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Your search for "2025" yielded 21091 hits

Current Dynamics Programme 2024-2025 V3

CURRENT DYNAMICS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA NEW PERSPECTIVES IN POLITICAL ECONOMY AND COMPARATIVE POLITICS SEMINAIRE EUROPÉEN / BIMESTRIEL Vendredi / 14h-18h Lieux : Inalco, Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille, Paris 7e ; ou CERI, Paris 7e. COORDINATION Elsa Lafaye de Micheaux, CASE, Inalco; Astrid Norén-Nilsson, ACE, Lund; David Camroux, CERI, Sciences Po; Delphine Allès, CASE, Inalco. COMITÉ SCIENTIFI - 2025-02-23

Current Dynamics in Southeast Asia 2024-2025

CURRENT DYNAMICS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA NEW PERSPECTIVES IN POLITICAL ECONOMY AND COMPARATIVE POLITICS SEMINAIRE EUROPÉEN / BIMESTRIEL Vendredi / 14h-18h Lieux Inalco, Maison de la recherche, 2 rue de Lille, Paris 7e ; ACE, Sölvegatan 18, Lund ou CERI, 28 rue des Saints Pères, Paris 7e. COORDINATION Elsa Lafaye de Micheaux, CASE, Inalco ; Astrid Norén-Nilsson, ACE, Lund; David Camroux, CERI, Sciences P - 2025-02-23


Calculation - estimating the costs of a project Guidance 1/21/25 Guidance "Full cost estimate for funding application" is to be enclosed with the application. It is not compulsory to use this calculation, which is intended to provide support in estimating the costs of a project. General information about the calculation - The formulas in the calculation are not protected. - The starting year can b - 2025-02-23

Dairy Technology 2025

Dairy technology – Commissioned education 1/3 Dairy Technology – Commissioned education DEPARTMENT OF PROCESS AND LIFE SCIENCE ENGINEERING, LUND UNIVERSITY Dairy Technology The course aims to provide a scientific background and fundamental knowledge of milk from a chemical, physical and microbial point of view as well as an introduction to processes in the dairy industry. The course is offered as: - 2025-02-23

Dairy Processing 2025 version okt 2024

Dairy technology – Commissioned education 1/3 Dairy Processing – Commissioned education DEPARTMENT OF PROCESS AND LIFE SCIENCE ENGINEERING, LUND UNIVERSITY Dairy Technology The course aims to provide a scientific background and fundamental knowledge of traditional and new technolog- ical processes within the dairy industry. The course is offered as: • Full course Dairy Processing (3 weeks) • Subje - 2025-02-23