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Implementering Projekt Insikt

The government saw the negative effects of increased alcohol consumption in Sweden and Welfare gave the mandate to further develop an idea to counter the trend. The idea was presented and a decision was taken. When Ängelholms municipality was able to take advantage of opportunities on the basis of these decisions was launched Projekt Insikt. Decisions were taken on municipal management and the thr

Föreställningar om familjen på förskolan: språkets betydelse för en reproducering av den heteronormativa kärnfamiljen

Syftet med den här kandidatuppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida andra familjekonstellationer än den normativa kärnfamiljen är synliga på förskolan. Jag ville ta reda på hur pedagoger pratar med barnen om familjen och om andra familjekonstellationer än den traditionella heterosexuella kärnfamiljen är synliga i material på förskolan. Jag ville också undersöka om det finns en uppfattning om familj och

Vad De Andra blir då Vi inte är... kultur, patriarkala strukturer och heder i dagens mångkulturella Sverige

Denna uppsats syftar till att synliggöra bakomliggande föreställningar kring begreppen ”kultur”, ”patriarkala strukturer” och ”heder” i dagens mångkulturella Sverige. Utifrån material som diskuterar hedersproblematik görs med ett diskursanalytiskt tillvägagångssätt en analys som fokuserar på vilka uppfattningar och synsätt som ligger till grund för bakomliggande föreställningar kring begreppen ”kuThe objective of this essay is to visualize the understanding of ”culture”, ”patriarchic structure” and ” honor” in multi-cultural Sweden today. Based on material discussing the issues of honor, a discourse analysis is used to show the underlying mindset about the concept mentioned before. The influence of the language is emphasized from a post-structural perspective, this because it creates an o

Ungdomshuset - Resistance Within a Normalization Process and the Production of Subversive Situations

This thesis answers questions of what it is that constitutes a struggle enclosing the conflict between Ungdomshuset and the municipality of Copenhagen during the years of 2006-2008 and what this struggle produces in terms of different stories and different futures. The purpose is to create a link between a poststructuralist critique and a critical theoretical strategy as the thesis argues that suc

CFD Simulations of Flow and Pressure Distribution in a Coarse Industrial Self Cleaning Filter

The intention of this master thesis is to model the internal flow of an Alfa Laval course Filter with 20 cm inlet and normal outlet (ALF20), which is an automatic self cleaning filter aimed to rinse the cooling water upstream the inlet of a compact heat exchanger. Along the automatic cleaning process the ALF20 turn into a flushing and a back flushing operation mode. The ALF20 consists of a filter

Vad stressar de anställda? En intervjustudie av en specialförmedling inom arbetsförmedlingen

Många organisationer har idag problem med stressade anställda, och det kan ibland vara svårt att finna specifika anledningar till detta. Syftet med föreliggande explorativa studie var att undersöka varför de anställda på en specialförmedling inom Arbetsförmedlingen upplevde stress. Undersökningen gjordes i form av tematiserade halvstrukturerade djupintervjuer av sex anställda. Resultatet visade at

ReDesign of RollNap - a technical and aesthetical development of a napkin dispenser

This report is part of a Master Thesis in Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Design at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. The Master Thesis was performed at SCA, a global paper company that operates within the segments personal care, tissue, packaging, publication papers and solid-wood products. SCA sells products in more than 100 countries. Tork is the global brand name for SCA prod

Möjligheter och paradoxer inom sociala företag

The purpose of this thesis has been to examine the condition under which Social Enterprises exist on the market. Also how it affects the that they are a part of the social economy and the third sector. The study is based on qualitative interview as method. Six Social Enterprises has been interviewed. Social Enterprises as seen as an arena is heterogenic. The enterprises have the same ground va

"Unga kvinnor": fallstudier av KBT i grupp inom ramen för ett samverkansprojekt

This is an explorative qualitative study of a cognitive-behavioural group treatment (CBT) with seven young women within the framework of a larger project. The project’s main objective was to get participants to start working or studying. The function of our particular treatment program was to help the participants reach this goal. Group CBT treatment included psychoeducational components as well a

Hästhållning på näringsfastighet - En analys av Skatteverkets ställningstaganden om 13 kap 1 § tredje stycket Inkomstskattelägen (1999:1229), IL, och tolkningsförslagets förankring i gällande rätt.

