data Analysis in R - SIMM61

15 CREDITS | AUTUMN TERM The aim of this course is for the student to develop an understanding of key concepts and principles guiding the use of quantitative methods, relate the use of quantitative methods to social science theory building and assessment, acquire practical skills with regard to the performance of statistical analysis and visualisation in R, and develop the ability to independently - 2025-02-25

The Structure of Social Theory - SIMP58

7.5 CREDITS | SPRING TERM In this course, the student will learn to understand and review the structures of social theories. OverviewAbout the courseIn contrast to courses that teach theory only from the perspective of given scholars, themes, and content, this course aims to demystify theory-driven research by making the practical knowledge of meta-theory explicit. The student will thereby acquire - 2025-02-25

Globalisation, Conflict, Security and the State - SIMP02

15 CREDITS | SPRING TERM Globalisation is a contested notion, which relates to the debates on changes and continuities in international relations. The objectives of this course are to provide you with different theoretical perspectives to critically analyse (a) the continuing relevance of the state and (b) positive and negative consequences of globalisation processes for various dimensions of secu - 2025-02-25

Theory of Science for the Social Sciences - SIMM23

7,5 CREDITS | SPRING TERM OverviewWhat social sciences is all aboutWhy do I need to take a course on the philosophy of science? Isn't this something that should be left to people who can get excited over the most abstract theories and philosophies? Philosophy of science – or theory of science, as it is called in this course – is in fact no exotic undertaking but lies at the very basis of what soci - 2025-02-25

Quantitative Methods: Multivariate Analysis - SIMM32

7,5 CREDITS | SPRING TERM OverviewUsing advanced quantitative analysisThis course introduces the most widespread methods of multivariate analysis in social sciences. The course aims to give you knowledge of the multivariate statistical techniques most commonly used within the social sciences,as well as an understanding of the kind of research questions that each technique can be used to address.Te - 2025-02-25


Padlet är ett verktyg för att skapa digitala samarbetsytor som lätt går att dela mellan deltagare. Så funkar PadletPadlet är ett webbaserat verktyg för att skapa digitala samarbetsytor/anslagstavlor som är enkla att dela och som flera personer kan arbeta med samtidigt. Verktyget passar bra till flera olika aktiviteter, så som brainstorming, presentationer och samarbetsprojekt. Man kan enkelt skapa - 2025-02-25

GIT-projekt med Pythonprogrammering

EXTP40 Kursen kan ENDAST läsas av LTH-studenter och sökes via LTH kursanmälan. Kursens innehållAnvändning av och kunskap om programmeringsspråk som används inom utveckling av och kommunikation med dagens GIS-program och applikationsmiljöer inom GIT är av stor betydelse för studenter som vill specialisera sig i dessa inriktningar.I projekt ingår att söka och inhämta speciell kunskap för genomförand - 2025-02-25

Webb GIS

NGEN26 / EXTN10 Kursens innehåll I denna kurs kommer du att utforska teoretiska och praktiska begrepp inom Webb-GIS (Internet GIS). Den teoretiska delen av kursen behandlar tekniken bakom Webb-GIS som arkitekturlösningar, märkspråk (t.ex. HTML, XML, SVG och GML), skriptspråk (mest Javascript), webbkartografi, geoportaler och internationella standarder. Den teoretiska delen innehåller också ett sem - 2025-02-25

Untasted pressrelease-floormap 0

Microsoft Word - Full-Pressrelease_Untasted.docx OSKAR PERSSON. UNTASTED MFA-Exhibition, KHM2, Digital Version Malmö Art Academy 15 May – 30 May 2020 Here’s to an exhibition that was never done. Forever. Untasted. It looks simple. After all, it’s hard to see. These pictures were taken sometime in November, from what I can recall. Because time is appearing so strange nowadays. Some of it, at least. - 2025-02-25

Instructions, Gendering the Classics, Spring 2022

[Version 1, October 21, 2021] Ph.D. Course, Gendering the Classics Faculty of Social Sciences, Spring 2022 Course Coordinator: Helle Rydström Gendering the Classics, Spring 2022 Course Instructions Sessions Each course session is composed of: ➢ A brief lecture given by a teacher to provide an overview of the literature under a specific course theme and highlight the connections between mainstream,%20Gendering%20the%20Classics,%20Spring%202022.pdf - 2025-02-25

Schema SGEC03 Vt21 vers201116

Schema SGEC03 Vt21_vers201116.xlsx Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi SCHEMA Samhällsgeografi: praktik Kurskod: SGE C03 Kursperiod: 2020-01-18 till 2021-03-23 (VT21) Datum Dag Tid Typ Moment Lärare Sal 2020-12-01 Tisdag - E Sista dag att skicka in praktikavtal LS mail/post 2021-01-18 Måndag - Första dagen på praktikplatsen - - 2021-02-18 Torsdag 15-17 S Mi - 2025-02-25


Postadress Box 7080, 22007 Lund Besöksadress Tycho Brahes väg 1 Telefon växel 046-222 00 00 E-post fö Internet Nationalekonomiska inst i tut ionen Välkommen till hösten fördjupningskurser i Nationalekonomi (31–90 hp) Vi tycker det är mycket trevligt att du har valt att fortsätta dina studier i nationalekonomi och hoppas du ska finna studierna på fördju - 2025-02-25

Untasted pressrelease-floormap

Microsoft Word - Full-Pressrelease_Untasted.docx OSKAR PERSSON. UNTASTED MFA-Exhibition, KHM2, Digital Version Malmö Art Academy 15 May – 30 May 2020 Here’s to an exhibition that was never done. Forever. Untasted. It looks simple, after all it’s hard to see. These pictures were taken sometime in November, from what I can recall. Because time is appearing so strange nowadays. Some of it, at least. - 2025-02-25

Teach at the undergraduate and master's level

Courses and study programmes at the Faculty of Medicine are based on student-centered learning and incorporate activities designed to stimulate active learning. Student-centered and active learningIn the pedagogical action plan of the undergraduate education board, student-centered and active learning is central. Student-centered learning means that the student is seen as an active co-creator in l - 2025-02-26