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Sameh Egyptson: Sensus, ställ krav på Ibn Rushd!

Folkbildningsrådet och de kristna studieförbunden Sensus och Bilda tycks nu fortsätta samarbetet med Ibn Rushd som om inget har hänt. Jag befarar därför att förtroendekrisen nu kommer att flyttas till Folkbildningsrådet och de båda kristna studieförbunden: Sensus och Bilda. Särskilt Sensus får bära ett stort ansvar för denna kris.

Searching for novel cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of tau pathology in frontotemporal dementia : An elusive quest

Background Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a pathologically heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder associated usually with tau or TDP-43 pathology, although some phenotypes such as logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia are more commonly associated with Alzheimer's disease pathology. Currently, there are no biomarkers able to diagnose the underlying pathology during life. In this study,

Longitudinal tau and metabolic PET imaging in relation to novel CSF tau measures in Alzheimer’s disease

Purpose: Studies comparing CSF and PET tau biomarkers have included only commercial CSF assays examining specific phosphorylation sites (e.g. threonine 181, P-tau 181p ) and mid-domain tau (i.e. total tau, T-tau). Moreover, these studies did not examine CSF tau levels in relation to cerebral glucose metabolism. We thus aimed to examine CSF tau measures, using both commercial and novel assays, in

A network analysis of chronic pain rehabilitation program registry data: Structure, change, and responder analyses

Background: Efforts to identify specific variables most related to outcomes in interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation are challenged by the complexity of chronic pain. Methods to manage this complexity are needed. In this study we apply network analysis to a large sample of people seeking interdisciplinary pain treatment. The purpose of the study was to determine the network structure entailed in t

Tauopathy-Associated Tau Fragment Ending at Amino Acid 224 Is Generated by Calpain-2 Cleavage

BACKGROUND: Tau aggregation in neurons and glial cells characterizes tauopathies as Alzheimer's disease (AD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), and corticobasal degeneration (CBD). Tau proteolysis has been proposed as a trigger for tau aggregation and tau fragments have been observed in brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Our group identified a major tau cleavage at amino acid (aa) 224 in CSF


Refugees have moved into the spotlight of public debate in Europe and North America, where they are targeted by multiple welfare state interventions. This volume analyses the tensions that emerge within the strong welfare states of Northern Europe when faced with an increased immigration of protection-seeking people. Examining the encounter between refugees and the welfare states, this book explor

Application of positive matrix factorization (PMF) to real time aerosol mass spectrometry measurements in an occupied apartment in Sweden

Introduction Given that in developed countries we spend about 65% of our time in private homes (Brasche et al. 2005), understanding the exposures in homes is of outmost importance. Airborne particle concentrations indoors can be affected by particles of indoor and outdoor origins, as well as physico-chemical processes indoors, outdoor infiltration affected by tightness of the building envelope and

Analysis of neurodegenerative disease-causing genes in dementia with Lewy bodies

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a clinically heterogeneous disorder with a substantial burden on healthcare. Despite this, the genetic basis of the disorder is not well defined and its boundaries with other neurodegenerative diseases are unclear. Here, we performed whole exome sequencing of a cohort of 1118 Caucasian DLB patients, and focused on genes causative of monogenic neurodegenerative di

Advancing gene therapy for epilepsy. Translational pre-clinical studies with neuropeptide Y and glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder, affecting approximately 1% of the population. The high rate of drug-resistance in epilepsy in general (30%), and temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in particular, pose a serious clinical problem. Thus, novel treatments for drug-resistant epilepsy is highly warranted. Gene therapy has been suggested to be a promising approach to target drug-resistant focal epilepsy si

Sflash - First results of direct seeding at flash

The free-electron laser facility FLASH at DESY (Hamburg) was upgraded during a five month shutdown in winter 2009 [1]. Part of this upgrade was the installation of a direct seeding experiment in the XUV spectral range. Besides all components for transport and diagnostics of the photon beam into and out of the accelerator environment, a new 10m long variable-gap undulator was installed upstream of

Macro-pulse generation in a storage-ring free-electron laser : A single-particle plus FEL numerical approach

In a storage-ring free-electron laser (FEL), the onset and growth of intra-cavity power at the resonator wavelength can be naturally accompanied by coherent emission at higher harmonics. Contrary to what happens in singlepass linac-based devices, the electron beam is re-circulated in the storage ring and, while the microbunching becomes "thermalized" from turn to turn, the evolution of other bunch

sFLASH - First results of direct seeding at FLASH

The free-electron laser facility FLASH at DESY (Hamburg) was upgraded during a five month shutdown in winter 2009 [1]. Part of this upgrade was the installation of a direct seeding experiment in the XUV spectral range. Beside all components for transport and diagnostics of the photon beam in and out of the accelerator environment, a new 10 m long variable gap undulator was installed upstream of th

Highly-efficient removal of Pb(II), Cu(II) and Cd(II) from water by novel lithium, sodium and potassium titanate reusable microrods

In this work, we report on the efficient removal of heavy metal ions with nanostructured lithium, sodium and potassium titanates from simulated wastewater. The titanates were obtained via a fast, easy and cost effective process based on extraction of sulfate ions from the crystals of titanyl sulfate and their replacement with hydroxyl groups of NaOH, LiOH and KOH solutions leaving the Ti-O framewo

Luminescence of divalent lanthanide doped BaBrI single crystal under synchrotron radiation excitations

Luminescence excitation spectra of BaBrI single crystals doped by divalent lanthanide ions are studied using synchrotron radiation excitations from the MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring. The energy of the edge and the formation of core cation exciton as well as the energy threshold of the multiplications of electronic excitations is found. It was clearly established the energy transfer from intrinsic lu