Sedan införandet av det tidigare skattesystemet genom 1928 års kommunalskattelag (1928:370), KL, har de svenska skattereglerna för inkomstbeskattning av en fysisk persons näringsverksamhet genomgått en rad materiella och strukturella förändringar. I kommunalskattelagens ursprungliga lydelse stadgades särskilt en särreglering gällande verksamheter med anknytning till en jordbruksfastighet och

Som en väv med stygn och sömmar. Tolkning och reflektion över IKT och organisering. En fallstudie av Svenska institutet

Problem: Among the few studies within the field of organizational communication that deals with technology, it is unusual to reflect upon the complex relation between ICT and organization and still connect it with social practice. Purpose: To elucidate and problematize the constitution of ICT and organization, through the concepts of power relations and sense making processes. Methodology: To crit

Kommunikationsstrategier för framgångsrik marknadsföring via sociala medier: att involvera organisationens intressenter för ett gemensamt värdeskapande

Communication strategies for successful marketing through social media More and more organizations recognize that it is now time to explore new ways of marketing for a more co-creating and value-added communication with its stakeholders. Social media as a meeting place is an area where many people come, making it an ideal venue to communicate with organizations. But how should organizations behave

Parallel trade in the pharmaceutical industry - benefitting whom?

The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether restrictions to parallel trade in the pharmaceutical industry, distorting the internal market, are treated differently by the Court of Justice compared to other sectors, on grounds of the specific characteristics of the pharmaceutical sector. For this purpose the focus is on restrictions deriving from dominant pharmaceutical companies’ refusal to su

An analysis of Gold Market Volatility

This essay had tested for the significant influence of USD index and Euro index on Gold market traded in Dollar and Euro. The results show that the mean return of Gold in both markets is affected by the USD index as well as Euro index. However the variance in each market is only significantly affected by the currency that the market is being traded. Applying APGARCH shows that Gold market variance

Expected Shortfall as a Complement to Value at Risk - A study applied to commodities

Basel II requires Value at Risk (VaR) as a standardized risk measure for calculating market risk. However, the validity of the risk measure has been questioned since it neglects the losses beyond the VaR level. Expected Shortfall (ES) is a response to this limitation, as it is defined as the average of the losses ignored by VaR. This study applies VaR and ES to three commodities; gold, oil and cor

Kan religiösa manifestationer påverka vår könsjämlikhet?

Religionsfrihet är en grundläggande mänsklig rättighet. Artikel 9 i Europakonventionen reglerar religionsfriheten och dess begränsningar. Konventionen är inkorporerad i svensk lagstiftning och ska således tillämpas i Sverige. Med anledning av det så kallade handskakningsmålet ställs religionsfriheten i förhållande till arbetet mot ett könsjämlikt arbetsliv. Frågan väcks och diskuteras huruvida relFreedom of religion is a fundamental human right. Article 9 of the European Convention regulates religious freedom and its limits. The Convention is incorporated in Swedish law and has to be applied in Sweden. On account of the so-called handshake-case, the freedom of religion is put in relation to work towards a gender-balanced working life. The question is raised and discussed whether freedom of

How SMEs make their decision for choosing an optimal ERP provider by using AHP method

Nowadays, most small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are seeking information technique(s) or packaged software for improving their market competitiveness. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system could be a good choice regarding it is a powerful system which is integrated software for operating different perspective of a business, all information within organization would be flow between eac

Hur olika faktorer påverkar minnesprestation - en analys med användning av bootstrap

The current paper examines to what extent different factors influence our ability to remember. Data used in the analysis origins from a psychological memory experiment conducted at the University of Lund. During the study phase of the experiment, participants viewed different objects which could either appear as a word or a picture. The object type was randomly chosen which resulted in varying seq