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Your search for "Canvas" yielded 3156 hits

Business Model Generation for a Start Up Enterprise Within the Transport Infrastructure Industry

Transports, and transport infrastructures enable and deliver vital societal functions in today’s society. At the same time, as sustainability becomes more and more important these sectors fail to enable the rate of change that international and national policies calls for. The electrification of the transport sector is a key driver of the future’s sustainable transport system, and the number of el

Barn och ungdomars lärande och samspel i grupp

MULE43 Kursen Barn och ungdomars lärande och samspel i grupp fokuserar på ledarskapets betydelse för det sociala samspelet mellan människor i olika sammanhang. Kursen tar upp frågor om lärande i relation till sociala och kulturella faktorer. Dessutom relateras begreppen utveckling och lärande till undervisningspraktiken med fokus på barns och ungdomars lärande och samspel i grupp i musikundervisni - 2025-02-23

SASI03 2022 Schedule 220701

SASI 03- Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science: Concepts, Challenges and Approaches in Sustainability Studies Schedule 2022 Time Course activity Week 1: This week is all about introductions. We will introduce the course, including schedule and assignments, as well as present fundamental issues regarding sustainability, including concepts, debates, perspectives, and history. Monday, Augu - 2025-02-24

Ny student

Är du antagen till studier hos oss? Då vill vi hälsa dig varmt välkommen! Här har vi samlat allt du behöver veta inför terminsstarten. Checklista – detta behöver du göra innan terminsstarten: 1. Läs välkomstinformationen Musikhögskolan i Malmö skickar ut ett välkomstmejl innan skolstart med information inför läsårsstarten. Läs det! 2. Aktivera ditt studentkonto Det första du behöver göra är att ak - 2025-02-23

Get to know people in the digital classroom

A lot of students who study remotely feel like they don’t have anyone to talk to. The digital study environment doesn’t always encourage social interaction and if you don’t have any real-time teaching on top of that, it can feel like an almost impossible project to get to know new people. Even though the study environment in a course depends a lot on the teacher, there are also ways for you as an - 2025-02-23

How to work with data

When working in our computer labs, we'd like to ask you to follow this procedure. Doing so will help you avoid data loss. Copy original data from R: to C:\Tempdata\Typically, you will use software to work with data. Your teacher will tell you where to get the data from. Usually this will be from a folder in network drive R:. Copy it to the local folder C:\Tempdata\ on the computer you are using.Do - 2025-02-23


Nationalekonomiska institutionen Välkommen till distansutbildningen i nationalekonomi hösten 2024 Vi tycker det är mycket trevligt att du har valt att läsa våra introduktionskurser i nationalekonomi. Vi hoppas du ska finna dina studier intressanta och utvecklande. Det förekommer inte något introduktionsmöte. Obligatorisk webbregistrering för alla studenter Du måste registrera dig för att behålla d - 2025-02-24

Cosm10 course schedule 2020

COSM10 course schedule 2020 Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies COSM10 Asian Studies: Asian Studies, 6 credits Autumn semester 2020, 31 August – 23 September Course schedule Course information The course offers an introduction to critical, interdisciplinary Asian Studies, its historical origin, research history, and some cross-cutting issues in contemporary research. Included are also int - 2025-02-24

Middle Eastern Studies: Theory and Society - SIMP46

15 CREDITS | SPRING TERM The aim of the course is to examine the utility of theoretical concepts, perspectives and approaches to the understanding of lived experiences in Middle Eastern societies. OverviewAbout the CourseThe student will examine a broad range of theoretical traditions and their application to studying the region. In addition to examining a series of theoretical perspectives, the s - 2025-02-23

Designing Research in Social Sciences - SIMM52

7.5 CREDITS | AUTUMN TERM This course aims to provide the student with an understanding of and skills in research design in the social sciences. Overview Course content The course aims to provide the student with an understanding of and skills in research design in the social sciences. More specifically, the following issues are covered by the course: research approaches,  applied philosophy of sc - 2025-02-23

Document Research - SIMM59

7.5 CREDITS | AUTUMN TERM This course surveys the main genres of document-based research, such as secondary data research and archival research, and provides some depth regarding selected types of such research. Overview Course content The course surveys mostly qualitative approaches, including thematic analysis, (qualitative) content analysis, and narrative analysis. It discusses also some quanti - 2025-02-23

Minutes Equality Board 20230531

Microsoft Word - Minutes Equality Board meeting 20211108 Minutes 20230531 Equality board Kansliet Zsófia Boda Maj Hasager Kristian Kimbré, Youngjae Lih My Sjöberg Equality Board 31. May 2023 Present: Zsófia Boda, Maj Hasager, Kristian Kimbré, Youngjae Lih Formalities 1. Opening of the meeting 2. The agenda and supplements are approved 3. Approval of the previous minutes 4. Checklist and SFAD prese - 2025-02-24

SESA01 Welcomeletter VT25

SESA01_Welcomeletter_VT25 Welcome! Welcome to the course The Fashion Market: Innovation and Fashion Forecasting! In this course you will get an insight to how trend analysis can be understood and how innovation creates new conditions for trend analysis. The course includes different theoretical perspectives and takes a critical approach to how trend analysis can be conducted. All important informa - 2025-02-24

Statsvetenskap: Policy processer - aktörer, drivkrafter och konsekvenser

Grattis till din plats och välkommen till studier i statsvetenskap och kursen STVN10! Välkommen till statsvetenskapliga institutionen vid Lunds universitet och studier på avancerad nivå! Nedan följer information som du behöver ta del av för att ta din studieplats i anspråk. Det är viktigt att du läser igenom informationen ordentligt. Svarskrav Glöm inte att tacka ja till din plats senast måndagen - 2025-02-23

Statsvetenskap: Offentligt ledarskap

Grattis till din kursplats i offentligt ledarskap (STVB14)! Välkommen till statsvetenskapliga institutionen vid Lunds universitet och vår distanskurs Offentligt ledarskap 7,5 hp (STVB14). Nedan följer information som du behöver ta del av för att ta din studieplats i anspråk. Det är viktigt att du läser igenom informationen ordentligt. Svarskrav Glöm inte att tacka ja till din plats senast måndagen - 2025-02-23