Jarl Kulle 1927-1997
Short biographic entry, film actor Jarl Kulle.
Short biographic entry, film actor Jarl Kulle.
Germline protein truncating variants (PTVs) in the FANCM gene have been associated with a 2–4-fold increased breast cancer risk in case-control studies conducted in different European populations. However, the distribution and the frequency of FANCM PTVs in Europe have never been investigated. In the present study, we collected the data of 114 European female breast cancer cases with FANCM PTVs as
The central problem of this thesis is estimating receiver-sender node positions from measured receiver-sender distances or equivalent measurements. This problem arises in many applications such as microphone array calibration, radio antenna array calibration, mapping and positioning using ultra-wideband and mapping and positioning using round-trip-time measurements between mobile phones and Wi-Fi-
The present reasoned bibliography was published in Swedish in 1990 as part of a series of reports issued by Linköping University, Arbetsrapporter från Tema Kommunikation, as number 1990:4 in the series. It gained some diffusion among history of photography specialists in the Nordic countries, but was never printed. In the thirty years that have passed since then, no new and comprehensive reasoned
The incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma has increased during the last decades in Sweden as in many other countries. Besides of ultraviolet radiation and constitutional factors such as light-sensitive skin and poor ability to tan few risk factors are established. Some studies indicate that electromagnetic fields might be of concern. In this case-control study we assessed use of mobile and cor
Four novel poly(phenylene oxide)-based anion exchange membranes were investigated for electrochemical performance, ionic conductivity and water transport properties in an operating anion exchange membrane fuel cell (AEMFC) , using Pt/C gas diffusion electrodes with Tokuyama ionomer. The poly(phenylene oxide)-membranes have a 1- or 5-carbon alkyl spacer between the backbone and a trimethylalkylammo
Background: The changing health care environment promotes the adoption of new information technologies to connect patients and health care providers. However, individuals greatly vary in their ability to use new digital systems, and in their feelings regarding integrity and validation. Caregivers in southern Sweden plan to implement a new digital primary health care (DPHC) service, and patients’ e
This chapter examines how the practice of compulsory voting was debated in Belgium and France at the turn of the twentieth century. Two principal arguments in favour of compulsory voting stand out. One builds on the concept of ‘true’, ‘exact’ and ‘mirror’ representation. Abstention, it is argued, creates a ‘false’ and ‘corrupt’ image of majority will; by summoning all voters, parliaments will be m
Interhospital intensive care unit-to-unit transfers are an increasing phenomenon, earlier mainly studied from a patient safety perspective. Using data from video recordings and participant observations, the aim was to explore and interpret the observed nature of the patient’s situation during interhospital intensive care unit-to-unit transfers. Data collection from eight transfers resulted in over
Internationally, Sociology of Law is most often located in centers of various kinds, as subjects or networks within faculties or as one or a couple of people within faculties. Sociology of Law and Law and Society research is thus spread around the world in many kinds of formations and there are several networks coordinating the field thematically and geographically. These two fields attract a highThe overarching aim of this report is to use it in our future and continued development work at our Sociology of Law Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University. Another aim is also to keep it in a book for historical reasons: important documents and specific data have a well-known tendency to disappear, after some time.Internationally, Sociology of Law is most often located in centers
OBJECTIVES: The present study validated data that had been reported to the Swedish Quality Registry for Cleft Lip and Palate (CLP) under new requirements from 2016, when use of the 5-year-old (5YO) and the Modified Huddart and Bodenham (MHB) indices for rating occlusion in children born with unilateral CLP (UCLP) was introduced. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample included blinded study casts (n = 9
UV absorption from carbon nanoparticles is a very interesting astrophysical topic. The prominent hump centred at 217.5 nm is the most dominant feature in the interstellar extinction curve and also the most controversial and a long-standing problem in astrophysics. At the University of Milano an experimental set-up based on a Pulsed Microplasma Cluster Source has been developed for the investigatio
The need for modelling of materials behaviour under various mechanical conditions is driven by the evolution of computer capacity and the ability of scientists to address complex mechanical problems. Reliable models for materials behaviour, including accurate numerical values of parameters, are necessary for a continued beneficial development of the computational side of solid mechanics. High rate
In comparison with other animal venoms, fish venoms remain relatively understudied. This is especially true for that of the lesser Echiichthys vipera and greater weever fish Trachinus draco which, apart from the isolation of their unique venom cytolysins, trachinine and dracotoxin, respectively, remain relatively uncharacterised. Envenomation reports mainly include mild symptoms consisting of noci