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Your search for "*" yielded 532576 hits

Temporal trends of sex disparity in incidence and survival of colorectal cancer : Variations by anatomical site and age at diagnosis

Purpose: The incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) varies by age, sex, and anatomical subsite. Few studies have examined the temporal trends of age-specific sex disparity in incidence and survival by age at diagnosis and anatomical site. Patients and Methods: The study was performed on all incident cases of CRC, using data derived from the nationwide Swedish Cancer Register between 1960 and 2014, i

Kombinerad mobilitet för hållbara tjänsteresor

Syftet med studien var att uppnå ett mer hållbart tjänsteresande genom att demonstrera och utvärdera en ny tjänst för kombinerad mobilitet för tjänsteresor. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka hur tjänsteresor inklusive resfria möten (dvs. virtuella möten som sker på distans) genomförs i organisationer och vad som påverkar val av transporter. I studien ingick en processutvärdering, en intervjustudie

History of Previous Fracture and Imminent Fracture Risk in Swedish Women Aged 55 to 90 Years Presenting With a Fragility Fracture

The term “fracture cascade” refers to the sequence of fragility fractures resulting from the increased fracture risk that occurs with aging and following fractures. Here, we evaluate the sequence of previous fractures in women aged 55 to 90 years presenting with a fragility fracture and subsequent (12 to 24 months) fracture incidence. In this retrospective, observational study, women aged 55 to 90

Simulation of near-infrared light propagation through the thorax of a neonate : Addressing the optimisation of source and detector positions for measuring lung oxygen content in preterm infants

Gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy shortly called GASMAS, is a tunable diode laser spectroscopic technique developed for the measurement of gas present in turbid media. The technique relies on the sharp and specific absorption lines of gases which enables sensitive measurements of gas concentrations in the presence of a scattering solid medium with much broader absorption features. Th

Mitigation of ground vibrations by circular arrays of rigid blocks

Pile driving and other activities in the built environment cause ground vibration at low frequencies. This may result in annoyance to people as well as damage to civil structures. It is known that masses added on the ground surface can have an impact on the vibration levels in the surrounding environment. Hence, employing a semi-analytical model for rigid blocks on the surface of a layered ground,

Signed Names in Japanese Sign Language : Linguistic and Cultural Analyses

This article describes the types of signed names given and used by deaf users of Japanese Sign Language. Drawing from a dataset of 216 signed names, we identify and describe nine strategies for signed name formation. Notably, seven of these represent written Japanese surnames. We explain how language contact with written Japanese characters (kanji) and syllabograms (kana) gives rise to a distincti

Student-oriented, supervisor-led, or externally-driven : balancing the supervision a modern doctorate

Doctoral education in the technical fields has several distinct features, such as, the research is often projectbased, interdisciplinary, dependent on external funding, and affiliated with an industry. In other words, the epitome of a “modern doctorate” (Fillery-Travis, 2017; Lee, 2018). While literature on doctoral supervision in general is abundant (see e.g. Gatfield, 2005; Gurr, 2001; Ives &

Swedish healthcare under pressure

Swedish healthcare, run by local governments at both the regional (county) and the municipal levels, has been under pressure during the last 15 years, following increased scrutiny of performance and demand for cost-containment. Health-care expenditures per capita and levels of resource inputs have grown, but more slowly than in other EU countries. At the same time, the number of elderly people has

Pyritization history in the late Cambrian Alum Shale, Scania, Sweden: Evidence for ongoing diagenetic processes

Detailed diagenetic studies of the late Cambrian Alum Shale in southern Sweden were undertaken across an interval that includes the peak Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion (SPICE) event to evaluate the pyrite mineralization history in the formation. Samples were collected from the Andrarum-3 core (Scania, Sweden); here the Alum was deposited in the distal, siliciclastic mudstone-rich end

Coherent harmonic emission of the elettra storage ring free electron laser in single pass configuration : A numerical study for different undulator polarizations

The optical klystron installed on the Elettra storage-ring is normally used as interaction region for an oscillator free-electron laser, but, removing the optical cavity and using an external seed laser, one obtains an effective scheme for single-pass harmonic generation. In this configuration the high-power external laser is synchronized with the electron beam entering the first undulator of the

Dataset of ptychographic X-ray computed tomography of inverse opal photonic crystals produced by atomic layer deposition

This data article describes the detailed parameters for synthesizing mullite inverse opal photonic crystals via Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), as well as the detailed image analysis routine used to interpret the data obtained by the measurement of such photonic crystals, before and after the heat treatment, via Ptychographic X-ray Computed Tomography (PXCT). The data presented in this article are

Crop residue decomposition and stabilization in soil organic matter

Cropland soils may be sources or sinks for atmospheric CO2. In general, it is assumed that C input into the soil and soil organic matter (SOM) levels are linearly related. This gives rise to environmental concerns regarding the removal of crop residue. In recent years, it has been shown that residue incorporation increases SOM levels to only a small extent, and high C input is not directly benefic

Inhibition of AMPK activity in response to insulin in adipocytes : involvement of AMPK pS485, PDEs, and cellular energy levels

Insulin resistance in obesity and type 2 diabetes has been shown to be associated with decreased de novo fatty acid (FA) synthesis in adipose tissue. It is known that insulin can acutely stimulate FA synthesis in adipocytes; however, the mechanisms underlying this effect are unclear. The rate-limiting step in FA synthesis is catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), known to be regulated through

Gendered Justice Gaps in Bosnia-Herzegovina

A gendered reading of the liberal peacebuilding and transitional justice project in Bosnia–Herzegovina raises critical questions concerning the quality of the peace one hopes to achieve in transitional societies. By focusing on three-gendered justice gaps—the accountability, acknowledgement, and reparations gaps—this article examines structural constraints for women to engage in shaping and implem