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Your search for "2025" yielded 21081 hits

SCORAI Europe Conference 2025

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! Registration takes place on the ConfTool conference platform in two steps, a) create a profile, and b) register for the conference. Publish in one of the two Special Issues organized by the conference. KEYNOTES: The past, the present, and the future of sustainable consumption Learn more about the conference keynote speakers Mainstreaming Sustainable Consumption The SCORAI Eu - 2025-02-21

MultiPark (Future Frontpage 2025)

Pioneering research on neurodegenerative diseases and related brain disorders How we aim to understand, treat, and cure Almost 50 research groups with broad expertise Our core comprises everything from experimental researchers and chemists to doctors and health scientists Multidisciplinary research, from molecule to patient Our researchers conduct in-depth investigations in 12 special interest gro - 2025-02-21