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Your search for "2025" yielded 21978 hits
Foto: Johan Persson Om oss Konstnärliga fakulteten består av Konsthögskolan, Musikhögskolan, Teaterhögskolan och centrumbildningen Inter Arts Center. Här bedrivs utbildning och forskning inom fri konst, teater, musik och musikpedagogik. MusikhögskolanTeaterhögskolanKonsthögskolanInter Arts Center Aktuellt Matserutställning på Konsthögskolan Felix Christansson, 21 feb - 8 mar Masterutställning på - 2025-02-27
Get research ethics advice from our scientific ombudsman Do you have a question regarding scientific publishing, authorship, and research collaborations?If so, turn to Per Odin, the Faculty of Medicine's scientific ombudsman, for advice and support. Free access to scientific graphic tool, BioRender Find out how to get access here! Cancer research receives largest donation to Lund University in mod - 2025-02-28
00 Beslutslista RS 250220
Understanding and explaining pressing sustainability challenges and driving social change. Welcome to Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies, an interdisciplinary centre for research, teaching and impact. Research that matters Lund University ranked third in the world in QS Sustainability Ranking Making an impact for sustainability beyond academia 25 years of sustainability research and - 2025-02-27
Nuvarande student - 2025-02-27
start-EN - 2025-02-27
Hej medarbetare! Välkommen till Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetens interna webbplats. Årsöversikt över återkommande utlysningar Jag vill: Anmäla mig till doktorandkursAnmäla mig till högskolepedagogisk kursAnmäla mig till metodworkshopBoka lokalHitta forskningsfinansieringLäsa beslut och styrdokument Bli en del av fakultetens metodcentrum Tagga din LUCRIS-profil med rätt nyckelord och gör din metod - 2025-02-27
Admission to Master Programme, Clarinet
Admission to Master Programme, Flute
Start - 2025-02-27
Read our latest newsletter (in Swedish or translate it in your web browser)! News for teaching – new tools, inspiration and an updated calendar Login shortcuts CanvasCanvas SurveyInsperaMentimeterOuriginalPadletQPSStudioZoom Current themes for those who teach at Lund University. Generative AI tools Accessibility Creating videos Activities this spring Accessibility Tuesday – lunchtime webinar on th - 2025-02-27
Kontakta KEFU
The Role of the Causal Inquiry for Finding Breaches of Human Rights Obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights
About the Faculty
Organisation Faculty management, Faculty board and committees Work at the Faculty of Law Open positions and information on how to apply Contact Find contact information Faculty overview The Faculty of Law is one of Lund University’s four original faculties, dating back to 1666. Strategies and guidelines Strategies and guidelines translated into English. Research supportService and resources Calen - 2025-02-27
Startpage - 2025-02-27
Upcoming Events Doctoral Courses Partner Universities About the Development Research School Subscribe To Our Newsletter Doctoral Courses Making Foreign Aid Work: Managing Tensions Between Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches Governance and the Sustainable Development Goals Power, Justice and (De)coloniality in Development Methodology and Field Studies Upcoming Events and Activities Link to RSS 5 Marc - 2025-02-27
Admission to Master Programme, Vocal Studies
Leapfrogs - 2025-02-27
News from Sentio - 2025-02-27