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Your search for "Canvas" yielded 3168 hits

Education on Bachelor's and Master's level

Degree projects, course evaluation and credit transferOn the faculty's Sharepoint pages (in Swedish), which are open to all staff within the faculty, you can find information about:Rules and recommendations for first-cycle degree projectsRules and recommendations for second-cycle degree projectsManagement of credit transfer in first and second cycle educationClarifications and recommendations for - 2025-02-23

Ecosystems Analysis

NGEA04 Course contents By taking this course you will increase your understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes or events that link organisms and their environment. Through a combination of lectures and exercises you will gain both theoretical and practical understanding of ecosystems and ecosystem analysis. You will learn about ecosystem processes, ecosystem-atmosphere exchan - 2025-02-23

Qualitative Analysis and Coding (using software) - SIMM48

7,5 CREDITS | SPRING TERM Qualitative data can help us to understand the world, build theory, and advance knowledge. But how does qualitative analysis work – how can we systematically organize, process, integrate, and understand qualitative data? OverviewData Analysis for the Social SciencesThis course provides the opportunity to focus in depth on qualitative analysis in both theory and practice, - 2025-02-23

Geographical Information Systems, advanced

GISA22 This course is intended for you to take after GISA21. Course contents In this course, you will learn advanced GIS techniques and analyses. The course is a balanced mix of theoretical foundation and practical applications. It contains eight modules including:remote sensingdigitalisation and image rectificationmap accuracy assessmentinterpolationdatabases (management, SQL, meta data)advanced - 2025-02-23

Computational Content Analysis for the Social Sciences - SIMM71

7,5 CREDITS | AUTUMN TERM This course is aimed towards students who have some prior knowledge of quantitative research methods and wish to further develop their understanding of content analysis, and ability to independently apply computational methods of extracting content features from digital texts and images. Overview Course content The course focuses on content analysis as a method to gain kn - 2025-02-23

Methods in Contemporary Middle Eastern Studies - SIMM53

7.5 CREDITS | AUTUMN TERM This course in Methods in Contemporary Middle Eastern Studies is designed to introduce students to the methodological debates and methods engaged in Middle Eastern Studies. Overview Course content This course aims to provide students with a broad-based training in research methodologies which enables them to use a range of research instruments and analyse different types - 2025-02-23

Methods of Text and Discourse Analysis - SIMM27

7,5 CREDITS | SPRING TERM What is text? How does one analyze a discourse? What does it mean to have texts and documents as research material? OverviewIntegrating theory and practiceThis course is aimed at providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the use of text and discourse analytical methods within the social sciences, and to convey the necessary practical skills required for their ap - 2025-02-23

MSc in Welfare Policies and Management

Congratulation and welcome to the course Welfare Regimes in Transition. Comparative Perspectives on Policies, Management and Reform (WPMP01) We are happy to welcome you to the Department of Political Science, Department of Sociology and School of Social Work at Lund University  Compulsory introductory and registration meeting The semester starts with a compulsory introductory and registration meet - 2025-02-23

Free software

As a student at Lund University, you have free access to different software that you can use in your studies, for example Microsoft Word, SPSS and Matlab. Office 365Office 365, i.e. Word, PowerPoint and Excel, for example, is available to you for free and can be used on your own computer. Click on the link below to get information about how to get access to the programs via your student account.Ho - 2025-02-23

About Quality and Progress System

Why and how has QPS been developed? QPS is a development initiative based on cross-faculty needs and national requirements. QPS is the result of several years of workshops, surveys, and meetings with faculty teachers to align local needs with the current international knowledge and development landscape.For the UKÄ quality review, systematicity is needed to quality-assure and develop the programs. - 2025-02-23

Föreläsningar med Studieverkstaden

Vid ett antal tillfällen varje termin erbjuder Studieverkstaden föreläsningar som alla studenter vid Lunds universitet är välkomna till. Nedan hittar du information om vilka föreläsningar som erbjuds denna termin, hur du deltar och vad du kan göra för att förbereda dig. Vårterminens föreläsningar 2025Under vårterminen 2025 erbjuder Studieverkstaden endast föreläsningar ute på kurser och program på - 2025-02-24

IT resources

IT information and who to contact Lab computersLog on credentialsYou will get these from your teachers at the beginning of every course. Did they expire? Contact our IT technician Rebecca Anderberg or our IT responsible Rafael Przybyszewski on the support e-mail itsupport [at] mail [dot] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (INES IT support).PrintingUse our multifunctional printer Terrablack or Terra (pdf, ne - 2025-02-23

Political Science: Ontological Security Studies

Congratulations and welcome to the course STVN20! We are happy to welcome you to the Department of Political Science at Lund University. In order to accept and secure our offer please read the information below carefully. Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer will be revoked.Accept our offer by l - 2025-02-23

Så gör du din video tillgänglig

Video hjälper många människor att uppfatta och förstå information. På den här sidan får du tips på hur du kan göra din video tillgänglig för så många som möjligt, oberoende av till exempel funktionsnedsättning. Tillgänglig video gynnar mångaEn video som är tillgänglig hjälper inte bara personer med funktionsnedsättningar, utan även många andra människor. Till exempel är det mycket vanligt att man - 2025-02-25

GISN06 VT2021 course evaluation summary

Course evaluation Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science LU Course Summary for ” Geographical Databases, GISN06” vt 2021 Course coordinator: Zheng Duan Teachers in the course: Zheng Duan, Pengxiang Zhao Number of students: 27 registered students at different study speed as detailed below. GISN06 50% LU-53833: 10 students are registered GISN06 50% LU-53843 : 4 students are registered GISN06 25% L - 2025-02-25


Postadress Box 7080, 22007 Lund Besöksadress Tycho Brahes väg 1 Telefon: växel 046-222 00 00 E-post fö Internet Nationalekonomiska inst i tut ionen Välkommen till höstens grundkurs i Nationalekonomi (NEKA12) Introduktionsmöte Dag och tid: Måndagen den 2 september, kl. 09.15-10.00. Ekonomie kandidatprogrammet. Måndagen den 2 september, kl. 10.15-11.00. - 2025-02-25

Psp 190410 nr3 protokoll

PROTOKOLL 3:2019 LUNDS UNIVERSITET Institutionen fo r psykologi Ledning sgruppen fo r psy k ologprogrammet Narvarande ledamoter Martin Wolgast Ordforande Kristian Almquist Studievtigledare Maja Bengtsson Strath Studerande te 6 Bengt Brattgard Ltirarlag kurs I 0 Daiva Daukantaite Ltirarlag kurs 12 Tomas Jungert Ltirarlag kurs 5 Tomas Kempe Ltirarlag kurs 8 Sammantradesdatum 2019-04-10 Inst for psyk - 2025-02-25

Schema MVEA10 HT21

MILJÖVETENSKAP Preliminärt schema höstterminen 2021 Kurs: Grundkurs i Miljövetenskap MVEA01, HT2021 Kursansvarig: Katarina Hedlund Lokaler: Lokaler i Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37 samt Biologihuset, Sölvegatan 35 Litteratur: Kursbok: Environment- The Science behind the Stories, 5e upplagan,, global edition Withgott, Laposata, Förlag-Pearsons, ISBN 9781292063317. Motsvarande läroböcker i Miljövetensk - 2025-02-25