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Your search for "2025" yielded 21823 hits


MultiPark MultiPark (Multidisciplinary Neuroresearch on Parkinson´s and Alzheimer´s) is a strategic research area (SRA) supported by the Swedish Government. Through a comprehensive scientific programme we aim at unraveling basic disease mechanisms, improving diagnostics precision, and developing efficient methods of treatment and carefor people affected by neurodegenerative diseases. Building on a - 2025-02-27

Sustainability Forum Events

Cross-border collaborations Sustainability Forum links together and strengthens existing sustainability initiatives and creates common arenas for discussions and collaborations. We organise events that are open for researchers, students, partners and the general public. Hosting a sustainable event Environmental requirements and other sustainability requirements for meals and transport for those wh - 2025-02-27


Sustainability research in close collaboration with society 20 years of sustainability research For over 20 years, LUCSUS has been at the forefront of sustainability research. We tackle complex issues of governance, equity, and social justice, in relation to climate, land, urban, energy and biodiversity. We collaborate and co-design our research together with actors outside of academia, both local - 2025-02-27

Seminars, Conferences and other Events

Seminars, conferences and other activities at LUCSUS At LUCSUS we organises different activities and events in connection to our research, education, and impact work, often in close collaboration with partner organisations and civil society. On this page you can find some of our previous events. If you want to know more about our upcoming events please see the event calendar on our webpage. Resear - 2025-02-27


Leading environmental and climate research We conduct cutting-edge and renowned research on the environment and climate. Education in environmental science CEC offers undergraduate and postgraduate education in environmental science. Previous Next Play Pause Our research Projects and networks Collaboration Our partners PhD studies Collaborative platforms Join our team! Open positions Calendar Link - 2025-02-28

Courses in teaching and learning in higher education

HÖGSKOLEPEDAGOGISKA KURSER Courses in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Högskolepedagogik) are a prioritised area of development for LUSEM. Continuous development in this field is important both for new and more experienced teachers.The majority of courses in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education are provided by the Division for Higher Education Development (AHU – Avdelningen för högs - 2025-02-27

Civil Society and Social Movements

The research area conducts research linked to changes in the public sector and civil society with a special focus on welfare policy and social work. Research projects in the field study the changing conditions and organization of welfare, as well as how civil society is affected by, affects, and is involved in the development of the welfare state. In the area, comparative analyzes are made of civi - 2025-02-27

Lund Social Science Methods Centre

The Lund Social Science Methods Centre is committed to the application and development of social science research methods and the exploration of new ways of investigating society and human behaviour. We strive to cultivate and employ the full range of social and behavioural science research methods and we encourage and grow from interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration. Please contact the cent - 2025-02-27


Läs mer om QPS Ett digitalt verktyg för systematisk bedömning och återkoppling, examination och kvalitetssäkring av utbildningarna på Medicinska fakulteten. Logga in i QPS Ange ditt Lucat-ID ( i Microsofts inloggningsruta. Till dig som är ny student Välkommen till Medicinska fakulteten! Här har vi samlat allt som du behöver veta för att komma igång med QPS - ett verktyg som du kom - 2025-02-27


The research at the department of Service Studies takes its starting point in current societal problems where the service sector is in focus. It questions, provides new perspectives and show sustainable options moving forward in the service society. Consumption, Marketing & Retail Management, Organisation & Work Sustainability, Resources & Services Tourism, Place & Mobility Culture and Creativity - 2025-02-27

Samhällsvetenskapligt metodcentrum

Lunds universitets samhällsvetenskapliga metodcentrum arbetar med tillämpning och utveckling av samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder. Vi utforskar nya sätt att undersöka samhället och mänskligt beteende. Samhällsvetenskapligt metodcentrum strävar efter att utveckla och använda hela skalan av samhälls- och beteendevetenskapliga forskningsmetoder. Vi uppmuntrar och växer genom tvärvetenskapligt u - 2025-02-27

Research at the Department of Business Administration

The research at the Department of Business Administration has a strong academic character and is empirically oriented with studies of both public organisations and private businesses. In addition to the internal operations of organisations, the focus is also on the broader socio-economic, cultural and political conditions in which organisations operate. The researchers at the department have exten - 2025-02-28


Vi forskar för bättre hälsa Så förebygger vi sjukdom med förbättrad diagnostik och innovativa behandlingar Studera Har du precis gått ut gymnasiet? Har du jobbat i några år – eller kanske många år? Oavsett var du är i livet har vi en utbildning för dig! Program och kurserAntagningspoängKompetensutveckling och vidareutbildning Att studera på universitetet En guide om hur universitetsstudier fungera - 2025-02-28