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The 100 MHz RF system for MAX-II and MAX-III

The MAX-II synchrotron radiation source has since 1997 been operated routinely with a double RF system, 500 MHz active plus 1.5 GHz passive. Four Landau cavities have successfully provided increased Touschek beam lifetime, and damping of coupled bunch mode instabilities. However, the delivered power from the present 500 MHz RF system will be marginal for the operation of the planned MAX-II SC wigg

Free-riding in Group Work - Mechanisms and Countermeasures

Studies have shown that group work offers great possibilities for deeper learning compared to some more traditional teaching formats [1], but it can also lead to some new problems such as free-riding. Different aspects of group psychology and behaviour as well as impropriate group sizes can be used to explain why and how free-riding develops in groups. With careful course planning teachers can ser

Iterative decoding of generalized low-density parity-check codes

A generalization of Gallager's low-density parity-check codes is introduced, where as component codes single-error correcting Hamming codes are used instead of single-error detecting parity-check codes. Low-density (LD) parity-check codes were first introduced by Gallager in 1963. These codes are, in combination with iterative decoding, very promising for achieving low error probabilities at a rea

Street canyon microclimate in traditional and modern neighbourhoods in a hot dry climate - a case study in Fez, Morocco

The urban climate can vary considerably within cities. In a hot and dry climate, the micro¬climate at street level depends to a large extent on the urban geometry and building density. To be able to plan and design comfortable urban areas in the future, it is important to understand how different urban textures influence the climate. This paper deals with a case study in Fez, Morocco, where climat

Dispossession, displacement and human security

Dispossession and displacement have made their imprint on the lives of uncounted millions, and continue to pose the gravest threat to security for many more. The ascent of neoliberalism to global hegemony in recent decades – in all its multifarious and contextually path-dependent varieties – has radically changed the landscape of human vulnerability and security. Its successes in massive global an

Effect of water contamination on the diffused content of hydrogen under stress in AISI-52100 bearing steel

Popular Abstract in Swedish Abstract Hydrogen embrittlement is a degradation process of mechanical/tribological properties (toughness, wear etc.) of mating steel surfaces. This is caused by the presence and interaction of hydrogen with applied stresses. Therefore, it is important to quantify the hydrogen content which could be dissolved under applied stresses in steel. Water contamination of lubriAbstract Hydrogen embrittlement is a degradation process of mechanical/tribological properties (toughness, wear etc.) of mating steel surfaces. This is caused by the presence and interaction of hydrogen with applied stresses. Therefore, it is important to quantify the hydrogen content which could be dissolved under applied stresses in steel. Water contamination of lubricants is often considered as

Molecular aspects of pheromone evolution in moths

Moths rely on the sense of smell (olfaction) as the main sensory input system in search for potential food sources and in selection of suitable females by males. Specific pheromones are fundamental to the reproductive isolation of species and consequently the olfactory system of moths has evolved to a high level of sensitivity and specificity. This thesis investigates differences between two phero

Skolan och familjen – en modell för salutogent samspel

Att det ska finnas en psykolog i skolans elevhälsa är på förslag från regeringen. Men vad är psykologens uppgifter i skolan? Denna första svenska antologi tar upp de organisatoriska och juridiska/etiska ramarna kring psykologens arbete i skolan, psykologens del av skolans samhällsuppdrag, relationer med elever och familjer, med skolan som organisation såväl som med det omgivande samhället. Psykolo