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Addressing the design-implementation gap of sustainable business models by prototyping : A tool for planning and executing small-scale pilots

Next to the redesign of industrial products and processes, sustainable business model innovation is a strategic approach to integrate environmental and social concerns into the objectives and operations of organizations. One of the major challenges of this approach is that many promising business model ideas fail to reach the market, which is needed to achieve impact. In the literature, the issue

Indigenous Knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction

The importance of indigenous knowledge in reducing risk from disasters andnatural calamities has been widely discussed in the social sciences by scholarsarguing for integrative frameworks and participatory processes. This type ofknowledge is vital for archipelagic developing countries, such as the Philippines, situated in a geographical area exposed to natural hazards. However, despite itspotentia

Danmarks teaterkarta ritas om

Rikard Loman skriver om var dansk teater befinner sig idag och vart den är på väg. Artikel om dansk samtidsteater utifrån intervju med teaterkritikern Anne Middelboe Christensen.

Hybridization patterns between two marine snails, Littorina fabalis and L. obtusata

Characterizing the patterns of hybridization between closely related species is crucial to understand the role of gene flow in speciation. In particular, systems comprising multiple contacts between sister species offer an outstanding opportunity to investigate how reproductive isolation varies with environmental conditions, demography and geographic contexts of divergence. The flat periwinkles, L

PET Visualized Stimulation of the Vestibular Organ in Menière's Disease

Introduction: The cortical metabolic activity in patients with Menière's disease has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the 18F-FDG cerebral uptake in Menière's patients compared to healthy controls. Method: Eight patients with right-sided Menière's disease and fourteen healthy controls underwent a video head impulse test (vHIT), test of utricular function with ocular

Quality review package for strategic environmental assessments of land-use plans

Increasing application of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of land-use plans has been accompanied by concerns about their quality. This paper suggests a tool for the systematic evaluation of the quality of SEA reports, based on criteria derived from formal SEA provisions, including the draft European Union SEA Directive, general objectives and principles of SEA and reports of good SEA prac

Lipidomic profiles, lipid trajectories and clinical biomarkers in female elite endurance athletes

We assessed whether blood lipid metabolites and their changes associate with various cardiometabolic, endocrine, bone- and energy-related comorbidities of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) in female elite endurance athletes. Thirty-eight Scandinavian female elite athletes underwent a day-long exercise test. Five blood samples were obtained during the day - at fasting state and before and

Prognostic Impact of Menopausal Hormone Therapy in Breast Cancer Differs According to Tumor Characteristics and Treatment

This study investigated how a history of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) impacts clinical outcomes overall and in different subgroups of breast cancer patients. The study included 814 primary breast cancer patients aged ≥50 years in Sweden (2002–2012) with follow-up until 2016. Associations between patient- and tumor characteristics, recurrences, and overall survival were analyzed in relation to

Degrowth in Movement(s) : Exploring Pathways for Transformation

Degrowth is an emerging social movement that overlaps with proposals for systemic change such as anti-globalization and climate justice, commons and transition towns, basic income and Buen Vivir. Degrowth in Movement(s) reflects on the current situation of social movements aiming at overcoming capitalism, industrialism and domination. The essays ask: What is the key idea of the respective movement

Minorities in Yemen Reality and Challenges

Yemen is home to religious and sectarian minorities who represent about 0.5% of the total population. In addition to Muslims, there is a minority of Jews, who’s presence has drastically shrunk over the years due to the multiple violations and displacement they were subjected to. Yemen also has a Bahai minority, who are currently estimated to number around 2,000 individuals. They also have been sub

Lability classification of soil organic matter in the northern permafrost region

The large stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC) in soils and deposits of the northern permafrost region are sensitive to global warming and permafrost thawing. The potential release of this carbon (C) as greenhouse gases to the atmosphere does not only depend on the total quantity of soil organic matter (SOM) affected by warming and thawing, but it also depends on its lability (i.e., the rate at whi

Exploring publication productivity in the Philippines: A 10-year gendered analysis of six academic disciplines

This article presents a gendered analysis exploring publication productivity in the Philippines using bibliometric data from the Web of Science. It investigates the temporal pattern of journal article publications for six disciplines, its gendered distribution, differences between disciplines, patterns of authorship and collaboration, and how much women authors contribute and participate in resear

Temporal trends of sex disparity in incidence and survival of colorectal cancer : Variations by anatomical site and age at diagnosis

Purpose: The incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) varies by age, sex, and anatomical subsite. Few studies have examined the temporal trends of age-specific sex disparity in incidence and survival by age at diagnosis and anatomical site. Patients and Methods: The study was performed on all incident cases of CRC, using data derived from the nationwide Swedish Cancer Register between 1960 and 2014, i

Kombinerad mobilitet för hållbara tjänsteresor

Syftet med studien var att uppnå ett mer hållbart tjänsteresande genom att demonstrera och utvärdera en ny tjänst för kombinerad mobilitet för tjänsteresor. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka hur tjänsteresor inklusive resfria möten (dvs. virtuella möten som sker på distans) genomförs i organisationer och vad som påverkar val av transporter. I studien ingick en processutvärdering, en intervjustudie