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Tissue Properties from Quantitative MRI

Quantitative MRI provides reproducible ‘maps’ of biophysical parameters that govern MRI contrast. The basic molecular mechanisms – exchange and diffusion – are outlined in a simple way to explain the major determinants of MRI contrast in the brain (macromolecules, myelinated axons, and iron) and the influence of microscopic subspaces (intracellular, vascular, extracellular–extravascular, and myeli

Law and Social Theory

There is a growing interest within law schools in the intersections between law and different areas of social theory. The second edition of this popular text introduces a wide range of traditions in sociology and the humanities that offer provocative, contextual views on law and legal institutions. The book is organised into six sections, each with an introduction by the editors, on classical soc

Studies of penta-decameric binding proteins: AP-4 and CBF-A

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårt immunsystem är uppbyggt runt två typer av celler som har som uppgift att försvaraoss mot infektioner. T lymfocyterna står för det cellmedierade immunförsvaret som är speciellt viktigt för att bekämpa virusinfektioner med B lymfocyterna har som uppgift att producera antikroppar. Antikroppar finns i alla kroppsvätskor och kan interagera med toxiner, virus och bakteriEach immunoglobulin (Ig) V gene segment contains an upstream promoter region. The octamer element and the TATA box are the only elements that are conserved in all Ig promoters. The presence of the octamer element is necessary, but not sufficient to support high levels of transcription. Therefore, the activity of other co-stimulatory elements is required. This investigation has focused on the study

Abu Dhabi Island: Analysis of Development and Vegetation Change Using Remote Sensing (1972–2000)

Over the past few decades new cities have appeared around the world in undeveloped areas. And although development has expanded significantly and become bolder and more innovative, the above-average scale at which the countries of the Persian Gulf are growing stands one level above the rest. The United Arab Emirates obtained independence in 1971 with a GDP of 6.5 billion Dirhams (US$ 1.6 billion);

“You guys who download stuff illegally, don’t you ever feel guilty?”: Initial analysis of changes in practices and values among Swedish illegal file sharers 2007-2012

The study reports on the practices of illegal file sharing in Sweden during the period 2007-2012. More than 1.000 posts in response to the question “You guys who download stuff illegally, don’t you ever feel guilty?” where analyzed with regard to the respondents’ expressed senses of guilt, whether file sharing was right or wrong, if they buy media, together with dimensions of stakeholders and medi

Protein-Polymer Interaction and Association in Aqueous Solution

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med den här avhandlingen har varit att studera association och växelverkan mellan proteiner och polymerer. Två olika tekniker har använts i dessa studier; datorsimuleringar och fördelning i polymera vattenhaltiga tvåfassystem. Vikten av att studera protein-polymer-växelverkan ligger i att flera biotekniska, och medicinska tillämpningar baserar sig just på proteiThe aim of this thesis has been to study protein-polymer interaction and association. Two different techniques were used; Monte Carlo simulations were combined with partitioning in polymeric aqueous two-phase systems. Monte Carlo simulations have been used to evaluate the hydrophobic interaction in electrolyte solution. The results showed that monovalent salt only slightly increases the hydrophob

Excited States of Carotenoids and Their Functions in Light Harvesting

The research presented in this thesis is focused on characterization of photophysical properties of lowest singlet excited states of carotenoids and their functions in the process of photosynthetic light harvesting. It is shown that the various light-harvesting complexes utilize different strategies to achieve efficient energy transfer from carotenoids to (bacterio)chlorophylls. Any study of energ

Closed form solution for threshold velocity for initiation of sediment motion under waves

The present paper presents a rational expression for the initiation of motion for non-cohesive sediment under rough turbulent wave conditions. Previously proposed relationships for the initiation of motion are examined as well as laboratory measurements corresponding to fully rough turbulent boundary layers (which is normally the case under prototype conditions). By combining the modified Shields

Germany speaking? Rap and Kanak Attak: Dominant Discourses on Language

Young people with migration background in Germany are often seen as having or producing problems. In this chapter, I discuss aspects of the German dominant discourse which still constructs this society as culturally and linguistically homogenous. I confront this perspective with language-based expressions by Germans with migration experience in e.g. Rap texts or political manifestos. While it is n


Syftet med detta kapitel är att ge en någorlunda representativ bild av de olika fråge­ställningar och teoretiska ansatser som utmärker personlighetspsykologin idag. Kapitlet är uppdelat på två huvudavsnitt, som tar upp två olika slags ansatser inom personlighetspsykologin. I det första avsnittet behandlas den del av personlighets­psykologin som studerar avgränsade personlighetsegenskaper och hur m